How to Parse out a Data Column with Multiple Messages - parsing

I have a simple query that is returning data that has a field which contains more than 1 data piece
Current Data below in the error msg detail field.
Document #1
Error: Data Missing
Element: Insert the right data into table 2
Error: Data Missing
Element: Missing Data from dimension
What I would like to see is that flatten out...Like this..There could be more than 2 error msgs.
ErrorId Error Element 1 Element 2
1 Data Missing Insert the right data into table 2 Missing Data from dimension


Error in hist.default: 'x' must be numeric

I want to make multiple histogram for my data but it always throws an error.
Error in hist.default: 'x' must be numeric
my data structure:

SSRS Pass Total Number of Rows from Master to Subreport

I have an SSRS report that contains a master page with a table, which passes the row data from the table to a subreport.
I would like to also pass the total number of rows contained in the table to the subreport.
I have tried setting a variable on the master page using both:
=Max(Fields!ROWNUM.Value, "Assessment")
but when I then try to pass the variable to the subreport I get the error:
Error [rsCyclicExpressionInReportVariable] The Variable(TOTAL_ROWS) expression for the report contains a direct or indirect reference to itself. Loops in variable value expressions are not allowed.
If I try to put either of those expressions into the expression of the parameter directly (Subreport Properties -> Parameters, then fx) for the subreport, I get the error:
Exception of type 'Microsoft.Reporting.Services.ReportProcessing+DataCacheUnavailableException' was thrown
any idea how I get the total number of rows passed to the subreport?
So passing
=Max(Fields!ROWNUM.Value, "Assessment")
as the expression for a parameter does work, but if you are getting 'DataCacheUnavailableException' you need to delete the file "MasterFileName" to essentially clear the report data cache.

dask dataframe to_parquet throws error

I am trying to save task dataframe to parquet on HDFS. However it fails with error :Exception: TypeError('expected list of bytes',)
I am also providing object_encoding argument as {"anomaly":"json","sensor_name":"json"}.
Here is the columns in dataframe: Index(['original_value', 'anomaly', 'anomaly_bin', 'sensor_name'], dtype='object')
Columns sensor_name and anomaly are string. Other columns are float.
eg: [18.0 'N' 0.0 'settemp']
I also tried to save it as CSV in HDFS but the api failed with error: Exception: ValueError('url type not understood:
Path to CSV as: hdfs://ip:port/some path
It will be great if some one can guide me in right direction.

App Inventor Fusion Table Column calling

I developed an app based on App Inventor and Fusion Tables. When I want to update total money by adding some money to already existing money it is giving some error.
When I use SELECT command to get information from fusion table it is taking then number with column Name. When i am trying to add both of them it is giving following error.
Error message
The result from a fusiontable includes always the header row...
from your example SELECT statement the result is
Obviously to add any value to that result will result in an error, because you only can add numeric values...
You first have to extract the value (in your example 5000) from the result. Convert the result into a list using the split block, just split at \n (new value) to get a list, then select the 2nd item using the select list item block.
Note: to be able to update something in a table, you need the ROWID, see also the SQL Reference Documentation of the Fusion Tables API.
For UPDATE statements the first step to be done is to get the ROWID of the row to be updated with a SELECT statement. The second step is to do the UPDATE.

Data type mismatch in foxpro stored procedure

I want to make a copy of every record inserted in jobact to a new table jobactupdates. I am using a stored procedure for this purpose. Both tables are exactly the same and have same no of columns. When I insert data in jobact using insert query then, the stored procedure fails and show the Data Type mismatch error.
My code looks like this:
PROCEDURE insertData
INSERT INTO jobactupdates (jobcode ,jobdescr ,fileno ,port ,mastcode ,mastdescr ,mastdescr1 ,shipper ,goods ,unit1 ,qty ,unit ,vesname ,arremarks ,arrdate ,remarks ,docstat ,docdate ,blno ,bldate ,jastat ,rate ,demand ,received ,balance ,transpor,dldate);
A Data Type Mismatch error occurs when you try to insert an inappropriate data type into a field. For example, if you try to store a string into an integer field. I would double check the table structures and confirm that they are identical.
Another thing to be aware of is if any of the JOBACT field types are set to Integer (AutoInc). They will have to be set to just Integer in the JOBACTUPDATES table. Otherwise you will get a "Field is read-only" error message.
Character fields: write them into '' marks,
Numeric fields: just numbers for example 123,
Date fields: {^yyyy-mm-dd}
(There can also optionally be time in Date field.)
Is this your actual query? If so, the fact your Columns and Values clauses contain different field lists has certainly caused this error:
Insert Into ...
balance ..
Values ...
jobact.received, <--
jobact.balance, <--
jobact.transpor <--
