Generating updater.exe via Advanced Installer command line - advanced-installer

I am trying to sign all executables + dll files in my application, within an Azure Pipeline, using Azure signtool for that. (doing basically the described here) - on the result of running dotnet publish.
Exception is updater.exe, because it is generated by Advanced Installer API or some other proprietary way. Signing the updater.exe file that lies inside Advanced Installer installation folder /x86/updater.exe - does not help (it will work, but the updater.exe that is deployed when installing the MSI is not signed, meaning it is generated during processing of the .AIP file, which happens after running dotnet publish)
Is there a way the updater.exe AI generates (with the custom icon, etc) to be created using command line API ? How ?

The question has already been answered in the forums here:


How to run an MSIX installed application from the command line

I have an application packaged and signed as an MSIX, it installs and runs from the start menu. I'd like to be able to run the application from the command line too, for automated testing, but I can't see a way to do it. From powershell the docs suggest Invoke-CommandInsideDesktopPackage, but that requires developer mode which I'd rather not enable on test machines, and also is not the same as just running the app. What I'd love is a simple command line command that starts the app in the same way that the start menu does it.
By design, the binaries from an installation folder of an MSIX folder are not directly accessible through their direct path.
The correct way to run an app from the command line from an MSIX package is with the use of an execution alias. The following article contains more details about how an execution alias works and how you can define it in your package, no matter the tool you use to build the MSIX package.
- App Execution Alias
Also, here is a related question on SO.

dxgettext and Windows 10

Has anyone got dxgettext running under Windows 10?
I installed dxgettext from the offical homepage under Windows 10, which worked fine.
But whenever I try to run some of the installed tools (e.g. msgfmt.exe), they don't really run, but call themselves again, generating thousands of processes and making the system crawl.
This is what happens:
I call msgfmt --help
the executable msgfmt hangs, blocking the command window
in the TaskManager I see houndreds of msgfmt.exe processes popping up
I think, I have to replace the gettext tools of the dxgettext package with some newer version but before trying to figure it out I first wanted to ask if someone else experienced similar problems and found a working solution.
My questions:
Has anyone got the tools coming with dxgettext running under Windows 10?
What steps have been necessary to get it to run?
I resolved the problem in the following way:
I downloaded from
I replaced the following files from the installation directory of dxgettext with files from the zip archive:
Dxgettext and the tools, I use, seem to work fine. I found no problems with my workflow so far, with one exception:
If I use assemble to embed mo-files into an exe compiled with JvGnugettext.pas, I get the following error:
Pach code “6637DB2E-62E1-4A60-AC19-C23867046A89” was not found in .exe file. Are you sure the .exe file has been compiled with the correct libraries?
This may not be related to the original problem. However, it is resolved by replacing the original assemble.exe with the version from (see answer by #dummzeuch).
The installer on the official home page is pretty old. Last time I looked it contained several outdated dlls and executables from the original gnugettext project that did not work correctly under recent Windows versions. You could take those from my buildtools repository on OSDN. These work for me. No guarantee that they work for you though.
I've been having these issues too with dxgettext 1.22, in Windows 10 1607. I changed some DLLs at first but kept having the bash.exe looping and hogging my PC to death.
So what I did was basically install latest Cygwin 32bit and replaced the appropiate DLLs. I kept the ones for gettext. Instructions:
Download and fresh install dxgettext-1.2.2.exe from as admin. Restart.
Download Cygwin 32bit from in a different folder from dxgettext (I took the default, c:\cygwin)
Run setup-x86.exe and select "Base" Package (Install). Next, Select Required packages just in case.
Move the following files from dxgettext folder to a backup folder (we'll use some DLL later):
Copy from c:\cygwin to the dxgettext folder the following files:
bash.exe (set to run as admin)
Recover the file(s) below from the backup folder (See #4) and copy to the dxgettext folder.
Running like this, you might get error 740 (requires elevation). So: Set ggmerge.exe,ggfmt.exe to run as admin
** EDIT** Found online this very interesting link, from a programmer who offers a free backup written in Delphi. The good thing is he adapted the dxgettext tools to run in Windows 10. This helped me a lot.

Physical Path in Beanstalk

I'm totally newbie in Beanstalk. I'm developing a web application in which a sealed and black-box plugin is used. That plugin needs a physical path with full permission to use for cache.
Any solution?
You can use the .ebextensions files in the main project that will, for example, create a directory and change the access rights to it. It is not clear from your question how you install the plugin (e.g. is it a service that is loaded after the web application is installed or is it part of the web application).
Execute a command in the .ebextensions file such as in:
How to grant permission to users for a directory using command line in Windows?
You'll find a introduction into container customization in
Be careful about the format of the files (ie. spaces, no tabs, the best is to edit it in a separate text editor). Experiment with simple commands first, so that you get the hang of how the commands are executed.
Note: The ebextensions commands are executed for each deployment, so your script should check if the directory exists already and only create it if it doesn't. Otherwise the execution will fail as you try to create a directory that exists already. In a second step you can add the permissions.

Pass parameter to app config file during MSI installation - Advanced Installer

I have created MSI package using advanced Installer. It contains App Config to which i have to pass the siteURL which varies depending on location. I need to pass the siteurl to app config when msi is installed . Please help me with it. I am new to Advanced Installer
You can check the online user guide for Advanced Installer, it has a lot of useful info. For example the article on importing and editing XML config files.
Or how to add a custom dialog and write in the system the values captured from the end users.
EDIT: additional answer regarding command line
You can run the installation silently from the command line but you will still see the message box saying the package is built with a trial. You will not see the standard MSI dialogs. And the trial messages will be gone once you purchase license for Advanced Installer.
Please note that your command prompt window (cmd.exe) must be launched as administrator, if your installation is installing per-machine (i.e. you write in Program Files or HKLM registry hive). Otherwise the installation will fail silently and you will not know why, because on silent installation the OS will not show an error message.
Here is a command line example:
msiexec.exe /i C:\setup\installer.msi /qn ID="235424" SiteURL=""
Please note that it is not recommended to use private properties, i.e. properties with lower case letters in their name, we recommend public properties, for example: SITE_URL.

trying to install lockbox 3 for Delphi 2010

I'm trying to download LockBox3 so I can encrypt some files. I tried through Sourceforge and ran into all sorts of compiling difficulty such as the ANSI problem in the String Utility, $ENDIF rather than $IFEND, and others. I then went to the link and I see lists of files but I don't see how to ultimately make a package that I can use in the application.
I'm not interested in modifying any source - I'm just hoping to use the utility/component as-is to encrypt/decrypt file such as in the codec examples.
You can download a svn client (take 1 minute)
1) Download : Standalone command-line Subversion client for Windows
The installer contains all command line tools (svn, svnadmin, svnsync, svnserve, svnmucc) but no application bindings nor Apache modules.
2) goto
there you see
Command-line access
Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:
Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout tplockbox-read-only
3) create a folder where you want to store the download
4) inside that folder open windows cmd
5) paste above svn checkout ... link to cmd
after ENTER the download starts.
