Understanding Gini Impurity Index (for Feature Selection in a Classification Task) - random-forest

So I encountered the following problem - I have J features from which I would like to choose only S features (that is, |S|<<|J|).
Some feature has a constant value for a large portion of the observations (previously NA, filled by some constant). Nevertheless, where this feature gets values, it has great predictive power for my target.
I was wondering how to account for that when doing feature selection. From what I have read, the Gini Impurity ranks each feature by how well it helped to decrease impurity, which is defined as the portion of the final nodes' splits, that has both classes of the outcome. In other words, we compare the following:
Num of final splits that couldn't separate classes 0 and 1 WITHOUT feature j
Num of final splits that couldn't separate classes 0 and 1 WITH feature j
See here for a clearer definition.
My worry is that the score for each feature is calculated as the mean decrease in impurity, over the number of splits, but because the feature is a constant for a large portion of the data, it has not got a lot of splits, to begin with.
Is there a way to do a conditional mean, say, to count the decrease in Impurity and normalize it by the number of splits that involved a feature?
Another solution that I came up with, is to somehow look at a quantile reduction for each feature and not the mean. Don't know if it would help.
What do you think?


What is a Distance Sensitive Data how it Differs from other Data? Any Examples will be helpful

i was reading about Classification Algorithm KNN and came across with one term Distance Sensitive Data. I was not able to Found what exactly is Distance Sensitive Data wha are it's classifications, How to say if our Data is Distance-Sensitive or Not?
Suppose that xi and xj are vectors of observed features in cases i and j. Then, as you probably know, kNN is based on distances ||xi-xj||, such as the Euclidean one.
Now if xi and xj contain just a single feature, individual's height in meters, we are fine, as there are no other "competing" features. Suppose that next we add annual salary in thousands. Consequently, we look at distances between vectors like (1.7, 50000) and (1.8, 100000).
Then, in the case of the Euclidean distance, clearly salary feature dominates height and it's almost like we are using the salary feature alone. That is,
||xi-xj||2 ≈ |50000-100000|.
However, if the two features actually have similar importance, then we are doing a poor job. It is even worse if salary is actually irrelevant and we should be using height alone. Interestingly, under weak conditions, our classifier still has nice properties such as universal consistency even in such bad situations. The problem is that in finite samples the performance is our classifier is very bad so that the convergence is very slow.
So, as to deal with that, one may want to consider different distances, such that do something about the scale. Commonly people standardize (set the mean to zero and variance to 1) each feature, but that's not a complete solution either. There are various proposals what could be done (see, e.g., here).
On the other hand, algorithms based on decision trees do not suffer from this. In those cases we just look for a point where to split the variable. For instance, if salary takes values in [0,100000] and the split is at 40000, then Salary/10 would be slit at 4000 so that the results would not change.

XGBoost: minimize influence of continuous linear features as opposed to categorical

