Vaadin 22 opened ComboBox does not position correctly - vaadin

I'm upgrading a Vaadin application from 14 to 22.
The app features some dialogs with combo boxes that have dozens of items.
In version 14, when opening a combo box near the bottom of the dialog (which is also near the bottom of the screen unless the browser window is very large), the list of items automatically gets positioned above the input field, so that a decent amount of items are visible.
After the upgrade to version 22, this doesn't work anymore: the list of items appears below the input field, even if there is only space for one or two items, which makes it hard to use for the user.
I did notice that when the combo box is opened below the input field, resizing the browser window causes the list of items to immediately flip to above the input field, showing more items. So it seems to be a bug where the position is not properly calculated initially.
Is there any way to work around this by forcing a recalculation of the position programmatically?


Vaadin 8 Grid cell focus

I have a large project on Vaadin, it works fine on Vaadin 7. But i have start to upgrade it to 8.0 and then to 8.1 versions. Everything is fine but focusing on ComboBoxes inside Grid. It sometimes works, but sometimes not. I look at debug console online and see that there is command to set focus received. But it not always really set focus on right component. On Chrome focus can lost from all components, in Firefox focus stays on previously focused component.
I have created simple testing Servlet with Grid component, which has some ComboBoxes as columns. It must imitate problem from large project's Servlet.
On each ComboBox added valueChangeListener, which moves focus to next ComboBox. At the last ComboBox there is moving focus on next line first ComboBox. And so on, until to last line, where it move focus on first line first ComboBox.
In test Servlet i cannot find error, all works like i want. Almost two weeks i tried to solve my problem, but cannot.
Update 2017-10-18:
I think i found my problem. There is an focus lost occured if line with focused component moves to another position.
I attach simple example. It is an Vaadin Servlet with 2-columns Grid. For focus testing i added static trigger with button. Open servlet in two browsers, select some values in ComboBoxes and play with buttons. On press button in first page it must react on second page and mix two lines. Periodically check focus on second page. On some button press line with focused ComboBox will move to another place and lost focus.
Link to example source on Vaadin forum
Link to example source on Dropbox

PowerBI Text Box - anomalous black dots on published dashboard

When publishing a dashboard from PowerBI Desktop to PowerBI's web interface, I've encountered spurious black dots appearing along the bottom of a text box.
I've tried moving the text box, checking other objects nearby, and changing its border settings, but the dots are definitely being produced by the text box itself, regardless of its attributes.
What could cause this?
Not all text boxes and fonts display identically in Desktop and Online. Check that the word spacing in your text box has not increased when you published it - if additional spaces have appeared and pushed one or more words off the end of the text box, these may have appeared on a second line, and then been clipped by the text box size to only show the tops of the lettering.

Openlayers-3 forEachFeatureAtPixel slightly offset

I'm currently using 3.6.0 and I'm finding that, as features are placed from left to right on the map that features further to the right seem to be offset from their icons - if I place my mouse directly over the graphic feature the mouse cursor (which is wired up to forEachFeatureAtPixel()) does not change until it is moved to the left of the feature icon. On the left of the screen they line up, but it drifts going right until features on the right are completely out of sync.
Any ideas? I thought it may be the library, but I've just rolled back to 3.4.0 and it was the same.
Could this be layout outside of the map canvas bumping items across the screen?
I had the same issue for about a month but in my particular case the problem originated because I was rendering the map while showing a loading panel in front of it wich had a style that caused the web browser to display the scrollbars.
Upon load completion, hiding the loading panel also removed the scrollbar but somehow the map itself didn't refresh properly.
All I had to do was to force map to recalculate the viewport size using the map.updateSize()

TinyMCE iOS bug. New line gets the cursor beyond the viewable area

I'm currently using tinyMCE as a rich text editor for my iOS application. It works great in desktop but when I tested it in iOS platform, the behavior is different. Whenever I insert a new line by pressing enter and it goes beyond the maximum height of my RTE, the cursor gets beyond the visible area. The expectation is that the area should automatically scroll down once the line is beyond the visible area when pressing Enter.
Kindly advise.

Team Explorer work item UI is too wide

Is there any way to get the work item query results preview pane to auto-size its width? It is very often "too wide", with the controls being way too wide for their content. Here's an example--why do I have to have horizontal scrolling? Is there any way to fix this?
(When one opens a single work item, the width is streched appropriately. This is the behavior I want for the above query results preview.)
My favorite is opening work items when checking code in. If you open the work item from the check in window, close it, and open it again, then the spacing starts doubling. Every time you reopen it the spacing just gets bigger.
It's a bug. Hopefully 2010 fixes this.
