what is the difference between the two repos of xerces - xml-parsing

I found two Open Sources implementation of xerces
Which one to use?


Migrating from maven-ant-tasks to aether-ant-tasks

As part of packaging software for the Fedora project, I'd like to update an upstream ant build that uses maven-ant-tasks for dependency resolution to use aether-ant-tasks. These two libraries are frustratingly close to one another, but they're not totally compatible. In particular, this build uses multiple <dependencies> elements to declare multiple classpaths and filesets; this is OK for maven-ant-tasks but not (as far as I can tell) OK for aether-ant-tasks. Is there a good way to handle this use case in aether-ant-tasks?

FunScript: How to access TypeScript.Api<...>

I'm getting started with FunScript with a working example. Using Nuget to add the needed libraries, it works well.
In watching a 2013 video on channel9, they are making use of TypeScript.Api<...> to load types from typescript definition files.
I'm however unable to find this type provider anywhere.
Where is it located?
I realized that a good number of the type definitions have been compiled into libraries and available on nuget but I can't really use this since some of the code will be local typescript definition files.
The questions therefore are
Where is the TypeScript.Api<...> type provider?
If it is not available or the best way to use typescript definition, what other options exists.
As Thomas said, the type provider was removed mainly because it couldn't generate generic types, but the idea is to bring it back at some point.
For the moment, though not ideal, you can generate your own bindings following these steps.
Download or clone Funscript repository
git clone https://github.com/ZachBray/FunScript
Build the project
cd FunScript
This needs to be improved but for now you need to zip the .d.ts files you want to convert and then:
cd build\TypeScript
bin\FunScript.TypeScript.exe C:\Path\to\typedefinitions.zip
cd Output
Please note the first time you build the definitions it may take several minutes. Once it's done in the output folder you'll find the compiled .dll libraries with the bindings.
Also, while you're at it. It's better if you use the FunScript version you just build into build\main\bin, as it will probably be more updated than the nuget package.
Good luck and have fun(script)!
There were a bunch of changes in FunScript, so the TypeScript.Api<...> type provider is no longer the recommended way of calling JavaScript libraries from FunScript.
Instead, the bindings for JavaScript libraries are pre-generated and you can find them as packages on NuGet, if you search for the FunScript tag (NuGet search is not very good, so you may need to go through a number of pages to find the one you need...).
If you want to use a local TypeScript definition, then you'll need to run the command line tool to generate the bindings. The F# Atom plugin does this in the build script, so looking there is a good place to start. It has a local copy of various TypeScript bindings in the typings folder (together with the FunScript binaries needed to process them).
I liked the type provider approach much better, but sadly, type providers are somewhat restricted in what kind of types they can provide, so it wasn't all that powerful...

What exacly is "buidling" from source and how does it work

So I really cant understand how this work but late me explain. First, just in case you need it, I am running Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit on a laptop.
As a building tool am using CMake. I want to load in to my project OpenCV, MRPT (http://www.mrpt.org/) and libfreenect. All of them have a "source code". What I don't understand is when they say "build from source". How to I make a project with all of them?
Do I need to build each one individually and with some way but then in my project OR do I down load the source code and build them all together at ones? As you can see I'm really confused what I have to do... do I run the CMakeList.txt from each source code and the run one CMakeList.txt that has all the other CMakeList.txt?
In fewer world, if I want to build from source, two or more libraries, how do I do that?
I would like a general answer (how this "build from source" works) and an answer specifically on the the ones I mentioned (CMake, OpenCV, MRPT, libfreenect). I hope I made clear what I don't really understand.
It depends of the 'master' project. In general in the c/c++ universe your project must know how to invoke the build process of each subproject/library OR your project needs to know how to include&link the results after building each external project yourself.
You can also mix the two approaches if needed but I think it cleaner to try to use one if possible.
In the first case if all the subprojects offer cmake building files (CMakeLists.txt) you may try to add_subdirectory() each and see if there are any conflicts. For example google test can be easily included this way and it gives your project some global variables that easy linking later.
Alternatively or if the above approach gives problems or the sub project doesn't provide CMakeLists.txt you can use ExternalProject_add(). It takes more work and you have to handle includes/linking configurations with your project manually but it makes the subproject more independent. For example if there are conflicting targets with your project or the subproject doesn't provide CMakeLists.txt.
The last approach involves building and installing the sub projects separately, using configuration variables in your project to point the includes/libraries paths of the sub project. Check CMake:How To Find Libraries for details.

Java library for comparing WSDL elements syntactically

I have WSDL files and would like to compare and match WSDL elements in these files syntactically. Do you have any suggestions for Java libraries that can be used finding syntactical similarities between two terms in Web (for me, wsdl elements)?
There's also WSDL Analyzer which builds upon the most recent version of the Membrane SOA Model. It's a web application which not only allows you to validate and check your
WSDL against best practices but also lets you compare different versions of your WSDL.
Disclaimer: I'm one of it's developers.
Well, you can use SOAPUI to load the wsdl definitions and compare them.
Including link with some documentation relating to your question. Hope is of some help.
Also, check out http://www.membrane-soa.org, which as some libraries for comparing wsdl files.
Some specific examples are here: http://www.membrane-soa.org/compare-wsdl-java-api.htm

Grails and Domain Packages for Classes

How come it is good practice within Grails to place classes in packages (e.g. mycompany.Book)?
I know it is a prerequisite in order to deploy Grails solution to the Google App Engine (using the plugin), but other than that and a well structured code library for large projects, what other benefits are there in describing packages for classes within Grails?
Another good reason, as mentioned by Marcel Overdijk in this blog post, is if domain classes has the same name as classes within Groovy, it is not possible to distinguish the two.
Grails runs on Groovy, which has a strong heritage with Java. Java encourages packages for well-documented reasons and Groovy/Grails follows suit. I think the main benefit stems from your description: a well-structured code library for large projects.
The most valuable reason that I've seen, is that you cannot "import" classes without a package into a class that DOES have a package. that means that you can't access any domain/service/controller/etc classes that don't have packages from your utility code that you might put a package on.
