I'm trying to create a playwright test (in javascript) that uses the page object model of classes, but where the test and page object model aren't in the same directory path.
The problem I'm having is it can't find my page-object-model class file. The error is Error: Cannot find module './pom/home-page'. What am I missing or doing wrong?
My file setup and path structure are as follows:
const config = {
testDir: './test/playwright',
const { expect } = require ('#playwright/test');
exports.HomePage = class HomePage {
constructor(page) {
this.page = page;
this.searchInput = page.locator('#searchInput');
this.searchButton = page.locator('#searchButton');
const {test, expect} = require('#playwright/test');
const {HomePage} = require('./pom/home-page');
test.beforeAll( async ({ page }) => { ... });
test.beforeEach( async ({ page }) => { ... });
test.afterAll( async ({ page }) => { ... });
test.describe( 'As a user I want to search', () => {
test('"mySearchTerm1" and return {the expected result}', async ({ page }) => {
const homePage = new HomePage(page);
test('"mySearchTerm2" and return {the expected result}', async ({ page }) => {
const homePage = new HomePage(page);
Those using TypeScript can simplify this using tsconfig.json
in tsconfig add:
"baseUrl": ".",
Then you can import it in your fixture or test file like this:
import { HomePage } from "#pages/home-page"
This can be used to shorten fixtures or other files.
So, apparently the file reference is relative to the directory the test is located, not the testDir directory defined in the config file. I need to change line 2 in search.spec.js
const {HomePage} = require('../../pom/home-page');
I have created a small React app and I want to test it using Playwright component testing
I have 3 components: App -> ChildComponent -> ChildChildComponent
I want to render (mount) the ChildComponent directly, and make assertions on it, but when I do that, some ContextApi functions that are defined in the App in the normal flow, are now undefined as the App component is not part of the component test.
So i'v trying to render the ChildComponent together with a face ContextApi Provider and pass mocks of those undefined functions, and then I get an infinite render loop for some reason.
How can I go about this, as this use case is typical in react component test.
Here is the test with all my failed mocking attempts separated:
test.only("validate CharacterModal", async ({ page, mount }) => {
const data = ['some-mocked-irrelevant-data']
// const setCurrentCharacter = () => {};
// const setIsCharacterModalOpen = () => {};
// const setCurrentCharacterMocked = sinon.stub("setCurrentCharacter").callsFake(() => {});
// const setIsCharacterModalOpenMocked = sinon.stub("setCurrentCharacter").callsFake(() => {});
// const setCurrentCharacter = jest.fn();
// const setIsCharacterModalOpen = jest.fn();
// const setCurrentCharacter = (): void => {};
// const setIsCharacterModalOpen = (): void => {};
// const setIsCharacterModalOpen = (isCharacterModalOpen: boolean): void => {};
const AppContext = React.createContext<any>(null);
await page.route("**/users*", async (route) => {
await route.fulfill({
status: 200,
contentType: "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
const component = await mount(
<AppContext.Provider value={{ setCurrentCharacterMocked, setIsCharacterModalOpenMocked }}>
<CharacterModal />
expect(await component.getByRole("img").count()).toEqual(4);
The beforeMount hook can be used for this. I recently added docs about this: https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/pull/20593/files.
// playwright/index.jsx
import { beforeMount, afterMount } from '#playwright/experimental-ct-react/hooks';
// NOTE: It's probably better to use a real context
const AppContext = React.createContext(null);
beforeMount(async ({ App, hooksConfig }) => {
if (hooksConfig?.overrides) {
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={hooksConfig.overrides}>
<App />
// src/CharacterModal.test.jsx
import { test, expect } from '#playwright/experimental-ct-react';
import { CharacterModal } from './CharacterModal';
test('configure context through hooks config', async ({ page, mount }) => {
const component = await mount(<CharacterModal />, {
hooksConfig: { overrides: 'this is given to the context' },
In order to use MDX v2 with remark and rehype plugins in react applications created with Create React App v5 I have to use CRACO (v7) and especially its ability to handle a configuration that is returned as a promise/async function. The reason is that CRACO uses CJS module-based configuration, while the remark and rehype plugins are ES modules. Now I want to use MDXv2 with remark/rehype plugins in React Styleguidist too.
