Given a struct like this:
struct MyStruct {
uint[10] a;
uint b;
bool c;
Mystruct m;
My problem is how to model variable m using z3? a trivial solution is to split m into multiple variables: m.a, m.b, m.c. However, it is not extensible (in my opinion). Are there any better solution supported by z3 ? thanks!
I am trying to model struct in z3 !
The standard way to do this in SMTLib is to use datatypes. See Section 4.2.3 of Here's the "pair" example from that document:
(declare-datatypes ((Pair 2)) ((par (X Y) ((pair (first X) (second Y))))))
Note that the above is parametric, i.e., it allows you to create pairs with differing types in them. You can monomorphize it:
(declare-datatypes ((Pair 0)) ((pair (first int) (second bool)))
and use the tags a/b/c etc. to add your own fields with the types you want. See the SMTLib document for details.
If you are using a higher-level API (like that from Haskell, Python, Scala) etc; they might provide easier ways to do the same; you need to check their own documentation. In particular, if you're using z3py, See, in the section titled "Datatypes."
Note that SMTLib/z3 structs can even be recursive, i.e., the fields can contain values of type that you are defining. You can even make mutually recursive datatypes. It seems you do not need those facility here, but the same mechanism should work for you just fine.
I've seen some online materials for defining algebraic datatypes like an IntList in Z3. I'm wondering how to define an algebraic datatype with logical constraints. For example, how to define a PosSort that stands for positive integers.
Total functions in SMT
Functions are always total in SMT, which raises the question how to encode partial functions such a data type constructor for PosSort. Thus, I would be surprised if Z3's/SMT's built-in support for algebraic data types supports partial data type constructors (and the SMT-LIB 2.6 standard appears to agree).
Encoding partial functions: the theory
However, not all hope is lost, but you'll probably have to encode ADTs yourself. Assume a total function f: A -> B, which should model a partial data type constructor function f': A ~> B whose domain are all a that satisfy p(a). Here, A could be Int, B could be List[A], p(a) could be 0 < a and f(a) could be defined as f(a) := a :: Nil (I am using pseudo-code here, but you should get the idea).
One approach is to ensure that f is never applied to an a that is not positive. Depending on where your SMT code comes from, it might be possible to check that constrain before each application of f (and to raise an error of f isn't applicable).
The other approach is to underspecify f and conditionally define it, e.g. along the lines of 0 < a ==> f(a) := a :: Nil. This way, f remains total (which, as said before, you'll most likely have to live with), but its value is undefined for a <= 0. Hence, when you try to prove something about f(a), e.g. that head(f(a)) == a, then this should fail (assuming that head(a :: _) is defined as a).
Encoding partial functions: a practical example
I am too lazy to code up an example in SMT, but this encoding of an integer list (in a verification language called Viper) should give you a very concrete idea of how to encode an integer list using uninterpreted functions and axioms. The example can basically be translated to SMT-LIB in a one-to-one manner.
Changing that example such that it axiomatises a list of positive integers is straight-forward: just add the constrain head < 0 to every axiom that talks about list heads. I.e. use the following alternative axioms:
axiom destruct_over_construct_Cons {
forall head: Int, tail: list :: {Cons(head, tail)}
0 < head ==>
head_Cons(Cons(head, tail)) == head
&& tail_Cons(Cons(head, tail)) == tail
axiom type_of_Cons {
forall head: Int, tail: list ::
0 < head ==> type(Cons(head, tail)) == type_Cons()
If you run the example online with these changes, the test method test_quantifiers() should fail immediately. Adding the necessary constraints on the list elements, i.e. changing it to
method test_quantifiers() {
/* The elements of a deconstructed Cons are equivalent to the corresponding arguments of Cons */
assert forall head: Int, tail: list, xs: list ::
0 < head ==>
is_Cons(xs) ==> (head == head_Cons(xs) && tail == tail_Cons(xs) <==> Cons(head, tail) == xs)
/* Two Cons are equal iff their constructors' arguments are equal */
assert forall head1: Int, head2: Int, tail1: list, tail2: list ::
(0 < head1 && 0 < head2) ==>
(Cons(head1, tail1) == Cons(head2, tail2)
head1 == head2 && tail1 == tail2)
should make the verification succeed again.
What you are looking for is called predicate-subtyping; and as far as I know Yices is the only SMT solver that supported it out of the box:
In particular, see the examples here:
Unfortunately, this is "old" Yices, and I don't think this particular input-language is supported any longer. As Malte mentioned, SMTLib doesn't have support for predicate subtyping either.
