How to make a cross contract view calls with two or more hops? - near

I am trying to call a function in a contract through another contract. So there are 3 contracts, (1) one we have which wants to get price on some action, (2) Price Provider contract which checks the exchange price and returns a uint, and (3) the Price feed which provides exchange price
(First Contract)
request_price -> (Second Contract)
get_price -> (Third Feed)
From what I read, submitting a cross contract call returns a promise, which could be called when resolved. How would it work for 2 or more promises who depend on each other?
I tried, but I couldn't think of a way to make another call in the same call possible

It's slightly unclear based on the question of the flow you'd like to do. I assume you need the results of both get_price and get_latest_answer back in your contract?
If so, you can schedule both calls in parallel (if they don't depend on eachother) and then receive both results in a callback function defined in your contract.
Roughly in Rust-like pseudocode, would look like:
pub fn request_price() {
pub fn some_callback(#[callback] price, #[callback] latest) {
// Can receive results from both in this function
I think I might be misunderstanding the expected flow of data, so let me know what assumptions are incorrect.
Also, feel free to link any code which causes issues and we would be happy to fix/fill in any gaps :)


The difference between Mono.just(1) vs. Flux.just(1)

I wonder, is there any difference in behavior/guarantees between the MonoJust and FluxJust created with exactly one argument?
From the source code of the Reactor Core 3.3.7 I am able to see that the former one is using the Operators#ScalarSubscription as its subscription object, while the latter one uses its private WeakScalarSubscription.
The only difference between these two is that ScalarSubscription has this volatile int once thing (a counter) defined and checked on each method call and somewhat ensures the onComplete() is called exactly once. At the same time, WeakScalarSubscription uses the boolean terminado thing (a non-volatile flag) for the same purposes, but without the "exactly once" guarantees for onComplete() call.
Using volatile in Java has its price, which is payed off e.g. when one creates a lot of these things (with Mono.just(1) or Flux.just(1)) in the highly-concurrent client code. (As we do in our project inside the flatMap that runs in parallel on a dedicated thread pool.)
There's no class javadoc for MonoJust, so I wonder if my assumptions are correct: that the only difference is that FluxJust may send the completion signal more than once in some circumstances — and that's it? Or are there other subtle differences?
I think that the biggest difference is how you use Flux and Mono. Mono emits one item or error and then completes, whereas Flux can emit more than one element, error, and then completion signal.
just() methods are meant to evaluate one element (or vararg variant for Flux) and return it immediately. I can imagine cases when Flux with only one element is returned.

How do I get the TimeFrame for an open order in MT mq4?

I'm scanning through the order list using the standard OrderSelect() function. Since there is a great function to get the current _Symbol for an order, I expected to find the equivalent for finding the timeframe (_Period). However, there is no such function.
Here's my code snippet.
for (int i=orderCount()-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
if (OrderMagicNumber()==magic && OrderSymbol()==_Symbol ) j++;
// Get the timeframe here
Q: How can I get the open order's timeframe given it's ticket number?
In other words, how can I roll my own OrderPeriod() or something like it?
There is no such function. Two approaches might be helpful here.
First and most reasonable is to have a unique magic number for each timeframe. This usually helps to avoid some unexpected behavior and errors. You can update the input magic number so that the timeframe is automatically added to it, if your input magic is 123 and timeframe is M5, the new magic number will be 1235 or something similar, and you will use this new magic when sending orders and checking whether a particular order is from your timeframe. Or both input magic and timeframe-dependent, if you need that.
Second approach is to create a comment for each order, and that comment should include data of the timeframe, e.g. "myRobot_5", and you parse the OrderComment() in order to get timeframe value. I doubt it makes sense as you'll have to do useless parsing of string many times per tick. Another problem here is that the comment can be usually changed by the broker, e.g. if stop loss or take profit is executed (and you need to analyze history), and if an order was partially closed.
One more way is to have instances of some structure of a class inherited from CObject and have CArrayObj or array of such instances. You will be able to add as much data as needed into such structures, and even change the timeframe when needed (e.g., you opened a deal at M5, you trail it at M5, it performs fine so you close part and virtually change the timeframe of such deale to M15 and trail it at M15 chart). That is probably the most convenient for complex systems, even though it requires to do some coding (do not forget to write down the list of existing deals into a file or deserialize somehow in OnDeinit() and then serialize back in OnInit() functions).

