Google Coral Environmental Sensor Board reports NaN for all measurements - google-coral

When running the Google Coral Environmental Sensor Board on a fresh Raspbian install and fresh installation of the Google Coral Raspberry Pi library, all measurements are NaN (not a number) when running the Google demo code.
Is this an indication that the board is broken, even if the display works fine?
Reinstalled Raspbian OS on a Raspberry Pi 0 w and reinstalled Coral Raspberry Pi library.
Google demo code is here:
No errors reported


accelerator stop working on google coral dev board

We are using google coral dev for our machine-learning project in various environments. we are noticing that for some of them for an unknown issue, we are facing an issue with the accelerator which stops working.
OS: Linux base
the coral accelerator is not found under /dev/apex_0
can someone have the same issue and a clue how this issue raise?

Download openCV on windows to install on Raspberry PI

I am unable to install OpenCV on raspberry Pi due to network issues.So I want to download the modules on my Windows machine and then transfer them by using a USB pendrive. From where can I download the modules?

Aidl can not be executed, Buildozer

I am using an Raspberry pi 4 and when I run
buildozer android debug
it says aidl cannot be executed
I would appreciate it if someone could help me with this problem
Raspberry pi is not supported, I just used a ubuntu virtual machine

Does raspberry pi 4 support face_recognition faster rate than raspberry pi 3 B+?

I have install the face_recognition package in raspberry pi 3+( raspian stretch os ) due to RAM the time taking to recognize the face is high. Does raspberry pi 4 support faster rate than RPI 3 B+ ???

illegal instruction after google-Assistant-demo

I have installed the google assistant on a raspberry pi 1b (one of the first revisions) without any issues following when running the google-assistant-demo it returns and illegal instruction before exiting.
any advice on how to get this running?
thanks in advance
The Google Assistant Library for Python that is part of the Google Assistant SDK only supports x86_64 and ARMv7 (Raspberry Pi 2 and 3) architectures but not the ARMv6 (Raspberry Pi 1) architecture.
