Where can I find official Apple statement about In-App-Purchases prices? - in-app-purchase

I can't find official page for this information. Everything I see is news articles from different sources, they all have same (thank god) information but I want to have official source.


Youtube API v3 category topics

Hey guys I'm not having an issue with the API directly, but with the documentation. I can make an API request and get the video topic details just fine, but I am looking for a master list of all topics.
According to the documentation the old style of topics that you can see here was depreciated in 2017 and replaced with Wikipedia articles. This is fine and a little better for my use case but I would like to get a list of all options. The documentation says
A list of Wikipedia URLs that provide a high-level description of the video's content.
which is not especially helpful haha. I think I found the Wikipedia Source for all music genres, and it looks like they are just using the "main" genres but I would like to confirm that. I also found this list of topics that looks similar but is from the natural language API documentation instead of the YouTube API documentation.
I could try and brute force it but that would require a considerable amount of effort with no real way to confirm my results. I also found this API but it just returns the top level categories.
I am also really only interested in the music categories.

All google slide url parameters available?

Where is the official documentation for the URL parameters/arguments?
There are things like /preview, /copy, /export,/htmlpresent #headings, ?something question mark, that I stumbled on tips and tricks articles on the web.
Where is the Official URL API that explains ALL of them?
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but this references contains all information and guidelines related to Google Slides API:
You could also add more details on what you are trying to look for so I assist you better

Fetch all feeds from my twitter timeline and show to my Android App

I know it is research topic.
I am not able to find how should I proceed and display some accounts tweet to my android application.
I am reading document by twitter and following with this.
I am not able to figure out how to use this.
As per my understanding I should use
https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json but not able to figure out how to proceed.
If any body know about some good example or anything which make me to move ahead.
In order to achieve that you need to download one of the packages available that access the Twitter API using the proper token and key required.
Some of these packages include tweepy or sixohsix. I'm more familiar with tweepy and there's plenty of documentation that would lead you in the right direction, including Youtube videos. They're both available through GitHub.
If you need code specific questions of the two then you need to first give them a try, then ask new questions with the problems you're encountering.

How to loop through modules, link topics, and LTI links

When we import content from our system to D2L, we create an LTI Link, a Quick Link given the LTI Link, and a Link Topic given the public URL from the Quick Link. This is all good, a nice traceable chain and relationship.
Now, I am in need to pull this same information out.
I can see a GET to /orgId/content/root will give me modules.
I can see a GET to /orgId/content/modules/moduleId/structure will give a array which includes Link Topics and Modules (and recursively more of the same).
However, I am stuck on obtaining LTI Links for the Link Topics. These are they 2 key abstractions for us.
I am further stuck on what exactly the Quick Link does for us. There is no way to GET a Quick Link.
Now, going the other way, I can see a GET to /lti/link/orgId will get me all the LTI Links in the course. But, there's no way to tell which Link Topic it's associated with.
Ditto for the Quick Link in this approach; I just don't know where this abstraction fits in.
Please advise. Thanks dearly.
A response has been posted in the Developer Community of Practice: https://community.brightspace.com/devcop/f_technical/how_to_loop_through_modules_link_topics_and_lti_links

Publish code gallery for dart?

I would like to know is there any forum or google repository where we can publish our dart projects for showcasing or for fun just to exchange opinions other than github or any svn vendors as such.
Since all major platform vendors have this feature.
If yes would request someone to point me in the right direction since I am working on a small simple project and I am interested in just publishing our work just for experiment sake.
Check out http://www.builtwithdart.com - which aims to be a showcase of community contributed Dart apps.
To contribute pick from the following options:
clone, edit and submit a pull request at the site's github
open an issue at the site's github
Ping me a message
Ideally contributors would be able to provide a screenshot, a G+ link, and a paragraph or two about the app - especially welcome are any notes you have about developing it using Dart.
This is what we have: http://www.dartlang.org/samples/. Other projects that use Google technologies are showcased on https://developers.google.com/showcase/, but Dart has its own site. http://www.dartlang.org/samples/ already has some third-party contributions. If we get a lot more, we can do more to showcase them. It'd also be great to showcase a bunch of cool apps at Google I/O, especially if they're large and in production or if they're particularly cool technologically. If you're working on those sorts of things, you can either send me email, leave me a comment, or post to the Dart mailing list. Thanks!