Garbage collection and the memoization of a string-to-string function

The following exercise comes from p. 234 of Ierusalimschy's Programming in Lua (4th edition). (NB: Earlier in the book, the author explicitly rejects the word memoization, and insists on using memorization instead. Keep this in mind as you read the excerpt below.)
Exercise 23.3: Imagine you have to implement a memorizing table for a function from strings to strings. Making the table weak will not do the removal of entries, because weak tables do not consider strings as collectable objects. How can you implement memorization in that case?
I am stumped!
Part of my problem is that I have not been able to devise a way to bring about the (garbage) collection of a string.
In contrast, with a table, I can equip it with finalizer that will report when the table is about to be collected. Is there a way to confirm that a given string (and only that string) has been garbage-collected?
Another difficulty is simply figuring out what the desired function's specification is. The best I can do is to figure out what it isn't. Earlier in the book (p. 225), the author gave the following example of a "memorizing" function:
Imagine a generic server that takes requests in the form of strings with Lua code. Each time it gets a request, it runs load on the string, and then calls the resulting function. However, load is an expensive function, and some commands to the server may be quite frequent. Instead of calling load repeatedly each time it receives a common command like "closeconnection()", the server can memorize the results from load using an auxiliary table. Before calling load, the server checks in the table whether the given string already has a translation. If it cannot find a match then (and only then) the server calls load and stores the result into the table. We can pack this behavior in a new function:
[standard memo(r)ized implementation omitted; see variant using a weak-value table below]
The savings with this scheme can be huge. However, it may also cause unsuspected waste. ALthough some commands epeat over and over, many other commands happen only once. Gradually, the ["memorizing"] table results accumulates all commands the server has ever received plus their respective codes; after enough time, this behavior will exhaust the server's memory.
A weak table provides a simple solution to this problem. If the results table has weak values, each garbage-collection cycle will remove all translations not in use at that moment (which means virtually all of them)1:
local results = {}
setmetatable(results, {__mode = "v"}) -- make values weak
function mem_loadstring (s)
local res = results[s]
if res == nil then -- results not available?
res = assert(load(s)) -- compute new results
result[s] = res -- save for later reuse
return res
As the original problem statement notes, this scheme won't work when the function to be memo(r)ized returns strings, because the garbage collector does not treat strings as "collectable".
Of course, if one is allowed to change the desired function's interface so that instead of returning a string, it returns a singleton table whose sole item is the real result string, then the problem becomes almost trivial, but I find it hard to believe that the author had such a crude "solution" in mind2.
In case it matters, I am using Lua 5.3.
1 As an aside, if the rationale for memo(r)ization is to avoid invoking load more often than necessary, the scheme proposed by the author does not make sense to me. It seems to me that this scheme is based on the assumption (a heuristic, really) that a translation that is used frequently, and thus would pay to memo(r)ize, is also one that is always reachable (and hence not collectable). I don't see why this should necessarily, or even likely, be the case.
2 One may be able to put lipstick on this pig in the form of a __tostring method that would allow the table (the one returned by the memo(r)ized function) to masquerade as a string in certain contexts; it's still a pig, though.
Your idea is correct: wrap string into a table (because table is collectable).
function memormoize (func_from_string_to_string)
local cached = {}
setmetatable(cached, {__mode = "v"})
local c = cached[s] or {func_from_string_to_string(s)}
cached[s] = c
return c[1]
And I see no pigs in this solution :-)
one that is always reachable (and hence not collectable). I don't see why this should necessarily, or even likely, be the case.
There will be no "always reachable" items in a weak table.
But most frequent items will be recalculated only once per GC cycle.
The ideal solution (never collect frequently used items) would require more complex implementation.
For example, you can move items from normal cache to weak cache when item's "inactivity timer" reaches some threshold.

Mailboxprocessor, latest message

The setup is similar to this.
One agent, (dataSource) is generating data, and a single agent (dataProcessor) is processing the data. There is a lot more data being generated than dataProcessor can process, and I am not interested in processing all messages, just processing the latest piece of data.
One possible solution, proposed there by Jon Harrop there "is to greedily eat all messages in the inbox when one arrives and discard all but the most recent".
Another approach is not to listen for all messages, but rather for dataProcessor to PostAndReply dataSource to get the latest piece of data.
What are the pros and cons of these approaches?
This is an intriguing question and there are quite likely several possible perspectives. I think the most notable aspect is that the choice will affect how you design the API at the interface between the two components:
In "Consume all" approach, the producer has a very simple API where it triggers some event whenever a value is produced and your consumer will subscribe to it. This means that you could have other subscribers listening to updates from the producer and doing something else than your consumer from this question.
In "Call to get latest" approach, the producer will presumably need to be written so that it keeps the current state and discards old values. It will then provide blocking async API to get the latest value. It could still expose an event for other consumers though. The consumer will need to actively poll for changes (in a busy loop of some sorts).
You could also have a producer with an event as in "Consume all", but then create another component that listens to any given event, keeps the latest value and makes it available via a blocking async call to any other client.
Here some advantages/disadvantages I can think of:
In (1) the producer is very simple; the consumer is harder to write
In (2) the producer needs to do a bit more work, but the consumer is simple
In (3), you are adding another layer, but in a fairly reusable way.
I would probably go with either (2) (if I only need this for one data source) or with (3) after checking that it does not affect the performance.
As for (3), the sketch of what I was thinking would look something like this:
type KeepLastMessage<'T> =
| Update of 'T
| Get of AsyncReplyChannel<'T>
type KeepLast<'T>(initial:'T, event:IObservable<'T>) =
let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop last = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Update last -> return! loop last
| Get ch -> ch.Reply(last); return! loop last }
loop initial)
member x.AsyncGet() = agent.PostAndAsyncReply(Get)

Can i write like that

Scenario: Given CADD is greater than 0 and applicant confirmed as previous occupant at current address then match strength is IO
Given The Response contains "AC09>0"
And "Neaa01=0" or "NDac01=1"
When I fire the request
Then The Match strength should be "IO"
No and No.
This would ALMOST be a valid scenario in SpecFlow in terms of the parser would be able to handle it and you could run this test except that have used an or in the 2nd Given (the And). This really makes it two different scenarios.
Given The Response contains "AC09>0"
And "Neaa01=0"
When I fire the request
Then The Match strength should be "IO"
Given The Response contains "AC09>0"
And "NDac01=1"
When I fire the request
Then The Match strength should be "IO"
However as part of a BDD process this is very poor. Your aim should be to have a scenario that is in business langugae and you can imagine two non-technical people discussiing. I just don't ever see somebody saying "Neaa01=0" out loud.
And yet the description of the scenario you give is actually a far better example
Given CADD is greater than 0
and applicant confirmed as previous occupant at current address
then match strength is IO
If you could rephrase the Given CADD is greater than 0 then it would be quite neat.
Don't forget that SpecFlow's role is to turn the business language into something runnable, e.g.
[Given("applicant confirmed as previous occupant at current address")
public void ApplicantConfirmedAsPreviousOccupantAtCurrentAdddress()
