Setup Coral Dev Mini- mdt devices - AttributeError: module 'asyncio' has no attribute 'get_running_loop' - google-coral

I have all the requirements for setting up the coral dev mini as suggested on the site:
I run the python3 -m pip install --user mendel-development-tool
And it shows the mdt Path warning: You might see a warning that mdt was installed somewhere that's not in your PATH environment variable. If so, be sure you add the given location to your PATH, as appropriate for your operating system. If you're on Linux, you can add it like this:
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
I have tried this and also try adding different paths, but I am coming up short. What is the path I am point towards?


winpty error Access is denied when executing mdt commands with Google Coral dev board in Windows 10

I have followed the Getting started with the dev board for the Google Coral dev board on Windows 10 through step 3, but I have changed
echo "alias python3='winpty python3.exe'" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "alias mdt='winpty mdt'" >> ~/.bash_profile
alias python3='winpty C:/Users/jimmu/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe'
alias mdt='winpty C:/Users/jimmu/AppData/Roaming/Python/Python39/site-packages/mdt'
because I got the error winpty: ... Not found in PATH. While
python3 --version
correctly returns the python version (Python 3.9.7), executing
mdt devices
results in the error
winpty: error: cannot start 'C:/Users/jimmu/AppData/Roaming/Python/Python39/site-packages/mdt devices': Access is denied. (error 0x5)
I have already turned off App execution aliases as in the StackOverflow issue winpty python.exe whenever you enter python. I'm really stuck as almost all of the articles I can find are using MACs or Linux, so I'm not seeing what I need to do to make the Coral dev board work with Windows 10. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I get an error when I try to install ROS on VMware fusion 12 pro

I'm trying to install ROS on my VMware fusion 12, but after updating the bash file as per the installation document, I get an error when I enter roscore in the terminal. The error seems to be that my VMware cannot ping itself. It also affected me using openCv. It offers a solution which asks me to ping an IP address, however when I do this I get another error which I also included in this question. Thanks for your help!
Here is the error
This causes because of wrong configuration of ros parameters .
Check your ros parameter configuration on the VM
Keep in mind that roscore and all other ros commands run without root permission
### Configuring the parameter on VM ####
export YOUR_VM_IP=
#setting ROS_MASTER_URI as VM's_ip ####
If this not work manually add above the ROS parameters lines on ~/.bashrc executing the following commands
sudo vim ~/.bashrc
sudo source ~/.bashrc
sudo source ~/.profile
Also check my answer on Robotics.Stackexchange for accessing master/remote ros notes correctly.
How to call remote ROS node on mobile robot through laptop using wifi?
Also try this link Setting up ROS on a virtual machine
Hope this will somewhat help you !

Manage the path to the venv for pipenv

Is it possible to tell pipenv where the venv is located? Perhaps there's something you can put in the pipfile, or something for the .env file?
I fairly frequently have to recreate my venv because pipenv seemingly loses track of where it is.
For example, I started a project using Pycharm to configure the file system and create my pipenv interpreter. It created the venv in ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/my-project-ZbEWMGNA and it was able to keep track of where that interpreter was located.
Switching to a terminal window & running pipenv commands then resulted in;
Warning: No virtualenv has been created for this project yet! Consider running pipenv install first to automatically generate one for you or seepipenv install --help for further instructions.
At which point I ran pipenv install from the terminal & pointed pycharm at that venv, so the path would become ~/apps/my-project-ZbEWMGNA (which sits alongside the project files ~/apps/my-project)
Now I've got venvs in both paths and pipenv still can't find them.
mwalker#Mac my-project % pipenv --where
mwalker#Mac my-project % pipenv --venv
No virtualenv has been created for this project yet!
mwalker#Mac my-project % ls ~/apps
mwalker#Mac my-project % ls ~/.local/share/virtualenvs
Yes, it is possible by setting environment variables. You can set a path for virtual environments via the WORKON_HOME. Or have the virtual environment created in the project with PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT.
Pipenv automatically honors the WORKON_HOME environment variable, if you have it set — so you can tell pipenv to store your virtual environments wherever you want
If set, creates .venv in your project directory.
In my experience, PyCharm will uses the existing venv created by Pipenv. Otherwise it will create it in the directory that PyCharm is configured to create it.

Have to reset $PATH on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows Linux Subsystem

I am new to Linux Subsystem. I am trying to use a package in miniconda. Now after installing miniconda in order for it to work you need add the path like this:
export PATH=~/miniconda/bin:$PATH
I do this and the conda works. I exit the terminal and when I come back and look at my $PATH (using echo $PATH) I see is reset and I have to do it again. What should do for it to stick?
Set and export the PATH variable in your .bashrc file
vi ~/.bashrc

why we include path before using pip command

When ever we try to run the command pip intall nltk or pip install numpy we get error that pip is not recognized as internal or external command then we add pip to the path. I want to know that what is path and why we add link in path. Any one help please.
From the Linux Information Project:
PATH is an environmental variable in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems that tells the shell which directories to search for executable files (i.e., ready-to-run programs) in response to commands issued by a user. It increases both the convenience and the safety of such operating systems and is widely considered to be the single most important environmental variable.
So basically it's a list of directories in which the shell looks to find commands.
Let's say your pip is installed at /usr/local/bin/pip, and /usr/local/bin/ is not in your PATH variable, the shell won't be able to find pip.
If you're using Python virtual environment, like python3 -m venv my-venv, you usually have to source bin/activate under my-venv, which adds all scripts under my-venv/bin to your PATH variable for the current shell. Then your shell will be able to find the virtual environment-specific scripts.
Since PATH is set by the login shell, when you close the current shell and open a new one, the variable gets reset. Then you have to call source bin/activate under my-venv again to get shell look into your virtual environment.
