For iOS, is it possible to have a Toast message that can display on top of system app Settings? - ios

I have a button in my app that brings up the system app settings UI. Instructions are given around the button.
I want to provide further instructions to the user via a toast message after the settings page shows up so they know exactly what to do. It's not a super intuitive setting, related to notification style, and such instructions would be a lot clearer when the user is actually on the settings page.
In Android, this is easily done via toast.makeText().show(). The resulting toast would have no problem going on top of the system settings UI.
In iOS though, I've looked up several guides, mostly using the UIView animation. The problem is, the resulting toast window seems to only work inside the app itself. It cannot go on top of the system settings UI.
Is what I want to achieve technically possible in iOS?

No. You are sandboxed; Settings is a different app and you cannot impose anything on to its interface.


Take screenshots programmatically of entire scrollable area of another app in iOS

Currently it is cumbersome for the user to repeatedly scroll and take a screenshot if they want to capture more than what can fit on the screen at a time.
I would like to implement functionality such that at the request of a user (e.g. via tapping a special button on a custom keyboard), screenshots of the entire scrollable area of the currently opened app are automatically taken and stitched together.
Is this possible? And if so, how?
To clarify, the application containing the scrollable area is a third party application over which I have no control, e.g. iMessage or Facebook.
Edit: I am aware of answers like this one and this one that are about taking screenshots within an app that I control. As far as I can tell, these are not applicable in my situation. Please correct me if I am wrong about this.
This is not possible. Each app is contained in a protected sandbox that no other apps have access to.
You could make a custom keyboard, but you still wouldn't have access to any of the views in the app that you don't control.

iPhone's Tone Color Change from an App

Recently, I have installed Twilight on my Android phone. Apparently is adds a color tone effect on the screen. Here are two screen shots taken from PlayStore.
Now my question is that is there a way to develop similar system display tone color set up application in iOS?
It is not possible as Apple restrict the developers to edit home screen. There are very limited features that we can access like Calendar, Gallery, etc. The above screenshot your are showing is related to Widget but there are no Widget concept in iOS.
Yes, it is certainly possible and I use an app that does this.
Have a look at, It's even open sourced.
However an app like this will most likely be denied from the App Store, but never the less it is possible.
Night Shift is supposed to bring something like this in iOS 9.3, though not to that extent.
I don't know of any public API that would allow an application to change that kind of parameter system-wise, though. Maybe in the Accessibility framework, but that would restrict it to app-wise, not system-wise.

Can the iOS8 InvertColors function be called in an apps code?

iOS now has a setting in General, accessibility, "Invert Colors". It basically provides a negative image of an app's colors.
I have an app that is mostly dark background elements with light icons and buttons. It would be great to have a setting inside my app to call that invert colors function as needed for specific users.
Any ideas if that setting is exposed? Thanks much!
In general you have no access to the user's Settings, and this is no exception. Your app can't alter general settings on the user's device; that would be a terrible security hole!
However, nothing stops you from putting up an alert or other dialog suggesting that the user might like to do this.
Alternatively, though, what I would recommend is themes. Basically give the user a preference within the app, so that the user can choose or alter the colors of things. Then, in response to the user's setting, you use the appearance proxy to change all the colors thematically throughout the app. There was a good WWDC video either in 2013 or 2012, I think, on this very idea.

Show a view on main screen while the app is in background in ios

Thanks in advance.
Is it possible to show a capture screen like assistive touch view in ios when we click on application icon.Means i want to show the iPad screen and top on the with transparent background a view need to display.
I want to create an app like this after clicking the app icon i want a screen like this on my main screen and i can able to customize it and capture the selected area. is it possible to do that. and is there any api for that.
i don't think you are allowed to capture the home screen in public api. this question had similar request.
How can I take a screenshot of the iPhone home screen programmatically
UIGetScreenImage() mentioned in the answer is very useful, if you only targeting Jailbroken phones.
However, i found an open source library called "Record My screen", which claim can
Record the display even on non-jailbroken iPhones.
I personally didn't test that, since i believe Apple would somehow find that and pull the app off (that happened to several apps before). If you really interested in it, maybe you can learn something from that library.
Hope that helps you.

BlackBerry horizontal context menu

I want to create a horizontally arranged context menu. This means when my application is running and I press the menu button that my customized horizontal options will show. How do I do this on BlackBerry?
You can override onMenu method in the Screen class and show your custom PopupScreen menu.
This can be accomplished as #Eugen Martynov has mentioned. Though your idea might sound novel, it doesn't go with the UI guidelines of a Blackberry application. Regular Blackberry users might not appreciate the new UI you are proposing. And moreover, there is a possibility of your app being rejected when you submit for certification to host in Blackberry App World.
Check the guide lines here
Point no 3.4 mentions that the user must be able to use "Switch Application" feature from within the application. Though you might design the app to adhere, there is a possibility of rejection for non-standard implementation.