Assuming your output SMTLib is "generated," you can insert "checks" to make sure all elements remain within the domain. But this is rather cumbersome and it is not clear how to deal with partiality. Underspecification is a nice trick, but it can get really hairy and lead to specifications that are very hard to debug.
If you really need predicate subtyping, perhaps SMT solvers are not the best choice for your problem domain. Theorem provers, dependently typed languages, etc. might be more suitable. A practical example, for instance, is the LiquidHaskell system for Haskell programs, which allows predicates to be attached to types to do precisely what you are trying; and uses an SMT-solver to discharge the relevant conditions:
If you want to stick to SMT-solvers and don't mind using an older system, I'd recommend Yices with its support for predicate subtyping for modeling such problems. It was (and still is) one of the finest implementations of this very idea in the context of SMT-solving.
Dafny has no problem with this definition of a set intersection function.
function method intersection(A: set<int>, B: set<int>): (r: set<int>)
set x | x in A && x in B
But when it comes to union, Dafny complains, "a set comprehension must produce a finite set, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'x'". A and B are finite, and so, clearly the union is, too.
function method union(A: set<int>, B: set<int>): (r: set<int>)
set x | x in A || x in B
What explains this, to-a-beginner seemingly discrepant, behavior?
This is indeed potentially surprising!
First, let me note that in practice, Dafny has built-in operators for intersection and union that it knows preserve finiteness. So you don't need to use set comprehensions to express these ideas. Instead you could just say A * B and A + B respectively.
However, my guess is that you're running into a more complicated example where you're using a set comprehension with a disjunction and are confused about why Dafny can't prove it finite.
Dafny uses syntactic heuristics to determine whether a set comprehension is finite. Unfortunately, these heuristics are not well documented anywhere. For purposes of this question, the key point is that the heuristics either depend on the type of the comprehension's bound variables, or look for a conjunct that constrains elements to be bounded in some other way. For example, Dafny can prove
set x: int | 0 <= x < 10 && ...
finite, as well as
set x:A | x in S && ...
In both cases, it is essential that the relevant bounds be conjuncts. Dafny has no syntactic heuristic for proving a bound for disjunctions, although one could imagine adding one. That is why Dafny cannot prove your union function finite.
As an aside, another work around would be to use potentially infinite sets (written iset in Dafny). If you don't need use the cardinality of the sets, then these might work better.
I can't understand the difference between typeclasses and dependent records in Coq. The reference manual gives the syntax of typeclasses, but says nothing about what they really are and how should you use them. A bit of thinking and searching reveals that typeclasses essentially are dependent records with a bit of syntactic sugar that allows Coq to automatically infer some implicit instances and parameters. It seems that the algorithm for typeclasses works better when there is more or a less only one possible instance of it in any given context, but that's not a big issue since we can always move all fields of typeclass to its parameters, removing ambiguity. Also the Instance declaration is automatically added to the Hints database which can often ease the proofs but will also sometimes break them, if the instances were too general and caused proof search loops or explosions. Are there any other issues I should be aware of? What is the heuristic for choosing between the two? E.g. would I lose anything if I use only records and set their instances as implicit parameters whenever possible?
You are right: type classes in Coq are just records with special plumbing and inference (there's also the special case of single-method type classes, but it doesn't really affect this answer in any way). Therefore, the only reason you would choose type classes over "pure" dependent records is to benefit from the special inference that you get with them: inference with plain dependent records is not very powerful and doesn't allow you to omit much information.
As an example, consider the following code, which defines a monoid type class, instantiating it with natural numbers:
Class monoid A := Monoid {
op : A -> A -> A;
id : A;
opA : forall x y z, op x (op y z) = op (op x y) z;
idL : forall x, op id x = x;
idR : forall x, op x id = x
Require Import Arith.
Instance nat_plus_monoid : monoid nat := {|
op := plus;
id := 0;
opA := plus_assoc;
idL := plus_O_n;
idR := fun n => eq_sym (plus_n_O n)
Using type class inference, we can use any definitions that work for any monoid directly with nat, without supplying the type class argument, e.g.
Definition times_3 (n : nat) := op n (op n n).
However, if you make the above definition into a regular record by replacing Class and Instance by Record and Definition, the same definition fails:
Toplevel input, characters 38-39: Error: In environment n : nat The term "n" has type "nat" while it is expected to have type "monoid ?11".
The only caveat with type classes is that the instance inference engine gets a bit lost sometimes, causing hard-to-understand error messages to appear. That being said, it's not really a disadvantage over dependent records, given that this possibility isn't even available there.
I want to create an expression that selects one of a given set of expressions. Given an array of expressions
Expr[] availableExprs = ...;
with statically known length, I want Z3 to select any one of these (like a switch statement). In case the problem is SAT I need a way to find out which of these was selected in the model (its index in the array).
