How do I connect to other computers via Host Name on Ubuntu? - docker

I have a docker container that is running on Windows currently and it is accessing database resources via the host name (e.g Desktop1, Desktop2, etc...). The docker container is using a bridge network that was created new for the purpose of the system.
What I notice on Windows is that I can ping or connect to those resources simply via the host name and I do not need to remember the IP address of the computer.
I also notice that this can also be done even if I don't have a DNS server running locally (I think?).
However, when I run the container on an Ubuntu host, I keep getting connection errors and timeouts.
I have tried to edit the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname to include the proper host name of the PC and the fixed wired IP I am using.
I have also tried a test database on the same Ubuntu system but I cannot connect to it via its host name. At best, I am able to connect via something like Desktop1.local but it only solves 1 issue. The other responses I receive from the other systems on the network return only the hostname (e.g. http://Desktop2/api/..., ws://Desktop3/api/..., etc...).
I was wondering if there is a configuration I am missing to have the same functionality as Windows? Do I need to change my code to handle this kind of situations or do I need to do something else like on the OS level?
My command for creating the docker container is along these lines:
docker create -p --env MongoDatabaseSettings__ConnectionString="mongodb://desktop1:27017/?uuidRepresentation=standard" --env ConnectionStrings__MySQLConnection="server=desktop2;database=DB;user=user;password=password" --name container1
Contents of my /etc/hosts localhost desktop1

If it's me, maybe will try to build the reverse proxy server.
Step. 1
choose your server. (recommend Nginx)
Step. 2
Forward traffic
For example, if your ip of docker service is, then you can make to forward to it. (or any port you want)
Then you just need to access, the server will forward the traffic to service of docker.
I dont know is that you actually want to do.
oh, btw, if you still want to access via host name, just edit host file with root user. (make a custom domain.
I dont know the reason of that why you can not setting the host file, but set in host file is always working for me.


Can (Should) I Run a Docker Container with Same host name as the Docker Host?

I have a server application (that I cannot change) that, when you connect as a client, will give you other URLs to interact with. Those URLs are also part of the same server so the URL advertised uses the hostname of a docker container.
We are running in a mixed economy (some docker containers, some regular applications). We actually need to set up where we have the server running as a docker application on a single VM, and that server will be accessed by non-docker clients (as well as docker clients not running on the same docker network).
So you have a server hostname (the docker container) and a docker hostname (the hostname of the VM running docker).
The client's initial connection is to: dockerhostname:1234 but when the server sends URLs to the client, it sends: serverhostname:5678 ... which is not resolvable by the client. So far, we've addressed this by adding "server hostname " to the client's /etc/hosts file but this is a pain to maintain.
I have also set the --hostname of the server docker container to the same name as the docker host and it has mostly worked but I've seen where a docker container running on the same docker network as the server had issues connecting to the server.
I realize this is not an ideal docker setup. We're migrating from a history of delivering as rpm's to delivering containers .. but it's a slow process. Our company has lots of applications.
I'm really curious if anyone has advice/lessons learned with this situation. What is the best solution to my URL problem? (I'm guessing it is the /etc/hosts we're already doing)
You can do port-mapping -p 8080:80
How you build and run your container?
With a shell command, dockerfile or yml file?
Check this:
docker port
Call this and it will work:
To work with hostnames you need DNS or use hosts file.
The hosts file solution is not a good idea, it's how the internet starts in the past ^^
If something change you have to change all hosts files on every client!
Or use a static ip for your container:
docker network ls
docker network create my-network
docker network create --subnet= mynet123
docker run --net mynet123 --ip -it ubuntu bash
Assign static IP to Docker container
You're describing a situation that requires a ton of work. The shortest path to success is your "adding things to /etc/hosts file" process. You can use configuration management, like ansible/chef/puppet to only have to update one location and distribute it out.
But at that point, you should look into something called "service discovery." There are a ton of ways to skin this cat, but the short of it is this. You need some place (lazy mode is DNS) that stores a database of your different machines/services. When a machine needs to connect to another machine for a service, it asks that database. Hence the "service discovery" part.
Now implementing the database is the hardest part of this, there are a bunch of different ways, and you'll need to spend some time with your team to figure out what is the best way.
Normally running an internal DNS server like dnsmasq or bind should get you most of the way, but if you need something like consul that's a whole other conversation. There are a lot of options, and the best thing to do is research, and audit what you actually need for your situation.

