Failing to connect to localhost from inside a container Connection refused - docker

I'm currently testing an Ansible role using Molecule.
Basically, Molecule launches a container that is Ansible compliant and runs the role on it.
In order to test the container, Molecule also embed unit tests using Testinfra. The python unit tests are run from within the container so you can check the compliance of the role.
As I'm working on an Nginx based role, one of the unit tests is simply issuing a curl http://localhost:80
I do get the below error message in response:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused
When I:
launch a Vagrant machine
apply the role with Ansible
connect via vagrant ssh
issue a curl http://localhost command
nginx answers correctly.
Therefore, I believe that:
the role is working properly and Nginx is installed correctly
Docker has a different way to set-up the network. In a way, localhost and are not the same anymore.
My questions are the following:
Am I correct?
Can this difference be overcome so the curl would work?

Docker containers start in their own network namespace by default. This namespace includes a separate loopback interface ( that is distinct from the same interface on the host and any other containers. If you want to access an application from another container or via a published port on the host, you need to listen on all interfaces ( rather than the loopback interface.
One other issue I often see is at some layer in the connection (the host, or inside of a container), the "localhost" name is mapped to the IPv6 value of ::1 in the /etc/host file, and somewhere in that connection only the IPv4 value is valid (either where the port was published, the application is listening, or IPv6 isn't enabled on the host or docker engine). Therefore, make sure to try connecting to the IPv4 address directly,, to eliminate any potential IPv6 issues.
Regarding the curl command and how to correct it, I cannot answer that without more details on how you are running the curl (is it in a separate container), how you are running your application, and how the two are joined on the network (did you create a new network in docker for your application and unit tests to run). The typical solution is to create a new network in docker, run both containers on that network, and connect via docker's included DNS to the container or service name of the destination, e.g. curl http://my_app/.
Edit: based on the comments, if your application and curl command are both running inside the same container, then curl should work. There's no change I'm aware of needed with to curl to make it work inside of a container vs on a VM. The error you are seeing is likely from the application not starting and listening on the port as expected, possibly a race condition where the curl command is run too soon, or the base assumptions of how the tool works is incorrect. Start by changing the unit test to verify the application is up and running and listening on the port with commands like ps -ef and ss -lt.

it actually have nothing to do with the differences between Docker and Vagrant (i.e. containers vs VMs).
The testInfra code is actually run from outside the container / VM, hence the fact the['curl', 'http://localhost']) is failing.
In order to run a command from the container / VM, I should use:
host.check_output('curl http://localhost')


How do I connect to other computers via Host Name on Ubuntu?

I have a docker container that is running on Windows currently and it is accessing database resources via the host name (e.g Desktop1, Desktop2, etc...). The docker container is using a bridge network that was created new for the purpose of the system.
What I notice on Windows is that I can ping or connect to those resources simply via the host name and I do not need to remember the IP address of the computer.
I also notice that this can also be done even if I don't have a DNS server running locally (I think?).
However, when I run the container on an Ubuntu host, I keep getting connection errors and timeouts.
I have tried to edit the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname to include the proper host name of the PC and the fixed wired IP I am using.
I have also tried a test database on the same Ubuntu system but I cannot connect to it via its host name. At best, I am able to connect via something like Desktop1.local but it only solves 1 issue. The other responses I receive from the other systems on the network return only the hostname (e.g. http://Desktop2/api/..., ws://Desktop3/api/..., etc...).
I was wondering if there is a configuration I am missing to have the same functionality as Windows? Do I need to change my code to handle this kind of situations or do I need to do something else like on the OS level?
My command for creating the docker container is along these lines:
docker create -p --env MongoDatabaseSettings__ConnectionString="mongodb://desktop1:27017/?uuidRepresentation=standard" --env ConnectionStrings__MySQLConnection="server=desktop2;database=DB;user=user;password=password" --name container1
Contents of my /etc/hosts localhost desktop1
If it's me, maybe will try to build the reverse proxy server.
Step. 1
choose your server. (recommend Nginx)
Step. 2
Forward traffic
For example, if your ip of docker service is, then you can make to forward to it. (or any port you want)
Then you just need to access, the server will forward the traffic to service of docker.
I dont know is that you actually want to do.
oh, btw, if you still want to access via host name, just edit host file with root user. (make a custom domain.
I dont know the reason of that why you can not setting the host file, but set in host file is always working for me.