Lets say I have 100 independent features - 90 are binary (e.g. 0/1) and 10 are continuous variables (e.g. age, height, weight, etc). I use the 100 features to predict a classifier problem with an adequate amount of samples.
When I set a XGBClassifier function and fit it, then the 10 most important features from the standpoint of gain are always the 10 continuous variable. For now I am not interested in cover or frequency. The 10 continuous variables take up like .8 to .9 of space in gain list ( sum(gain) = 1).
I tried tuning the gamma, reg_alpha , reg_lambda , max_depth, colsample. Still top 10 features by gain are always the 10 continuous features.
Any suggestions?
small update -- someone asked why I think this is happening. I believe it's because a continuous variable can be split on multiple times per decision tree. A binary variable can only be split on once. Hence, the higher prevalence of continuous variables in trees and thus a higher gain score
Yes, it's well-known that a tree(/forest) algorithm (xgboost/rpart/etc.) will generally 'prefer' continuous variables over binary categorical ones in its variable selection, since it can choose the continuous split-point wherever it wants to maximize the information gain (and can freely choose different split-points for that same variable at other nodes, or in other trees). If that's the optimal tree (for those particular variables), well then it's the optimal tree. See Why do Decision Trees/rpart prefer to choose continuous over categorical variables? on sister site CrossValidated.
When you say "any suggestions", depends what exactly do you want, it could be one of the following:
a) To find which of the other 90 binary categorical features give the most information gain
b) To train a suboptimal tree just to find out which features those are
c) To engineer some "compound" features by combining the binary features into n-bit categorical features which have more information gain (while being sure to remove the individual binary features from the input)
d) You could look into association rules : What is the practical difference between association rules and decision trees in data mining?
If you want to explore a)...c), suggest something vaguely like this:
exclude various subsets of the 10 continuous variables, then see which binary features show up as having the most gain. Let's say that gives you N candidate features. N will be << 90, let's assume N < 20 to make the following more computationally efficient.
then compute the pairwise measure of association or correlation (Spearman or Kendall) between each of the N features. Look at a corrplot. Pick the clusters of variables which are most associated with each other. Create compound n-bit variables which combine those individual binary features. Then retrain the tree, including the compound variables, and excluding the individual binary variables (to avoid changing the total variance in the input).
iterate for excluding various subsets of the 10 continuous variables. See which patterns emerge in your compound variables. I'm sure there's an algorithm for doing this (compound feature-engineering of n-bit categoricals) more formally and methodically, I just don't know it.
Anyway, for hacking a tree-based method for better performance, I imagine the most naive way is "at every step, pick the two most highly-correlated/associated categorical features and combine them". Then retrain the tree (include new feature, exclude its constituent features) and use the revised gain numbers.
perhaps a more robust way might be:
Pick some threshold T for correlation/association, say start at a high level T = 0.9 or 0.95
At each step, merge any features whose absolute correlation/association to each other >= T
If there were no merges at this step, reduce T by some value (like T -= 0.05) or ratio (e.g. T *= 0.9 . If still no merges, keep reducing T until there are merges, or until you hit some termination value (e.g. T = 0.03)
Retrain the tree including the compound variables, excluding their constituent subvariables.
Now go back and retrain what should be an improved tree with all 10 continuous variables, and your compound categorical features.
Or you could early-terminate the compound feature selection to see what the full retrained tree looks like.
This issue arose in the 2014 Kaggle Allstate Purchase Prediction Challenge, where the policy coverage options A,B,C,D,E,F,G were each categoricals with between 2-4 values, and very highly correlated with each other. (The current option of C, "C_previous", is one of the input features). See that competitions's forums and published solutions for more. Be aware that policy = (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) is the output. But C_previous is an input variable.
Some general fast-and-dirty rules-of-thumb on feature selection from Kaggle are:
throw out any near-constant/ very-low-variance variables (because they have near-zero information content)
throw out any very-high-cardinality categorical variables (cardinality >~ training-set-size/2), (because they will also tend to have low information content, but cause lots of spurious overfitting and blow up training time). This can include customer IDs, row IDs, transaction IDs, sequence IDs, and other variables which shouldn't be trained on in the first place but accidentally ended up in the training set.
I can suggest few things for you to try.
Test your model without this data (only 90 features) and evaluate the decrease in your score. If it's insignificant you might want to remove those features.
Turn them into groups.
For example, age can be categorized into groups, 0 : 0-7, 1 : 8-16, 2 : 17-25 and so on.
Turn them into binary. Out of the box idea on how to chose the best value to split them into binary is: Build 1 tree with 1 node (max depth = 1) and use only 1 feature. (1 out of the continuous features). then, dump the model to a .txt file and see the value it chose to split on. using this value, you can transform all that feature column into binary
I'm dealing myself with very similar problems right now, So i'll be happy to hear your results and the paths you chose to try.
I learned a lot from the answer by #smci, so I would recommend to follow his suggestions.
In the case, when your binary categorical features are in fact OHE representations of several categorical features with several classes in each, you can follow two more approaches:
Convert OHE into label encoding. Yes, this has the caveat that one introduces an order into a categorical features, which might be meaningless, for example green=3 > red=2 > blue=1. But in practice is seems that trees handle label=encoded categorical variables (even with meaningless order) reasonably well.
Convert OHE into target-/mean-/likelihood encoding. This is tricky, because you need to apply regularisation to avoid data leakage.
Both of those ideas are meant to group together several binary features into a single one based on prior knowledge about feature meaning. If you do not have that luxury, you can also try to deduce such groups by doing scalar product of columns and finding those giving zero product.