Why can docker not access an endpoint that the VM has access to?

I have a container on my machine. My machine can access, but the container can't unless I start it like this:
docker run --add-host -p 8080:8080 -d image_id
or enter the container and add in the /etc/hosts file this line:
Now, this would not be a problem if this address ( would not change, but unfortunately, it does.
Can something be done about it?
Well, that's because in order to access the VM you are using port 8080. When you start docker on your machine, you need to expose whatever ports you have to use. Think of it this way, if your docker container was a ship. And there was water in the ship how would you get rid of it? You would need to expose a port from the ship to the sea cause to begin with no ports are exposed. So you can't connect to your `VM because it doesn't have a port to access it by.
What you can try doing, is pass your hostname in, and edit the file from within the Dockerfile? So when your docker is created, it already has the host in /etc/hosts
EDIT: If the address is changing, what platform is this? If using a cloud platform, you could reserve a static IP-address for this service?
I have a similar issue when using Filestore. If restarted, the IP would change. What I then did was query the API to get the IP address, since it was the only filestore in my GCP Project, it wasn't too bad.
What IP address is this? As in, what service, on what platform. Is there anyway for you to get the IP address without manually getting it?
I'm missing some details here
What is does the host sees that address because it is resolved by the DNS or it's a local service in other computer in the NAT? I assume the latter (the container should have access to the host DNS) so try running the docker with --network=host and see if that's help (it will share the same network with the host)

How to make a Docker container's service accessible via the container's IP address?

I'm a bit confused. Trying to run both a HTTP server listening on port 8080 and a SSH server listening on port 22 inside a Docker container I managed to accomplish the latter but strangely not the former.
Here is what I want to achieve and how I tried it:
I want to access services running inside a Docker container using the IP address assigned to the container:
ssh user#
Note: I know this is not how you would configure a real web server but I want the container to mimic an embedded device which runs both services and which I don't have available all the time. (So it's really just a local non-production thing with no security requirements).
I didn't expect integrating the SSH server to be easy, but to my surprise I just installed and started it and had to do nothing else to be able to connect to the machine via ssh (no EXPOSE 22 or --publish).
Now I wanted to access the container via HTTP on port 8080 and fiddled with --publish and EXPOSE but only managed to make the HTTP server available through localhost/ on the host. So now I can access it via
but I want to access both services via the same IP address which is NOT localhost (e.g. the address the container got randomly assigned is totally OK for me).
waits until it times out every time I tied it.
I tried docker run together with -p 8080, -p, -p and much more combinations, together or without EXPOSE 8080 in the Dockerfile but without success.
Why can I access the container via port 22 without having exposed anything?
And how do I make it accessible via the container's IP address?
Update: looks like I'm experiencing exactly what's described here.

