Download openCV on windows to install on Raspberry PI - opencv

I am unable to install OpenCV on raspberry Pi due to network issues.So I want to download the modules on my Windows machine and then transfer them by using a USB pendrive. From where can I download the modules?


ESP8266 micropython terminal not reponding?

I bought these boards and was trying to install micropython and then launch the REPL, but when I would start the putty session the chip would send the proper stuff but I could not type anything. I tried:
reinstalling both the 2MB+ firmware and the 1MB,
adding fm -dio to the install,
reinstall drivers for my computer.
Any other ideas?

Aidl can not be executed, Buildozer

I am using an Raspberry pi 4 and when I run
buildozer android debug
it says aidl cannot be executed
I would appreciate it if someone could help me with this problem
Raspberry pi is not supported, I just used a ubuntu virtual machine

Does raspberry pi 4 support face_recognition faster rate than raspberry pi 3 B+?

I have install the face_recognition package in raspberry pi 3+( raspian stretch os ) due to RAM the time taking to recognize the face is high. Does raspberry pi 4 support faster rate than RPI 3 B+ ???

Google Coral Environmental Sensor Board reports NaN for all measurements

When running the Google Coral Environmental Sensor Board on a fresh Raspbian install and fresh installation of the Google Coral Raspberry Pi library, all measurements are NaN (not a number) when running the Google demo code.
Is this an indication that the board is broken, even if the display works fine?
Reinstalled Raspbian OS on a Raspberry Pi 0 w and reinstalled Coral Raspberry Pi library.
Google demo code is here:
No errors reported

Appium install on linux

Saw so many videos in YouTube but I cannot install the appium,
I want to install appium server n appium desktop app in Linux
Is it possible??
I’m using both in windows but li Linux I can’t please help me
Download Appium Desktop for linux from : Offcial Appium site.
You need to download the file with .AppImage extension.
Then open terminal and type
chmod a+x filename.AppImage
