Problem with svelte router tinro and relative links - hyperlink

Linking to a relative page within tinro svelte router should work, according to the docs, using:
<a href='a'>Move to A</a>
I started experimenting with tinro svelte router so I'm probably overlooking something, but my ancher links to an absolute instead of relative address.
Problem repl:demo here !
The link is the 'RELATIVE TO SITES' in the page Portfolio.


TYPO3 v10 - absolute links - config.absRefPrefix dead?

How to tell TYPO3 v10 (globally) to generate absolute links in frontend? config.absRefPrefix doesn't seem to work any longer. Also, using absolute urls as base in site configuration doesn't have any effect. Still relative links in frontend.
config.absRefPrefix seems to work for embedded resources (script, img etc.) but not for usually generated hyperlinks (MenuProcessor, RTE links etc.). Do i really need to set option absolute=1 for all my links generated by view helpers and configure RTE processing to generate absolute links? Thought that's why the global option "absRefPrefix" exists...
This problem already exists since TYPO3 v9. There is a ticket in the bug tracker regarding this issue. I assume that in TYPO3 v12 config. absRefPrefix might be removed completely.
In the ticket comments you can find a number of hints, how to implement absolute links in various places:
use (NO/ACT/...).stdWrap.typolink.forceAbsoluteUrl = 1 for HMENU
for links in the CKEditor RTE this config make every link absolute:
lib.parseFunc_RTE.tags.a.typolink {
forceAbsoluteUrl = 1
forceAbsoluteUrl.scheme = https
if you want to globally rewrite all links to absolute links, you can implement the middleware mentioned in the ticket.

gh-pages, Landing page

Can we set a Landing page by a name other than index.html or a different path . I tried and it dint work. Searched and din't get any relevant solution, I am not using Jekyll or other template engine.
On github Pages the default page served on domain.tld/ or domain.tld/any/path/ is index.html.
There's not setup available to change that.

Firefox Demands Absolute URL For Referencing Stylesheet

I just spend the last few hours debugging a huge problem, the problem being,
My external css style sheet were not loading when I used Firefox.
Using Firefoxes debugging tools I was able to conclude that the file was not been found, it had nothing to do with the MIME type or encoding as I checked.
I was using relative URL's to reference my style sheets to I decided to use absolute and it worked! after hours of nearly losing my mind.
However using absolute URL's on every page is just a pain and not practical if I am debugging on localhost all the time.
Could anyone tell me why I need to proved the absolute URL's? The CSS file is there and Firefox states the relative URL and when I go to it manually, it works, however Firefox will just not find it. Every other browser including Chrome and Safari Works with the relative URL's.
I could use php and define all these relative URL's and then reference these within my HTML making it easier to switch domains for debugging but still its a pain and I don't know why I have to do this.
My site here
Thanks in advance,
Note : For testing reasons I am giving the link to my site which I am having problems with, nothing to do with advertising.
For your stylesheet problem: change the backslash to a forward slash in your <link> element.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">
There are a couple of images with a similar problem.
You have a number of other errors: <script> tags between <head> and <body>, and some loose </article> tags as well
If you're using Firefox, take a look at the page source and fix anything you see highlighted in red. Then try again. mvc url of anchor's start with "/" is wrong?

in my Asp.Net MVC web project i always use anchors url as
which is making my urls working good. output is like below
if in host
if in development
I am using Search Engine Optimization Toolkit ( for finding errors in my webpage.
What I see in results is "broken hyperlinks". When I looked to the results link that start with "/xxx" is not like "" seo toolkit sense url like "".
What is the problem is in here?
Am I doing wrong with writing links start with "/" ? Is it wrong?
Instead of hardcoding urls I would recommend you using HTML helpers:
<%= Html.ActionLink("link text", "someAction", "someController") %>
This will generate proper relative URLs no matter whether you are running on development or production server inside virtual directories, etc...
I suggest that you mark your anchors as runat="server" and change / with ~/ in your URLs.
Let ASP.NET resolve your relative paths to absolute ones.
"/" is for specifying that your path starts at the root of your Web Site. That's good in most of the cases, but what happens if your application is nested in some other virtual directory? Your URL would be invalid in this case.
"~/" resolves your path as an absolute path, but of your Web Application, that's you've nested applications, this "magic" will render the full path to the application's folder.
Does it help?

Firefox Add ON - To Check for Absolute and Relative Links

Does anyone know if there is some type of tool, preferably a Firefox add on that can check the links on a page if they are absolute links (going to another website) or relative links (within the website)...
I have searched on Google, and the Firefox add ons and haven't seen any. How hard would it be to make my own? What do you guys suggest.
Did you checkout ExNewT ?
btw, it is not that hard to search on, you should have do it yourself.
Write your own Javascript to go through all the elements in the document, or maybe there is a better way to access links using a Mozilla class, and use this guide to discern between absolute and relative links.
