Wrap new OpenGL functions in Kivy - kivy

Does anyone know a simple way to add OpenGL functions/types to Kivy that is currently not wrapped e.g. 3Dtextures or Cubic_Img?


Isnt clipping planes work in kivy opengl?

Im trying to make render to texture for reflection and refration texture for water shader... but glClipPlane is not defined in kivy opengl.. Here are some ScreenShots
Test with PyOpengl
Test with kivy Opengl
From Clipping-planes in OpenGL ES 2.0, it looks like this wasn't part of OpenGL ES 2.0, which Kivy nominally targets. If you do want to use it, you probably can, but it isn't part of Kivy's exposed API (these low level opengl calls are usually considered internal to Kivy).

Cocoa framework integrated with GLUT and OpenGL

I am new to MAC OS X programming. I am trying to develop an application that represents the rotation movement of the earth in 3D. What I want to do (probably I have mixed concepts, so sorry me) is to develop a Cocoa app where I will can visualize some controls in the window.xib that will allow me to change the rotation speed of the earth and things like that. The big issue that I have here, is that I don't know how to "connect" this controls with a 3D sphere and his functionality. I wrote a C++ program that uses GLUT libraries, that represents the sphere and the rotation movement, but I think I am going in the wrong way. Please somebody can clarify me how to integrate GLUT with a Cocoa application and the controls that Coca framework provides? If this is not possible I will appreciate any guide, tutorial or advice to continue with the development of my app.
Thank you so much and sorry for my poor english.
So your basic options for Open GL and OS X are Open GL or GLKit. GLKit is essentially an Objective-C wrapper around Open GL that integrates it into Cocoa.
My first suggestion however would be Unity 3D
Also you can look into Objective-C++ if you really want to go down that route, however I'd advise against it.

How to rotate an image in dart?

I'm trying to develop a simplistic 2D browser game with dart.
The player is drawn from a png-image represented by an ImageElement in dart.
I want the player-image to turn towards the mousepointer, but cant find how to rotate an image in dart.
Any suggestions as to how this might be done?
I would highly recommend using the StageXL library for this (https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/stagexl). It's basically a recreation of the Flash APIs for Dart. It makes doing that sort of thing very easy, and it's often used to create Dart games.
I ended up using multiple images for the 8 general directions the player can move and set them accordingly.

Which gameloop method for custom OpenGL- ES code when using SpriteKit

Because of some unique map needs I may have to render my own background tiles rather than let SpriteKit do it. In the java version we have our own custom update/render methods in which we draw everything to opengl.
However, SpriteKit doesn't seem to expose a render method, so I'm trying to determine the best game-loop method for our custom rendering to occur in. As far as I can tell, the update method is the only gameloop method SpriteKit exposes.
Sprite Kit does not allow direct access to OpenGL so far. It is intended to be simple engine for beginners.

How to render simple 2d text in openGL with delphi?

I am trying to find a way to display a simple text on an openGL form in Delphi.
I tried this with Labels, but they were not showing up. I'm guessing that the openGL window was rendered on top of it, so I tried to call Label1.BringToFront; but this didn't work.
I also heard of a library called freetype, but I couldn't find info, how to implement it in Delphi.
What is the simplest way to render out text on an openGL form in Delphi?
The simplest way is to use opengl's wglfontbitmaps
const numberchar =128
wglMakeCurrent(FDC, FRC);
FFontBase := glGenLists(numberchar);
SelectObject(FDC, FFont.Handle);
wglUseFontBitmaps(FDC,0,128, FFontBase);
glCallLists(Length(aText), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, Pansichar(aText)); list
glDeleteLists(FFontBase, numberchar);
The draw code is only partial. Best to look for tutorials for similar code.
Note this will only give you basic unscaled font. For fancy text effects, indeed, freetype is the most common route.
A good place to start with Delphi and opengl is http://www.delphigl.com/ Mostly German, but some English boards too.
An alternative (provided that you have D2010+) is to look in the direction of DirectX. D2010+ comes with a directx context component.
