Wix and Zoho Inventory integration using Zapier - zapier

I am trying to use Zapier (Catch Hook in Webhooks by Zapier) to push Wix's Order to Zoho Inventory's Sale Order. Zapier creates a Webhook URL for me to put into Wix's Webhook (Create Order). And when I try to test the trigger. Zapier couldn't catch any information. The manual says that it will catch the recent result, and I also created new data, but Zapier couldn't receive anything.
Can you provide support on this matter? Thank you
I tried wix's automation, but it didn't provide me enough details to math with Zoho Inventory's API. I expect to use Zapier's Catch hook to get more details and information.


Need help pushing Zapier Webhook url to Go High Level

My problem is I don't know steps to create webhook.
What are specific steps to create a Zapier webhook (url) for me to push lead data from private crm to go high level?
If you're on a free account on Zapier, webhooks aren't supported. If you're looking for an alternatives that doesn't limit your abilities to receive webhooks for free, I created this open source app: https://github.com/activepieces/activepieces

How to query Jira webhooks defined in descriptor of Atlassian Connect app?

I have a Jira connect app that specifies a number of static webhooks in the app descriptor. The webhooks aren't being fired for some (non-admin) users, which I'm trying to debug. In the docs, there's a way to query REST (dynamic) webhooks, using the but this returns an empty list for our app (presumably since the webhooks were declared as a connect module).I've tried this by GETting the /webhook/failed and the /webhook endpoints.
The app has ADMIN scope, and we have webhooks for a number of events including jira:issue_created, although for some users these are never firing.
My question is how can you query webhooks specified by an add-on in a connect descriptor? Is there a way to see failed deliveries or other metadata for webhooks that might have fired?
Thank you!

is there an api method for slack that takes a channel name as an argument and returns a token?

I'm trying to setup a Jenkins job to be able to take a slack channel name as a parameter, and then post messages, about who kicked off the build, and if it completed etc, how can my job get a slack token, for any given channel?
No. This is not how tokens work with the Slack API. Tokens are always user based and for the whole workspace. So once you have a token you app can post to any public channel.
To get a token a user needs to install your Slack app. *)
Alternatively can create "dynamic" webhooks, that can post to any channel in a workspace. Check out this answer for details:
Creating a Slack Webhook programmatically
However, those are officialy legacy and might stop working some time in the future. So your safest approach would be to create a Slack app and install it to the workspace to get your token.
*) There once was a concept called "workspace tokens". You still find it in the documentation, but it never left the BETA stage and was canceled. Best to ignore it.

Register Application With Zapier

I am developing an application from where users can create zaps and later those zaps can be searched in Zapier if I will connect my application from Zapier.
Now question is how to get the Integration Key that can be used when connecting to Zapier by clicking "Connect an Account"
after this how I can search for the zaps that I created in my application?
do I need to use any api to create those zaps in zapier?
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
If you add a private app to Zapier, you'll be able to use it for your zaps immediately. If you want others to use it, you'll want to go through the process describe here, where you invite users, submit for activation, etc.
We have a few guides to get you going:
UI Quickstart
CLI Quickstart

Paypal sandbox integration with eventBrite

I have integrated EventBirte Ticket widget on my site, when some one buy that ticket and make payment and confirmation URL is there that notify me that payment process done with success or or not, but think is that I need a test run with paypal sandbox, to test all my work process.
One thing more I am using EventBrite PHP API for generating Event and Ticket.
Any one have an idea please let me know.
You can test your code without generating any fees by setting up an event with free tickets.
Eventbrite is always free to use whenever your tickets are free.
You should be able to use the Eventbrite API payment_update method, or the web-based event administration interface to configure your paypal email address (or a paypal sandbox email address).
I would refer to this question for help with post-purchase notification hooks:
Are there any callbacks available in the eventbrite api?
