How do i unpack a docker image into a normal file system to upload to a website host? - docker

I have just received the files for a website I have accepted to host in a docker image. I have not used docker before and the hosting site i am currently with does not allow for an image to be run on it. I would like to unpack the image files so i could upload to the host normally. I have been learning for a few days but have not found an easy route to unpack the image without having to manually move the files and change the routes linking some of them. What commands would be required to do this?

I think you have two options:
Read the dockerfile and check where the files come from.
(dockerfile is the recipe to build docker images)
If you don't have the dockerfile, you can run the container in your personal machine and copy them. (from the container to your machine)
docker cp <container_id>:/foo.txt foo.txt


How to include files outside of build context without specifying a different Dockerfile path?

This is basically a follow-up question to How to include files outside of Docker's build context?: I'm using large files in all of my projects (several GBs) which I keep on an external drive, only used for development.
I want to COPY or ADD these files to my docker container when building it. The answer linked above allows one to specify a different path to a Dockerfile, potentially extending the build context. I find this unpractical, since this would require setting the build context to system root (?), to be able to include a single file.
Long story short: Is there any way or workaround to include a file that is far removed from the docker build context?
Three suggestions on things you could try:
include a file that is far removed from the docker build context?
You could construct your own build context by cp (or tar) files on the host into a dedicated directory tree. You don't have to use the actual source tree or your build tree.
rm -rf docker-build
mkdir docker-build
cp -a Dockerfile build/the-binary docker-build
cp -a /mnt/external/support docker-build
docker build ./docker-build
# reads docker-build/Dockerfile, and the files in the
# docker-build directory, but nothing else; only sends
# the docker-build directory to Docker as the build context
large files [...] (several GBs)
Docker doesn't deal well with build contexts this large. In the past I've at least seen docker build take a long time just on the step of sending the build context to itself, and docker push and docker pull have network issues when trying to send the gigabyte+ layer around.
It's a little hacky and breaks the "self-contained image" model a little bit, but you can provide these files as a Docker bind-mount instead of including them in the image. Your application needs to know what to do if the data isn't there. When you go to deploy the application, you also need to separately distribute the files alongside the Docker image and other deployment artifacts.
docker run \
-v /mnt/external/support:/app/support
only used for development
Potentially you can get away with not using Docker at all during this phase of development. Use a local source tree and local development tools; run your unit tests against these large test fixtures as needed. Build a Docker image only when you're about to run pre-commit integration tests; that may be late enough in the development cycle that you don't need these files.
I think the main thing you are worried about is that you do not want to send all files of a directory to docker daemon while it builds the image.
When directory was so big (in GBss) it takes lot of time to build an image.
If the requirement is to just use those files while you build anything inside docker, you can mount those to the container.
A tricky way
Run a container with base image and mount the direcotries inside it. docker run -d -v local-path:container-path
Get inside the container docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
Run build step ./
Create image from the running container docker commit CONTAINER_ID
Tag the image docker tag IMAGE_ID tag:v1. You can get Image ID from previous command
From long term perspective this method may seem to be very tedious, but if you want to build image for 1 or 2 times , you can try this method.
I tried this for one of my docker image, as I want to avoid large amount of files sent to docker daemon during image build
The copy command gets source and destination values,
just specify full absolute path to your hard drive mount point as the src directory
COPY /absolute_path/to/harddrive /container/path

Docker: How to link external folder while building dockerfile

I need to link an external folder, on the host, while building a docker image. I do not want to copy this folder due to its large size, and it is shared over the hosts that run the container.
What is the proper way to do this? I am planning to mount this folder when running the container.
You can't do it with the default Docker build engine. But you can do it with Docker buildkit using the new syntax:
The instructions on how to enable buildkit is on the same page

How can I transfer files between a windows host machine and a linux docker image?

I am running windows 10 and the most recent version of docker. I am trying to run a docker image and transfer files to and from the image.
I have tried using the "docker cp" command, but from what I've seen online, this does not appear to work for docker images. It only works for containers.
When searching for info on this topic, I have only seen responses dealing with containers, not for images.
A docker image is basically a template used for containers. If you add something to the image it will show up in all of the containers. So if you just want to share a single set of files that don't change you can add the copy command to your docker file, and then run the new image and you'll find the container.
Another option is to use shared volumes. Shared volumes are basically folders that exist on both the host machine and the running docker container. If you move a file on the host system into that folder it will be available on the container (and if you put something from the container into the folder on the container side you can access it from the host side).

Is it possible to save file from docker container to host directly

I have a container that runs a Python script in order to download a few big files from Amazon S3. The purpose of this container is just to download the files so I have them on my host machine. Because these files are needed by my app (which is running in a separate container with a different image), I bind mount from my host to the app's container the directory downloaded from the first container.
Note 1: I don't want to run the script directly from my host as it has various dependencies that I don't want to install on my host machine.
Note 2: I don't want to download the files while the app's image is being built as it takes too much time to rebuild the image when needed. I want to pass these files from outside and update them when needed.
Is there a way to make the first container to download those files directly to my host machine without downloading them first in the container and then copying them to the host as they take 2x the space needed before cleaning up the container?
Currently, the process is the following:
Build the temporary container image and run it in order to download
the models
Copy the files from the container to the host
Cleanup unneeded container and image
Note: If there is a way to download the files from the first container directly to the second and override them if they exist, it may work too.
You would use a host volume for this. E.g.
docker run -v "$(pwd)/download:/data" your_image
Would run your_image and anything written to /data inside the container would actually write to the host in the ./download directory.

How to run docker-compose with docker image?

I've moved my docker-compose container from the development machine to a server using docker save image-name > image-name.tar and cat image-name.tar | docker load. I can see that my image is loaded by running docker images. But when I want to start my server with docker-compose up, it says that there isn't any docker-compose.yml. And there isn't really any .yml file. So how to do with this?
When I've copied all my project files to the server (including docker-compose.yml), everything started to work. But is it normal approach and why I needed to save-load image first?
What you achieve with docker save image-name > image-name.tar and cat image-name.tar | docker load is that you put a Docker image into an archive and extract the image on another machine after that. You could check whether this worked correctly with docker run --rm image-name.
An image is just like a blueprint you can use for running containers. This has nothing to do with your docker-compose.yml, which is just a configuration file that has to live somewhere on your machine. You would have to copy this file manually to the remote machine you wish to run your image on, e.g. using scp docker-compose.yml remote_machine:/home/your_user/docker-compose.yml. You could then run docker-compose up from /home/your_user.
EDIT: Additional info concerning the updated question:
UPDATE When I've copied all my project files to the server (including docker-compose.yml), everything started to work. But is it normal approach and why I needed to save-load image first?
Personally, I have never used this approach of transferring a Docker image (but it's cool, didn't know it). What you typically would do is pushing your image to a Docker registry (either the official DockerHub one, or a self-hosted registry) and then pulling it from there.
