Steps to implement - One to One Video call App using Twilio - twilio

Can Anyone please let me know how we can do a one to one video calling app using twilio.
I could get some sample codes to do a group video chat, but my requirement is particular to have it one to one, please guide if there is any way to do it using twilio.

To build a one to one video calling app, you can follow the same steps to build a multiparty group chat, but limit the access to the room to only 2 participants.

You can easily build a video calling app with the help of Twilio WebRTC Go, and WebRTC Go rooms have default max participants set at 2.
To know more about how to set "max participants" with Twilio WebRTC you can visit the link here.
To understand more about different type of Video rooms using Twilio, you can also visit this doc.

You can set the room limit to 2, when making the multi-party video app using Video Room. Second option is to use WebRTC as mention above, here is the guide of making such app using NodeJS by twilio.


Twillio programable video how to notify from client 1 to client 2

I use Video WebRTC Go to build a peer to peer video chat app with Twilio.
Client 1 creates a room and gets access to that room. So how do we make client 2 aware of that this.
How do I pass the signal there is a call for him (Client 2).
Do I need to handle it my self? or Does Twillio provide a service to achieve that use case?
Hope my question is clear.
Any help!
Thanks in advance! =)
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you create a room for the users to meet in you will need to make your users aware. There is nothing within Twilio Video specifically to do that.
There are service that Twilio provides that could be used for this, for example, you could SMS or email your user with a link to a page on your site where they can join the room. It depends on the user experience you want to create though.

Sending voicemail to group of numbers?

I am just exploring voicemail at Twilio, and I thought that I can ask a related question here.
How would I send a voicemail to a group of numbers (as an effort of voice based marketing campaign)? what APIs will I need? and is there any related docs about it?
Shall we send an audio file? Or can we create the voice on Android or iPhone and send it using Android SDK or iPhone SDK?
Twilio Developer Evangelist here.
You can call those numbers and play an audio file using the Play verb. To call a number, you can use our REST API. Here's documentation on how to do that in multiple programming languages.
Hope this helps you out, but come back here if you have any more questions.

Video recording with Twilio

Is it possible to record only one person in video call with Twilio?
I don't see any examples in their documentation about video recording for one person.
Yes you absolutely can, just make the 2 people join the same room.
You can give it a try with Twilio's sample app here: Twilio Video Sample App
Just make sure the 2 devices running this app connects to the same room.

Draw annotation on Twilio Video Chat

I want to use twilio for Remote assistance.
Where user can share camera feed and Technician can assist by drawing annotations on the screen.
similar to the demo video on
I was able to get the Video Chat running on my iOS devices.
Can you please guide me how to make annotations on one device which will be shown on the other device.
Twilio Video does not provide support for annotating videos as part of the SDK. There is also no current support for using the WebRTC data channel to send that across. You need to provide your own websocket solution for this I'm afraid.
Twilio Video does support the data channel now, under the Data Tracks API. You can see the documentation here:
You might also consider using Twilio Sync for something like this too.

How to make sample regular FaceTime call in iOS

I am very beginner in iOS and present I am doing one project in that project I have to make simple video call facility for users (i.e regular Face-time call,Based on persons phone numbers I need to make video call),I have seen so many sample tutorials but no one explain how to make sample regular face video call
And for this I have searched lot in Internet but I did not get any result and I am eager to search and wait for this requirement, please someone post sample video calling app.
Well, i am same stage Buddy as like you .I thing you can do or cover using webrtc or quickblox webartc link and quickblox link , i hope its helps you
