Get the name of a zap in a webhook subscription - zapier

I am building a zapier integration and would like to get the name of the zap, when the subscribe method of my webhook is triggered.
Is this possible?


Wix and Zoho Inventory integration using Zapier

I am trying to use Zapier (Catch Hook in Webhooks by Zapier) to push Wix's Order to Zoho Inventory's Sale Order. Zapier creates a Webhook URL for me to put into Wix's Webhook (Create Order). And when I try to test the trigger. Zapier couldn't catch any information. The manual says that it will catch the recent result, and I also created new data, but Zapier couldn't receive anything.
Can you provide support on this matter? Thank you
I tried wix's automation, but it didn't provide me enough details to math with Zoho Inventory's API. I expect to use Zapier's Catch hook to get more details and information.

is there an api method for slack that takes a channel name as an argument and returns a token?

I'm trying to setup a Jenkins job to be able to take a slack channel name as a parameter, and then post messages, about who kicked off the build, and if it completed etc, how can my job get a slack token, for any given channel?
No. This is not how tokens work with the Slack API. Tokens are always user based and for the whole workspace. So once you have a token you app can post to any public channel.
To get a token a user needs to install your Slack app. *)
Alternatively can create "dynamic" webhooks, that can post to any channel in a workspace. Check out this answer for details:
Creating a Slack Webhook programmatically
However, those are officialy legacy and might stop working some time in the future. So your safest approach would be to create a Slack app and install it to the workspace to get your token.
*) There once was a concept called "workspace tokens". You still find it in the documentation, but it never left the BETA stage and was canceled. Best to ignore it.

Integrate slack message menu with DialogFlow

I am working on a Chatbot for Slack with DialogFlow. I have put a message menu in Slack. I want to send the selected value to DialogFlow as an intent. It does not work.
Does DialogFlow supports message menus or Do I have to setup a webhook myself?
As #praveen suggested you will need to enable Fulfilment in DialogFlow settings for the project and point it to your fulfilment back-end service. After you have done that check Rich Messages Doc to see what data payload to respond with to DialogFlow from your Fulfilment service to make Slack display a menu.
If you want to perform an action in Slack and enable Slack notify you of that action then you can either user Slack RTM or Slack's event API

Getting all event of a Bot(user) via Webhook

I have read about the outbound webhook and Event api. And i am able to install a bot to a team using slack button. outbound webhook dosent fit in my scenario i think.
So how can i can get all events(specially whenever this bot receive a msg) using the event api to my webhook.?
Any direction or right way to solve this problem ..?
Outgoing Webhook and Event API are two completely unrelated functions. So you can not get event notifications through an outgoing webhook.
To get event notification your Slack App need to
request the correct oath scopes
subscribe to the events you want to get in the Slack App config
have a script ready to receive the event requests from Slack
Your script will then be called every time the subscribed event occurs.
For all details please have a look at the excellent official documentation about the Event API.

Creating a Slack Webhook programmatically

Is there a way I can use the Slack API to create an incoming and outgoing webhook for a channel I just created?
No, I do not think that feature exists, but you can just use any existing webhook with the newly created channel or use the Event API to get the same result.
Incoming Webhooks
You can redirect an incoming webhook to any channel by providing the channel name as parameter in your call. (see Channel override)
Outgoing Webhooks
Your existing outgoing webhook will work with any channel, as long as you use triger words when you created them. If that is not an option, I would recommend to look at the new Event API that would allow you to get the same functionality as with outgoing webhooks, but without having to provide a channel name in the first place. Check out the event types message.channels and message.groups.