This is my craco.config.js:
const { addAfterLoader, loaderByName } = require('#craco/craco')
const mdxplagues = require('./mdxplugins.js')
// https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/pull/11886#issuecomment-1055054685
const ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin =
process.env.TSC_COMPILE_ON_ERROR === 'true'
? require('react-dev-utils/ForkTsCheckerWarningWebpackPlugin')
: require('react-dev-utils/ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin');
module.exports = async (env) => {
const mdxplagueConfig = await mdxplagues()
return {
webpack: {
configure: (webpackConfig) => {
addAfterLoader(webpackConfig, loaderByName('babel-loader'), {
test: /\.(md|mdx)$/,
loader: require.resolve('#mdx-js/loader'),
/** #type {import('#mdx-js/loader').Options} */
options: mdxplagueConfig,
// https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/pull/11886#issuecomment-1055054685
webpackConfig.plugins.forEach((plugin) => {
if (plugin instanceof ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin) {
plugin.options.issue.exclude.push({ file: '**/src/**/?(*.){spec,test,cy}.*' });
return webpackConfig
And this is my mdxplugins.js that returns an async function returing the needed plugin configurations:
const textrTypoEnDashes = (input) => {
return input
.replace(/ -- /gim, '–')
module.exports = async () => {
const remarkGfm = (await import('remark-gfm')).default
const remarkImages = (await import('remark-images')).default
const remarkTextr = (await import('remark-textr')).default
const remarkAccessibleEmoji = (await import('#fec/remark-a11y-emoji')).default
const rehypeSlug = (await import('rehype-slug')).default
const textrTypoApos = (await import('typographic-apostrophes')).default
const textrTypoQuotes = (await import('typographic-quotes')).default
const textrTypoPossPluralsApos = (await import('typographic-apostrophes-for-possessive-plurals')).default
const textrTypoEllipses = (await import('typographic-ellipses')).default
//const textrTypoEmDashes = (await import('typographic-em-dashes')).default
const textrTypoNumberEnDashes = (await import('typographic-en-dashes')).default
return {
remarkPlugins: [
[remarkTextr, {
plugins: [
// textrTypoEmDashes,
options: {
locale: 'en-us'
rehypePlugins: [
My problem is now that I need to apply this webpack/MDXv2 plugin configuration to styleguide.config.js (v13.0.0). I tried...
module.exports = async () => {
return {
...but this doesn't seem to be supported. A look into React Styleguidist's sources, namely scripts/config.ts seems to confirm this.
How can I synchronously resolve my MDX plugin configuration that I return via an async function from my mdxplugin.js CJS module within Styleguidist's CJS configuration module?
I want to compose fixtures. The first fixture should always be available (think of it as base class). second fixture will vary in different test files (think of it as derived class)
I tried following code and it's working as I was expecting. Is this ok to follow this approach or any better option available?
import { test as base} from '#playwright/test';
interface MyFixtures {
fixture1: string;
export const test = base.extend<MyFixtures>({
fixture1: "fixture-one"
}, );
import {test as test1} from 'baseFixture'
interface MyFixtures2 {
fixture2: string;
export const test = test1.extend<MyFixtures2>({
fixture2: "fixture-two"
}, );
//in test_file.js
import {test} from 'derivedFixture'
test('should allow me use composed fixture', async ({ page, fixture1, fixture2 }) => {
console.log(`from first fixture ${fixture1}`)
console.log(`from second fixture ${fixture2}`)
Seems to me that you are using fixtures like POMs and you are overengineering tests. If it works for you and depending on what you want, then use it. If my assumption is correct instead of passing fixtures to another fixture pass POMs and you can even perform steps here to get that page into certain state and here is example from playwright page:
// my-test.js
const base = require('#playwright/test');
const { TodoPage } = require('./todo-page');
const { SettingsPage } = require('./settings-page');
// Extend base test by providing "todoPage" and "settingsPage".
// This new "test" can be used in multiple test files, and each of them will get the fixtures.
exports.test = base.test.extend({
todoPage: async ({ page }, use) => {
// Set up the fixture.
const todoPage = new TodoPage(page);
await todoPage.goto();
await todoPage.addToDo('item1');
await todoPage.addToDo('item2');
// Use the fixture value in the test.
await use(todoPage);
// Clean up the fixture.
await todoPage.removeAll();
settingsPage: async ({ page }, use) => {
await use(new SettingsPage(page));
exports.expect = base.expect;
Then in your test simply pass {todoPage} or {settingsPage} or both:
const { test, expect } = require('./my-test');
test.beforeEach(async ({ settingsPage }) => {
await settingsPage.switchToDarkMode();
test('basic test', async ({ todoPage, page }) => {
await todoPage.addToDo('something nice');
await expect(page.locator('.todo-item')).toContainText(['something nice']);
Also you can chain your fixtures here and reuse them, for eg. you could pass todoPage to settingsPage fixture:
settingsPage: async ({ todoPage}, use) => {
await use(new SettingsPage(page));
This way everything in todoPage will be executed then settingsPage and this is what you pass to your test, and I guess this is what you were trying to achive.