Failing to connect to localhost from inside a container Connection refused

I'm currently testing an Ansible role using Molecule.
Basically, Molecule launches a container that is Ansible compliant and runs the role on it.
In order to test the container, Molecule also embed unit tests using Testinfra. The python unit tests are run from within the container so you can check the compliance of the role.
As I'm working on an Nginx based role, one of the unit tests is simply issuing a curl http://localhost:80
I do get the below error message in response:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused
When I:
launch a Vagrant machine
apply the role with Ansible
connect via vagrant ssh
issue a curl http://localhost command
nginx answers correctly.
Therefore, I believe that:
the role is working properly and Nginx is installed correctly
Docker has a different way to set-up the network. In a way, localhost and are not the same anymore.
My questions are the following:
Am I correct?
Can this difference be overcome so the curl would work?
Docker containers start in their own network namespace by default. This namespace includes a separate loopback interface ( that is distinct from the same interface on the host and any other containers. If you want to access an application from another container or via a published port on the host, you need to listen on all interfaces ( rather than the loopback interface.
One other issue I often see is at some layer in the connection (the host, or inside of a container), the "localhost" name is mapped to the IPv6 value of ::1 in the /etc/host file, and somewhere in that connection only the IPv4 value is valid (either where the port was published, the application is listening, or IPv6 isn't enabled on the host or docker engine). Therefore, make sure to try connecting to the IPv4 address directly,, to eliminate any potential IPv6 issues.
Regarding the curl command and how to correct it, I cannot answer that without more details on how you are running the curl (is it in a separate container), how you are running your application, and how the two are joined on the network (did you create a new network in docker for your application and unit tests to run). The typical solution is to create a new network in docker, run both containers on that network, and connect via docker's included DNS to the container or service name of the destination, e.g. curl http://my_app/.
Edit: based on the comments, if your application and curl command are both running inside the same container, then curl should work. There's no change I'm aware of needed with to curl to make it work inside of a container vs on a VM. The error you are seeing is likely from the application not starting and listening on the port as expected, possibly a race condition where the curl command is run too soon, or the base assumptions of how the tool works is incorrect. Start by changing the unit test to verify the application is up and running and listening on the port with commands like ps -ef and ss -lt.
it actually have nothing to do with the differences between Docker and Vagrant (i.e. containers vs VMs).
The testInfra code is actually run from outside the container / VM, hence the fact the['curl', 'http://localhost']) is failing.
In order to run a command from the container / VM, I should use:
host.check_output('curl http://localhost')