What is the fastest way to encode this?
I considered these approaches so far:
Have an integer restricted to [0, arrayLength) and use ITE to select one of those expressions. The model allows me to extract this integer. Unfortunately, this introduces the integer theory to the model (which previously did not use integers at all).
Have one boolean for each possible choice. Use ITE to select an expression. Assert that exactly one of those booleans is true. This strategy does not need any special theory (I think) but the encoding might be too verbose.
Store the expressions into an array expression and read from that array using an integer. This saves the ITE chain but introduces the array theory.
Clearly, all of these work, but they all seem to have drawbacks. What is the best strategy?
If all you want is to encode is that an element v is in a finite set {e1, ..., en} (with sort U), you can do this using smtlib2 as follows:
(declare-fun v () U)
(declare-fun p1 () Bool)
(assert (= p1 (= v e1)))
(assert (= p2 (= v e2)))
(assert (= pn (= v en)))
(assert (or p1 ... pn))
The variable v will be equal to one of the elements in "the array" of {e1 ... en}. And pi must be true if the selection variable v is equal to ei. This is basically a restatement of Nikolaj's suggestion, but recast for arbitrary sorts.
Note that multiple pi may be set to true as there is no guarantee ei != ej. If you need to ensure no two elements are both selected, you will need to figure out what semantics you want. If the {e1... en} are already entailed to be distinct, you don't need to add anything. If the "array" elements must be distinct but are not yet entailed to be distinct, you can assert
(assert (distinct e1 ... en))
(This will probably be internally expanded to something quadratic in n.)
You can instead say that no 2 p variables can be true as once. Note that this is a weaker statement. To see this, suppose v = e1 = 1 and e2 = e3 = 0. Then p1 = true and p2 = p3 = false. The obvious encoding for these constraints is quadratic:
(assert (or (not pi) (not pj))) ; for all i < j
If you need a better encoding for this, try taking a look at how to encode "p1+ ... + pn <= 1" in Translating Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into SAT section 5.3. I would only try this if the obvious encoding fails though.
I think you want to make sure that each expression is quantifier free and uses only functions and predicates already present in the formula. If this is not the case then introduce a fresh propositional variable p_i for each index and assert ctx.MkIff(p_i, availableExprs[i]) to the solver.
When Z3 produces a model, use model.Eval(p_i) and check if the result is the expression "True".
F# is an ML with OOP. What's the closest it comes to Haskell generalized algebraic data types and typeclasses?
The answer depends on what problem are you trying to solve. F# does not have typeclasses and GADTs, so there is no direct mapping. However, F# has various mechanisms that you would use to solve problems that you typically solve in Haskell using GADTs and typeclasses:
If you want to represent object structures and be able to add new concrete implementations with different behaviour, then you can often use standard OO and interfaces.
If you want to write generic numeric code, you can use static member constraints (here is an example), which is probably technically the closest mechanism to type classes.
If you want to write more advanced generic code (like universal printer or parser) then you can often use the powerful F# runtime reflection capabilities.
If you need to parameterize code by a set of functions (that perform various sub-operations required by the code) then you can pass around an implementation of an interface as #pad shows.
There is also a way to emulate Haskell type classes in F#, but this is usually not an idiomatic F# solution, because the F# programming style differs from the Haskell style in a number of ways. One fairly standard use of this is defining overloaded operators though (see this SO answer).
At the meta-level, asking what is an equivalent to a feature X in aother language often leads to a confused discussion, because X might be used to solve problems A, B, C in one language while another language may provide different features to solve the same problems (or some of the problems may not exist at all).
In F#, you often use interfaces and inheritance for these purposes.
For examples' sake, here is a simple typeclass using interfaces and object expressions:
/// Typeclass
type MathOps<'T> =
abstract member Add : 'T -> 'T -> 'T
abstract member Mul : 'T -> 'T -> 'T
/// An instance for int
let mathInt =
{ new MathOps<int> with
member __.Add x y = x + y
member __.Mul x y = x * y }
/// An instance for float
let mathFloat =
{ new MathOps<float> with
member __.Add x y = x + y
member __.Mul x y = x * y }
let XtimesYplusZ (ops: MathOps<'T>) x y z =
ops.Add (ops.Mul x y) z
printfn "%d" (XtimesYplusZ mathInt 3 4 1)
printfn "%f" (XtimesYplusZ mathFloat 3.0 4.0 1.0)
It may not look very beautiful, but it's F#-ish way to do it. For a more Haskell-like solution which uses a dictionary-of-operations, you can have a look at this nice answer.