caret: using random forest and include cross-validation

I used the caret package to train a random forest, including repeated cross-validation. I’d like to know whether the OOB, as in the original RF by Breiman, is used or whether this is replaced by the cross-validation. If it is replaced, do I have the same advantages as described in Breiman 2001, like increased accuracy by reducing the correlation between input data? As OOB is drawn with replacement and CV is drawn without replacement, are both procedures comparable? What is the OOB estimate of error rate (based on CV)?
How are the trees grown? Is CART used?
As this is my first thread, please let me know if you need more details. Many thanks in advance.
There are a lot of basic questions here and you would be better served by reading a book on machine learning or predictive modeling. Thats probably why you haven't gotten much of a response.
For caret you should also consult the package website where some of these questions are answered.
Here are some notes:
CV and OOB estimation for RF are somewhat different. This post might help explain how. For this application, the OOB rate from random forest is computed while the model is being build whereas CV uses holdout samples that are predicted after the random forest model is computed.
The original random forest model (used here) uses unpruned CART trees. Again, this is in many text books and papers.
I recently got a little confused with this too, but reading chapter 4 in Applied Predictive Modeling by Max Kuhn helped me to understand the difference.
If you use randomForest in R, you grow a number of decision trees by sampling N cases with replacement (N is the number of cases in the training set). You then sample m variables at each node where m is less than the number of predictors. Each tree is then grown fully and terminal nodes are assigned to a class based on the mode of cases in that node. New cases are classified by sending them down all the trees and then taking a vote; the majority vote wins.
The key points to note here are:
how the trees are grown - sampling WITH replacement (a bootstrap). This means that some cases will be represented many times in your bootstrap sample and others may not be represented at all. The bootstrap sample will be the same size as your training dataset.
The cases that are not selected for building trees are referred to as the OOB samples- an OOB error estimate is calculated by classifying the cases that aren't selected when building a tree. About 63% of the data points in the bootstrap sample are represented at least once.
If you use caret in R, you will normally use caret::train(....) and specify the method as "rf" and trControl="repeatedcv". You can change trControl to "oob" if you want out of the bag. The way this works is as follows (I'm going to use a simple example of a 10 fold cv repeated 5 times): the training dataset is split into 10 folds of roughly equal size, a number of trees will be built using only 9 samples - so omitting the 1st fold (which is held out). The held out sample is predicted by running the cases through the trees and used to estimate performance measures. The first subset is returned to the training set and the procedure repeats with the 2nd subset held out, and so on. The process is repeated 10 times. This whole procedure can be repeated multiple times (in my example, I do this 5 times); for each of the 5 runs, the training dataset with be split into 10 slightly different folds. It should be noted that 50 different held out samples are used to calculate model efficacy.
The key points to note are:
this involves sampling WITHOUT replacement - you split the training data and build a model on 9 samples and predict the held out sample (the remaining 1 sample of the 10) and repeat this process as above
the model is built using a dataset that is smaller than the training dataset; this is different to the bootstrap method discussed above
You are using 2 different resampling techniques which will yield different results therefore they are not comparable. The k fold repeated cv tends to have low bias (for k large); where k is 2 or 3, bias is high and comparable to the bootstrap method. K fold cv tends to have high variance though...

Information leakage in Cross-validation

Description of classification problem:
Assume a regular dataset X with n samples and d features.
This classification problem is somewhat hard (many features, few samples, low overall AUC ~70%).
It might be useful to mention that feature selection/extraction, dimension reduction, kernels, many classifiers have been applied. So I am not interested in trying these.
I am not looking forward to see an improvement in overall AUC. The goal is to find relevant features in haystack of features.
Description of my approach:
I select all pairwise combination of d features and create many two dimensional sub-datasets x with n samples.
On each sub-dataset x, I perform a 10-fold cross-validation (using all samples of the main dataset X). A very long process, assume weeks of computation.
I select top k pairs (according to highest AUC for example) and label them as +. All other pairs are labeled as -.
For each pair, I can compute several properties (e.g. relations between each pair using Expert's knowledge). These properties can be calculated without using the labels in main dataset X.
Now I have pairs which are labeled as + or -. In addition, each pair has many properties calculated based on Expert's knowledge (i.e. features). Hence, I have a new classification problem. Lets call this newly generated dataset Y.
I train a classifier on Y while following cross-validation rules. Surprisingly, I can predict the + and - labels with 90% AUC.
As far as I can see, it means that I am able to select relevant features. However, seeing a 90% AUC makes me worried about information leakage somewhere in this long process. Specially in step 3.
I was wondering if anyone can see any leakage in this approach.
Information Leakage:
Incorporation of target labels in the actual features. Your classifier will produce good prediction while did not learn anything.
Showing your test set to you classifier during the training phase. Your classifier will "memorize" the test set and its corresponding labels without "learning" anything.
Update 1:
I want to stress that indeed I am using all data points of X in step 1. However, I am not using them ever again (even for testing). The final 90% AUC is obtained from predicting labels of dataset Y.
On the other hand, it would be useful to note that, even if I randomize the values of my main dataset X, the computed features for dataset Y is going to be the same. However, the sample labels in Y would change because the previous + pairs might not be a good one anymore. Therefore they will be labeled as -.
Update 2:
Although I haven't got any opinion, I am going to state what I have got during 4 days of talking with pattern recognition researchers. Briefly I became confident that there is no information leakage (as long as I wont go back to the first dataset X and using its labels). Later on, in case I wanted to check to see if I could have better performance in X (i.e. predicting sample labels), I need to use only a part of dataset X for pairwise comparison (as training set). Then I can use the rest of samples in X as test set while using positively predicted pairs of Y as features.
I will set this as an answer in case no one could reject this method.
If your processes in step 1 uses all data. then the features you are learning have information from the whole data set. Since you selected based on the whole dataset and THEN validation, you are leaking serious information.
You should probably stick with tools that are well known / already done for you before running out and trying weird strategies like this. Try using a model with L1 regularization to do feature selection for your, or start with some of the simpler searches like Sequential Backward Selection.
If you do cross validation correctly in the end, each training will perform its own independent feature selection. If you do one global feature selection and then do CV, you are going to be doing it wrong and probably leaking information.

