Why QProcess is not showing stdout from bash script executed in remote server? - grep

I made an script (findx.h) that doesn't have any problem when i ran it on Solaris server via console (bash-3.2$ ./findx.sh)
The problem appears when i try to run it from a windows Qt app using QProcess (code below) where it doesn't display the ouput of the command.
I tried little variations and appear to show data when just use one pipe instead of two. But i need the two: grep and ggrep.
//findx.h in solaris
echo pass | sudo -S /usr/sbin/snoop -x0 -ta HSM1000 port 1000
echo pass | sudo -S /usr/sbin/snoop -x0 -ta HSM1000 port 1000 | /usr/sfw/bin/ggrep -A 2 KR01
//Qt on windows
QString commands="(";
commands +="source setpath.sh";
commands +=";/path/to/script/findx.sh";
commands +=")";
QString program = "plink.exe";
QStringList arguments;
arguments <<"-ssh"
this->myProcess=new QProcess(this);
this, SLOT(onprocess_started()));
connect(this->myProcess, SIGNAL(errorOccurred(QProcess::ProcessError)),
this, SLOT(onprocess_errorOcurred(QProcess::ProcessError)));
connect(this->myProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)),
this, SLOT(onprocess_finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)));
connect(this->myProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()),
this, SLOT(onprocess_readyReadStandardError()));
connect(this->myProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()),
this, SLOT(onprocess_readyReadStandardOutput()));
connect(this->myProcess, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QProcess::ProcessState)),
this, SLOT(onprocess_stateChanged(QProcess::ProcessState)));
this->myProcess->start(program, arguments);
return 0;
// How i read, i do the same for stderr and put it also in plainOutput
QByteArray err=this->myProcess->readAllStandardOutput();
QString m="Standard output:"+QString(err.data());
please any advice would be useful.
Thanks in advance.


Formatting nmap output

I have an nmap output looking like this
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.16s latency).
80/tcp open http
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to
I would like the output to be like http-title: Did not follow redirect to
How can it be done using grep or any other means?
You can use the following nmap.sh script like that:
<nmap_command> | ./nmap.sh
#!/usr/bin/env sh
var="$(cat /dev/stdin)"
echo "$var" > "$file"
ip_address=$(head -1 "$file" | rev | cut -d ' ' -f1 | rev)
last_line=$(tail -1 "$file" | sed -E "s,^\|_, ,")
printf "%s%s\n" "$ip_address" "$last_line"
rm "$file"
If you do not mind using a programming language, check out this code snippet with Python:
import nmapthon as nm
scanner = nm.NmapScanner('', ports=[80], arguments='-sS -sV --script http-title')
if '' in scanner.scanned_hosts(): # Check if host responded
serv = scanner.service('', 'tcp', 80)
if serv is not None: # Check if service was identified
Do not forget to execute pip3 install nmapthon.
I am the author of the library, feel free to have a look here
Looks like you want an [nmap scan] output to be edited and displayed as you wish. Try bash scripting, code a bash script and run it.
Here's an link to a video where you might find an answer to your problem:
Watch the video from the Time Stamp 1:27:17 where the creator briefly describes how to cut-short an output and display it as we wish.
If you require, I could code an bash script to execute an cut-shorted version of the output given by an nmap scan.

Lua: forward output from Minicom

I have a Lua script and in there I open a minicom session which executes a script (with the -S" parameter).
local myFile = assert(io.popen('minicom -S myScript.sh ' myDevice ' -C myLogFile.log'))
local myFileOutput = myFile:read('*all')
This works really fine.
But I would like to get the same output as if I execute the minicom command itself:
minicom -S myScript.sh ' myDevice ' -C myLogFile.log
Right now I don't get any output at all (I know that that's somehow obvious).
I would that the output should also occur at (at least nearly) the same time as with the minicom command itself. Not one big chuck of data at the end.
Does anyone know how to achieve that?
If I understand you correctly, you need something like
local myFile = assert(io.popen('minicom ...'))
for line in myFile:lines('l') do

xvfb-run unreliable when multiple instances invoked in parallel

Can you help me, why I get sometimes (50:50):
webkit_server.NoX11Error: Cannot connect to X. You can try running with xvfb-run.
When I start the script in parallel as:
xvfb-run -a python script.py
You can reproduce this yourself like so:
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do
xvfb-run -a xterm &
Of the 10 instances of xterm this starts, 9 of them will typically fail, exiting with the message Xvfb failed to start.
Looking at xvfb-run 1.0, it operates as follows:
# Find a free server number by looking at .X*-lock files in /tmp.
find_free_servernum() {
# Sadly, the "local" keyword is not POSIX. Leave the next line commented in
# the hope Debian Policy eventually changes to allow it in /bin/sh scripts
# anyway.
#local i
while [ -f /tmp/.X$i-lock ]; do
i=$(($i + 1))
echo $i
This is very bad practice: If two copies of find_free_servernum run at the same time, neither will be aware of the other, so they both can decide that the same number is available, even though only one of them will be able to use it.
So, to fix this, let's write our own code to find a free display number, instead of assuming that xvfb-run -a will work reliably:
# allow settings to be updated via environment
: "${xvfb_lockdir:=$HOME/.xvfb-locks}"
: "${xvfb_display_min:=99}"
: "${xvfb_display_max:=599}"
# assuming only one user will use this, let's put the locks in our own home directory
# avoids vulnerability to symlink attacks.
mkdir -p -- "$xvfb_lockdir" || exit
i=$xvfb_display_min # minimum display number
while (( i < xvfb_display_max )); do
if [ -f "/tmp/.X$i-lock" ]; then # still avoid an obvious open display
(( ++i )); continue
exec 5>"$xvfb_lockdir/$i" || continue # open a lockfile
if flock -x -n 5; then # try to lock it
exec xvfb-run --server-num="$i" "$#" || exit # if locked, run xvfb-run
(( i++ ))
If you save this script as xvfb-run-safe, you can then invoke:
xvfb-run-safe python script.py
...and not worry about race conditions so long as no other users on your system are also running xvfb.
This can be tested like so:
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do xvfb-wrap-safe xchat & done
...in which case all 10 instances correctly start up and run in the background, as opposed to:
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do xvfb-run -a xchat & done
...where, depending on your system's timing, nine out of ten will (typically) fail.
This questions was asked in 2015.
In my version of xvfb (2:1.20.13-1ubuntu1~20.04.2), this problem has been fixed.
It looks at /tmp/.X*-lock to find an available port, and then runs Xvfb. If Xvfb fails to start, it finds a new port and retries, up to 10 times.

