I have been retriving this error multiple times jasonpath name doesnt match - rest-assured

Below is the error that is generating. I am trying to extract name and value from the JSON body!
I am expecting in console name and value

Your path to extract value is wrong. The correct path would be .body("data.name", equalTo("jeetu"));


Cannot bind query parameter; Unknown name basicRequest when retrieving basic insights for a location

I'm trying to retrieve insights for a location using the Google Business Profile API. I've tried a few approaches, but I always get an error about "Cannot bind query parameter".
According to the docs, I should be posting to this URL: https://mybusiness.googleapis.com/v4/accounts/xxx/locations:reportInsights
and in the body, pass in an array of locationNames, but when I do that, I get the error about "Cannot bind query parameter 'locationNames'".
So I just tried doing a GET on this URL and pass in the names on the name querystring and that worked just fine to get the high-level data.
So I know I have the right account ID, location ID, etc. But I need to be able to add in the basicRequest parameter so I can indicate which metric that I want to retrieve.
So I've POST to both of those URLS above with a body that looks like this:
But again, I get the same errors about "Cannot bind query parameter" to field "basicRequest" (Same as when I tried to pass in the "locationNames" param in the JSON.
So clearly, I'm doing something wrong with how I am sending in the parameters in the body because it doesn't seem to think any of those parameter names are valid. My end goal is to be able to retrieve queries_direct, actions_total, etc.
I'm using Ruby, and there isn't a client library for it, so I'm just crafting the URLs and the JSON body and doing a GET or POST to it.
Greatly appreciate any pointers!

Thymeleaf th:text displaying wrong value on encoded parameter

The URL of the template is:
where, for example, %E1 is á
I'm trying to display the value of the param error on the page using this code:
but a wrong value with special character is being displayed.
Welcome to SO.
I see two ways you can try:
1) Use the utility for an HttpServletRequest:
<p th:utext="${#httpServletRequest.getParameter('error')}">[error message]</p>
This is getting the value of the error parameter from the request.
2) Use the typical usage for getting the value of a param:
<p th:utext="${param.error}">[error message]</p>
In either case, you can use th:if to check for null. You can use utext to get the unescaped text so that unusual characters display.
Also, check that your character encoding is set to UTF-8. In your config, it would look something like:
Instead of trying to decode the URL, I first encoded the error message where it was generated using URLEncoder.encode(errorMessage). So, the URL changed to http://localhost:8080/login?error=Usuário+inexistente+ou+senha+inválida. Then, I didn't need to decode. I only used th:text="${param.msgError}

Rails: parse weirdly-formatted JSON

My JSON response from an external service looks like this:
Parameters: {"{\"attributes\":{\"type\":\"Lead\",\"url\":\"/services/lead/2231\"},\"Id\":\"2231\",\"FirstName\":\"Jean\"}"=>nil, "external_id"=>"2231"}
How can I parse the Id and FirstName keys in Rails 5? I've tried everything. I know Rails 5 has the .to_unsafe_h method, that's not my problem. It's more the weird nested formatting that has a value of nil after "Jean" above.
If you pay attention closely, you will see:
"{\"attributes\":{\"type\":\"Lead\",\"url\":\"/services/lead/2231\"},\"Id\":\"2231\",\"FirstName\":\"Jean\"}" is actually a string, a key, and the value value associated to it is nil.
If you want to parse that, just can use parameters.keys[0].to_json; although I will double check first why you are getting the parameters in that incorrect state in the first place.

How to get an empty parameter from an url like "example.com/id//"?

I am using symfony 1.0 and below is the URL which displays the news description.
In the above URL value for CSS is missing and the URL is supposed to be as below
When I use $this->getRequestParameter('css') to get the value of css, I get it as 'act' and if the do the same for 'act', I get empty value.
I am getting values for above parameters for the metioned URL.
I want to get value of 'act' in above URL. How to get that?

I am validating for RegEx errors -- how can I return which keyword, it failed on?

I'm passing new objects through this set of regex :
If it errors, for example on the word christmas , how can I dynamically pull the word it errors on, and display it as the cause of the error?
$~ will be set to a MatchData object. If you then call $~.captures, you should get an array of matches.