My approach is to use the base fixture as a dependent fixture in a derivative fixture:
import { test as base } from "#playwright/test"
interface MyFixtures1 {
fixture1: string
export const testBase = base.extend<{}, MyFixtures1>({
fixture1: [
async ({}, use) => {
console.log("fixture1 setup once per worker")
console.log("fixture1 teardown once per worker")
{ scope: "worker" }
interface MyFixtures2 {
fixture2: string
export const test = testBase.extend<MyFixtures2>({
fixture2: async ({ fixture1 }, use) => {
console.log("fixture2 setup for each test")
console.log("fixture2 teardown for each test")
test("should allow me use composed fixture", async ({ fixture1, fixture2 }) => {
console.log(`from first fixture ${fixture1}`)
console.log(`from second fixture ${fixture2}`)
test("should base", async ({ fixture1 }) => {
console.log(`from first fixture ${fixture1}`)
test("should derived", async ({ fixture2 }) => {
console.log(`from second fixture ${fixture2}`)
More info about how to use fixtures in docs
I want to test my Electron application but I feel this is harder than I expected!
Just a simple thing as using the open file dialog seems impossible from what I've seen when I looked around a while!
Is it at all possible, or can I mock this behavior somehow?
My application adds the selected files to a file list and shows some result in a grid. If I can't open files I wont get the grid and can't test if it behaves as expected.
How should I approach this issue if I can't use the file dialog?
This is my test setup:
import { Application } from "spectron";
import { expect } from "chai";
describe("Application", function() {
let app: Application;
let browser: any;
before(async () => {
app = new Application({
path: electronPath,
args: [appPath],
await app.start();
browser = app.client;
await browser.waitUntilWindowLoaded();
after(() => {
await app.stop();
it("Starts application", async () => {
const count = await browser.getWindowCount();
it("should add files", async function() {
await browser.click("#block-container > div.button-row > div:nth-child(1) > button:nth-child(1)");
// ???
And this is the addFiles method:
public addFiles() {
const selectedFiles: string[] = this.electronService.remote.dialog.showOpenDialogSync({
title: "Add files",
properties: ["openFile", "multiSelections"]
I am trying to add Universal Linking to a Cordova App using the ionic-plugin-deeplinks plugin.
According to this issue query parameters should work out of the box.
Universal Links for me work correctly except for links with query parameters.
Eg. https://my-site.com/?olddeeplinking=resetpassword&token=123
When I click on the link in an email the queryString field is always an empty string.
Am I missing something, do I need to enable the plugins to detect query params?
Here is the code that I'm using:
const deepLinkRoutes = {
'/user/login': {
action: 'showLogin',
resetUrl: '/',
'/user/forgot-password': {
action: 'showForgotPassword',
resetUrl: '/',
export const _getIonicRoutes = () => Object.keys(deepLinkRoutes)
.reduce((links, route) => {
links[route] = { target: '', parent: '' };
return links;
}, {});
export const handleUniversalLinks = () => {
const ionicRoutes = _getIonicRoutes();
const sy = obj => JSON.stringify(obj);
const matchFn = ({ $link, $route, $args }) => {
console.log('Successfully matched route', $link, $route, $args);
alert(`Successfully matched route: ${sy($link)}, ${sy($route)}, ${sy($args)}`);
return history.push($link.path);
const noMatchFn = ({ $link, $route, $args }) => {
console.log('NOT Successfully matched route', $link, $route, $args);
alert(`NOT Successfully matched route: ${sy($link)}, ${sy($route)}, ${sy($args)}`);
return history.push($link.path);
window.IonicDeeplink.route(ionicRoutes, matchFn, noMatchFn);
It looks like the intent received on Android is always /user/login even though the Universal Link does not have it. What could be causing that?
2019-10-21 17:22:47.107 30389-30389/? D/MessageViewGestureDetector: HitTestResult type=7, extra=https://nj.us.gpd.my_company-dev.com/user/login
2019-10-21 17:22:47.139 1128-1183/? I/ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=https://nj.us.gpd.williamhill-dev.com/... cmp=us.my_company.nj.sports.gpd/.MainActivity} from uid 10147
A clue:
It looks like the deeplinks plugin is using window.location.href to detect the query parameter.
Since I am using cordova-plugin-ionic-webview the href is always the alias used for localhost of the Ionic engine serving the App contents, so the query parameters are never found.
Deeplinks plugin code:
function locationToData(l) {
return {
url: l.href,
path: l.pathname,
host: l.hostname,
fragment: l.hash,
scheme: parseSchemeFromUrl(l.href),
queryString: parseQueryStringFromUrl(l.href)
onDeepLink: function(callback) {
// Try the first deeplink route
setTimeout(function() {
callback && callback(locationToData(window.location), {
keepCallback: true
// ...
This is the problem, not sure on the solution yet though.