error while executing lua script for redis server

I was following this simple tutorial to try out a simple lua script
I created a simple hello.lua file with these lines
local msg = "Hello, world!"
return msg
And i tried running simple command
EVAL "$(cat /Users/rsingh/Downloads/hello.lua)" 0
And i am getting this error
(error) ERR Error compiling script (new function): user_script:1: unexpected symbol near '$'
I can't find what is wrong here and i haven't been able to find someone who has come across this.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
Your problem comes from the fact you are executing this command from an interactive Redis session:
$ redis-cli> EVAL "$(cat /path/to/hello.lua)" 0
(error) ERR Error compiling script (new function): user_script:1: unexpected symbol near '$'
Within such a session you cannot use common command-line tools like cat et al. (here cat is used as a convenient way to get the content of your script in-place). In other words: you send "$(cat /path/to/hello.lua)" as a plain string to Redis, which is not Lua code (of course), and Redis complains.
To execute this sample you must stay in the shell:
$ redis-cli EVAL "$(cat /path/to/hello.lua)" 0
"Hello, world!"
If you are coming from windows and trying to run a lua script you should use this format:
redis-cli --eval script.lua
Run this from the folder where your script is located and it will load a multi line file and execute it.
On the off chance that anyone's come to this from Windows instead, I found I had to do a lot of juggling to achieve the same effect. I had to do this:
echo “local msg = 'Hello, world!'; return msg” > hello.lua
for /F "delims=" %i in ('type hello.lua') do #set cmd=%i
redis-cli eval "%cmd%" 0
.. if you want it saved as a file, although you'll have to have all the content on one line. If you don’t just roll the content into a set command
set cmd=“local msg = 'Hello, world!'; return msg”
redis-cli eval "%cmd%" 0

parse maven output in real time using sed

I am trying to parse my mvn verify output to only show lines with INFO tags. Please note that maven outputs line to stdout in real time and not by batch. I do not think that it is a problem with maven.
At first I tried to do it with grep:
$ mvn verify | grep INFO
but didn't seem to output lines in real time, as I understand grep buffers its lines before outputting, so I have to wait a few seconds between each flush and then I have tens of lines being printed at the same time, not very convenient. Then I thought I would try with sed.
According to this link, the following command:
sed -n '/PATTERN/p' file
// is equivalent to
grep PATTERN file
and according to this link, the -l option should force sed to flush its output buffer after every newline. So now I am using this command:
$ mvn verify | sed -ln -e '/INFO/p'
but I'm still getting the same result as before, I get a ton of output flushed every 30s or so and I don't know what I've done wrong. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Try this, if your grep supports it:
mvn verify | grep --line-buffered INFO
If you're doing this in a terminal and still seeing buffered results, it would probably be something earlier than grep doing the buffering, but I'm not familiar with mvn. (And, yes, the -l option to sed should have done the same thing, so the problem may be upstream.)
try this line:
mvn verify | while read line; do echo $line|grep INFO; done
I found what was the problem, I was using a script to colorise maven output (see here) and in fact it was that script that was buffering the output down the pipe. I forgot about it as I was using it as an alias, I guess this is a good lesson, I won't alias as easily in the future. Anyway here is the fix, I changed -e to -le in the last line of the sed call:
mvn $# | sed -e "s/\(\[INFO\]\ \-.*\)/${TEXT_BLUE}${BOLD}\1/g" \
-e "s/\(\[INFO\]\ \[.*\)/${RESET_FORMATTING}${BOLD}\1${RESET_FORMATTING}/g" \
-e "s/\(\[ERROR\].*\)/${BOLD}${TEXT_RED}\1${RESET_FORMATTING}/g" \
-le "s/Tests run: \([^,]*\), Failures: \([^,]*\), Errors: \([^,]*\), Skipped: \([^,]*\)/${BOLD}${TEXT_GREEN}Tests run: \1${RESET_FORMATTING}, Failures: ${BOLD}${TEXT_RED}\2${RESET_FORMATTING}, Errors: ${BOLD}${TEXT_RED}\3${RESET_FORMATTING}, Skipped: ${BOLD}${TEXT_YELLOW}\4${RESET_FORMATTING}/g"
In effect this is telling sed to flush its output at every new line, which is what I wanted. I am sorry I didn't find another workaround that is more generic. I tried playing around with empty (see man page) and script but none of these solutions worked for me.