How many principal components to take?

I know that principal component analysis does a SVD on a matrix and then generates an eigen value matrix. To select the principal components we have to take only the first few eigen values. Now, how do we decide on the number of eigen values that we should take from the eigen value matrix?
To decide how many eigenvalues/eigenvectors to keep, you should consider your reason for doing PCA in the first place. Are you doing it for reducing storage requirements, to reduce dimensionality for a classification algorithm, or for some other reason? If you don't have any strict constraints, I recommend plotting the cumulative sum of eigenvalues (assuming they are in descending order). If you divide each value by the total sum of eigenvalues prior to plotting, then your plot will show the fraction of total variance retained vs. number of eigenvalues. The plot will then provide a good indication of when you hit the point of diminishing returns (i.e., little variance is gained by retaining additional eigenvalues).
There is no correct answer, it is somewhere between 1 and n.
Think of a principal component as a street in a town you have never visited before. How many streets should you take to get to know the town?
Well, you should obviously visit the main street (the first component), and maybe some of the other big streets too. Do you need to visit every street to know the town well enough? Probably not.
To know the town perfectly, you should visit all of the streets. But what if you could visit, say 10 out of the 50 streets, and have a 95% understanding of the town? Is that good enough?
Basically, you should select enough components to explain enough of the variance that you are comfortable with.
As others said, it doesn't hurt to plot the explained variance.
If you use PCA as a preprocessing step for a supervised learning task, you should cross validate the whole data processing pipeline and treat the number of PCA dimension as an hyperparameter to select using a grid search on the final supervised score (e.g. F1 score for classification or RMSE for regression).
If cross-validated grid search on the whole dataset is too costly try on a 2 sub samples, e.g. one with 1% of the data and the second with 10% and see if you come up with the same optimal value for the PCA dimensions.
There are a number of heuristics use for that.
E.g. taking the first k eigenvectors that capture at least 85% of the total variance.
However, for high dimensionality, these heuristics usually are not very good.
Depending on your situation, it may be interesting to define the maximal allowed relative error by projecting your data on ndim dimensions.
Matlab example
I will illustrate this with a small matlab example. Just skip the code if you are not interested in it.
I will first generate a random matrix of n samples (rows) and p features containing exactly 100 non zero principal components.
n = 200;
p = 119;
data = zeros(n, p);
for i = 1:100
data = data + rand(n, 1)*rand(1, p);
The image will look similar to:
For this sample image, one can calculate the relative error made by projecting your input data to ndim dimensions as follows:
[coeff,score] = pca(data,'Economy',true);
relativeError = zeros(p, 1);
for ndim=1:p
reconstructed = repmat(mean(data,1),n,1) + score(:,1:ndim)*coeff(:,1:ndim)';
residuals = data - reconstructed;
relativeError(ndim) = max(max(residuals./data));
Plotting the relative error in function of the number of dimensions (principal components) results in the following graph:
Based on this graph, you can decide how many principal components you need to take into account. In this theoretical image taking 100 components result in an exact image representation. So, taking more than 100 elements is useless. If you want for example maximum 5% error, you should take about 40 principal components.
Disclaimer: The obtained values are only valid for my artificial data. So, do not use the proposed values blindly in your situation, but perform the same analysis and make a trade off between the error you make and the number of components you need.
Code reference
Iterative algorithm is based on the source code of pcares
A StackOverflow post about pcares
I highly recommend the following paper by Gavish and Donoho: The Optimal Hard Threshold for Singular Values is 4/sqrt(3).
I posted a longer summary of this on CrossValidated (stats.stackexchange.com). Briefly, they obtain an optimal procedure in the limit of very large matrices. The procedure is very simple, does not require any hand-tuned parameters, and seems to work very well in practice.
They have a nice code supplement here: https://purl.stanford.edu/vg705qn9070