Make docker machine available under host name in Windows

I'm trying to make a docker machine available to my Windows by a host name. After creating it like
docker-machine create -d virtualbox mymachine
and setting up a docker container that exposes the port 80, how can I give that docker machine a host name such that I can enter "http://mymachine/" into my browser to load the website? When I change "mymachine" to the actual IP address then it works.
There is an answer to this question but I would like to achieve it without an entry in the hosts file. Is that possible?
You might want to refer to docker documentaion:
You expose ports using the EXPOSE keyword in the Dockerfile or the
--expose flag to docker run. Exposing ports is a way of documenting which ports are used, but does not actually map or open any ports.
Exposing ports is optional.
You publish ports using the --publish or --publish-all flag to docker
run. This tells Docker which ports to open on the container’s network
interface. When a port is published, it is mapped to an available
high-order port (higher than 30000) on the host machine, unless you
specify the port to map to on the host machine at runtime. You cannot
specify the port to map to on the host machine when you build the
image (in the Dockerfile), because there is no way to guarantee that
the port will be available on the host machine where you run the
I also suggest reviewing the -P flag as it differs from the -p one.
Also i suggest you try "Kitematic" for Windows or Mac, . It's much simpler (but dont forget to commit after any changes!)
Now concerning the network in your company, it has nothing to do with docker, as long as you're using docker locally on your computer it wont matter what configuration your company set. Even you dont have to change any VM network config in order to expose things to your local host, all comes by default if you're using Vbox ( adapter 1 ==> NAT & adapter 2 ==> host only )
hope this is what you're looking for
If the goal is to keep it as simple as possible for multiple developers, localhost will be your best bet. As long as the ports you're exposing and publishing are available on host, you can just use http://localhost in the browser. If it's a port other than 80/443, just append it like http://localhost:8080.
If you really don't want to go the /etc/hosts or localhost route, you could also purchase a domain and have it route to This article lays out the details a little bit more.
dave-mbp:~ dave$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 localhost ( 0.742 ms 0.056 ms 0.046 ms
Alternatively, if you don't want to purchase your own domain and all developers are on the same network and you are able to control DHCP/DNS, you can setup your own DNS server to include a private route back to Similar concept to the Public DNS option, but a little more brittle since you might allow your devs to work remote, outside of a controlled network.
Connecting by hostname requires that you go through hostname to IP resolution. That's handled by the hosts file and falls back to DNS. This all happens before you ever touch the docker container, and docker machine itself does not have any external hooks to go out and configure your hosts file or DNS servers.
With newer versions of Docker on windows, you run containers with HyperV and networking automatically maps ports to localhost so you can connect to http://localhost. This won't work with docker-machine since it's spinning up virtualbox VM's without the localhost mapping.
If you don't want to configure your hosts file, DNS, and can't use a newer version of docker, you're left with connecting by IP. What you can do is use a free wildcard DNS service like that maps any name you want, along with your IP address, back to that same IP address. This lets you use things like a hostname based reverse proxy to connect to multiple containers inside of docker behind the same port.
One last option is to run your docker host VM with a static IP. Docker-machine doesn't support this directly yet, so you can either rely on luck to keep the same IP from a given range, or use another tool like Vagrant to spin up the docker host VM with a static IP on the laptop. Once you have a static IP, you can modify the host file once, create a DNS entry for every dev, or use the same URL, to access the containers each time.
If you're on a machine with Multicasting DNS (that's Bonjour on a Mac), then the approach that's worked for me is to fire up an Avahi container in the Docker Machine vbox. This lets me refer to VM services at <docker-machine-vm-name>.local. No editing /etc/hosts, no crazy networking settings.
I use different Virtualbox VMs for different projects for my work, which keeps a nice separation of concerns (prevents port collisions, lets me blow away all the containers and images without affecting my other projects, etc.)
Using docker-compose, I just put an Avahi instance at the top of each project:
version: '2'
image: 'enernoclabs/avahi:latest'
network_mode: 'host'
Then if I run a webserver in the VM with a docker container forwarding to port 80, it's just http://machine-name.local in the browser.
You can add a domain name entry in your hosts file :
X.X.X.X mymachine # Replace X.X.X.X by the IP of your docker machine
You could also set up a DNS server on your local network if your app is meant to be reachable from your coworkers at your workplace and if your windows machine is meant to remain up as a server.
that would require to make your VM accessible from local network though, but port forwarding could then be a simple solution if your app is the only webservice running on your windows host. (Note that you could as well set up a linux server to avoid using docker-machine on windows, but you would still have to set up a static IP for this server to ensure that your domain name resolution works).
You could also buy your own domain name (or get a free one) and assign it your docker-machine's IP if you don't have rights to write in your hosts file.
But these solution may not work anymore after some time if app host doesn't have a static IP and if your docker-machine IP changes). Not setting up a static IP doesn't imply it will automatically change though, there should be some persistence if you don't erase the machine to create a new one, but that wouldn't be guaranteed either.
Also note that if you set up a DNS server, you'd have to host it on a device with a static IP as well. Your coworkers would then have to configure their machine to use this one.
I suggest nginx-proxy. This is what I use all the time. It comes in especially handy when you are running different containers that are all supposed to answer to the same port (e.g. multiple web-services).
nginx-proxy runs seperately from your service and listens to docker-events to update it's own configuration. After you spun up your service and query the port nginx-proxy is listening to, you will be redirected to your service. Therefore you either need to start nginx-proxy with the DEFAULT_HOST flag or send the desired host as header param with the request.
As I am running this only with plain docker, I don't know if it works with docker-machine, though.
If you go for this option, you can decide for a certain domain (e.g. .docker) to be completely resolved to localhost. This can be either done company-wide by DNS, locally with hosts file or an intermediate resolver (the specific solution depends on your OS, of course). If you then try to reach http://service1.docker nginx-proxy will route to the container that has then ENV VIRTUAL_HOST=service1.docker. This is really convenient, because it only needs one-time setup and is from then on dynamic.