SSH Tunnel within docker container

I have a client running in a docker container that subscribes to a MQTT broker and then writes the data into a database.
To connect to the MQTT Broker i will have to set up port forwarding.
While developing the client on my local machine the following worked fine:
SSH -L <mqtt-port:1883>:localhost:<9000> <user>#<ip-of-server-running-broker>
The client is then configured to subscribe to the MQTT broker via localhost:9000.
This all works fine on my local machine.
Within the container it wont, unless I run the container with --net=host but I'd rather not do that due to security concerns.
I tried the following:
Create docker network "testNetwork"
Run a ssh_tunnel container within "testNetwork" and implement port forwarding inside this container.
Run the database_client container within "testNetwork" and subscribe to the mqtt broker via the bridge network like ("ssh_tunnel.testNetwork:")
(I want 2 seperate containers for this because the ip address will have to be altered quite often and I don't want to re-build the client container all the time)
But all of my attempts have failed so far. The forwarding seems to work (I can access the shell on the server in the ssh container) but I haven't found a way to actually subscribe to the mqtt broker from within the client container.
Maybe this is actually quite simple and I just don't see how it works, but I've been stuck on this problem for hours by now...
Any help or hints are appreciated!
The solution was actually quite simple and works without using -net=host.
I needed to bind to and use the Gateway Forwarding Option to allow remote hosts (the database client) to connect to the forwarded ports.
ssh -L -g *:<hostport>:localhost:<mqtt-port/remote port> <user>#<remote-ip>
Other containers within the same Docker bridge network can then simply use the connection string <name-of-ssh-container>:<hostport>.

How to make a Docker container's service accessible via the container's IP address?

I'm a bit confused. Trying to run both a HTTP server listening on port 8080 and a SSH server listening on port 22 inside a Docker container I managed to accomplish the latter but strangely not the former.
Here is what I want to achieve and how I tried it:
I want to access services running inside a Docker container using the IP address assigned to the container:
ssh user#
Note: I know this is not how you would configure a real web server but I want the container to mimic an embedded device which runs both services and which I don't have available all the time. (So it's really just a local non-production thing with no security requirements).
I didn't expect integrating the SSH server to be easy, but to my surprise I just installed and started it and had to do nothing else to be able to connect to the machine via ssh (no EXPOSE 22 or --publish).
Now I wanted to access the container via HTTP on port 8080 and fiddled with --publish and EXPOSE but only managed to make the HTTP server available through localhost/ on the host. So now I can access it via
but I want to access both services via the same IP address which is NOT localhost (e.g. the address the container got randomly assigned is totally OK for me).
waits until it times out every time I tied it.
I tried docker run together with -p 8080, -p, -p and much more combinations, together or without EXPOSE 8080 in the Dockerfile but without success.
Why can I access the container via port 22 without having exposed anything?
And how do I make it accessible via the container's IP address?
Update: looks like I'm experiencing exactly what's described here.

Docker: able to telnet to remote machines from host but not from container

We have a couple docker containers deployed on ECS. The application inside the container uses remote service, so it needs to access them using their 10.X.X.X private IPs.
We are using Docker 1.13 with CentOS 7 and docker/alpine as our base image. We are also using netwokMode: host for our containers. The problem comes when we can successfully run telnet 10.X.X.X 9999 from the host machine but if we run the same command from inside the container, it just hangs and it's not able to connect.
In addition, we have net.ipv4.ip_forward enabled in the host machines (where the container runs) but disabled in the remote machine.
Not sure what could be the issue, maybe iptables?
I have spent the day with the same problem (tried with both network mode 'bridge' and 'host'), and it looks like an issue with using busybox's telnet inside ECS - Alpine's telnet is a symlink to busybox. I don't know enough about busybox/networking to suggest what the root cause is, but I was able to prove the network path was clear by using other tools.
My 'go to' for testing a network path is using netcat as follows. The 'success' or 'failure' message varies from version to version, but a refusal or a timeout (-w#) is pretty obvious. All netcat does here is request a socket - it doesn't actually talk to the listening application, so you need something else to test that.
nc -vz -w2 HOST PORT
My problem today was troubleshooting an app's mongo connection. nc showed the path was clear, but telnet had the same issue as you reported. I ended up installing the mongo client and checking with that, and I could connect properly.
If you need to actually run commands over telnet from inside your ECS container, perhaps try installing a different telnet tool and avoiding the busybox inbuilt one.

Connecting to Docker container connection refused - but container is running

I am running 2 spring boot applications: A client and rest-api. The client communicates to the rest-api which communicates to a mongodb database. All 3 tiers are running inside docker containers.
I launch the containers normally specifying the exposed ports in the dockerfile and mapping them to a port on the host machine such as: -p 7070:7070, where 7070 is a port exposed in the Dockerfile.
When I run the applications through the java -jar [application_name.war] command, the application works fine and they all can communicate.
However, when I run the applications in a Docker container I get connection refused error, such as when the client tries to connect to the rest-api I get a connection refused error at http://localhost:7070.
But the command docker ps shows that the containers are all running and listening on the exposed and mapped ports.
I have no clue why the containers aren't recognizing that the other containers are running and listening on their ports.
Does this have anything to do with iptables?
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT 1: The applications when ran inside containers work fine on my machine, and they don't throw any connection refused errors. The error only happens on that particular different machine.
I used container linking to solve this problem. Make sure you add --link <name>:<alias> at run-time to the container you want linked. <name> is the name of the container you want to link to and <alias> will be the host/domain of an entry in Spring's file.
Example: if the alias supplied at run-time is 'mongodb':
--link myContainerName:mongodb
