Twillio programable video how to notify from client 1 to client 2 - twilio

I use Video WebRTC Go to build a peer to peer video chat app with Twilio.
Client 1 creates a room and gets access to that room. So how do we make client 2 aware of that this.
How do I pass the signal there is a call for him (Client 2).
Do I need to handle it my self? or Does Twillio provide a service to achieve that use case?
Hope my question is clear.
Any help!
Thanks in advance! =)

Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you create a room for the users to meet in you will need to make your users aware. There is nothing within Twilio Video specifically to do that.
There are service that Twilio provides that could be used for this, for example, you could SMS or email your user with a link to a page on your site where they can join the room. It depends on the user experience you want to create though.


Steps to implement - One to One Video call App using Twilio

Can Anyone please let me know how we can do a one to one video calling app using twilio.
I could get some sample codes to do a group video chat, but my requirement is particular to have it one to one, please guide if there is any way to do it using twilio.
To build a one to one video calling app, you can follow the same steps to build a multiparty group chat, but limit the access to the room to only 2 participants.
You can easily build a video calling app with the help of Twilio WebRTC Go, and WebRTC Go rooms have default max participants set at 2.
To know more about how to set "max participants" with Twilio WebRTC you can visit the link here.
To understand more about different type of Video rooms using Twilio, you can also visit this doc.
You can set the room limit to 2, when making the multi-party video app using Video Room. Second option is to use WebRTC as mention above, here is the guide of making such app using NodeJS by twilio.

Twilio Programmable Chat User Channel Limit - best practice?

We are using Twilio Programmable Chat in our product and we're running into the issue of having too many channels per user. (Every once in a while, I increase the limit in our app, but there is an absolute maximum of 1,000) so we're going to hit that limit in a few months I beliee
I'm wondering if there are any best practices to manage this? SHould we remove the user from a channel after a period of time? What happens if the user wants to participate in the channel again in the future? If we re-add the user to the channel, will the profile be linked? (assuming our unique identifier for the user is the same?)
Unfortunately, I was unable to find specifics about this in the help documentation - so apologies if it does exist!
Thanks very much!
Twilio's suggestion here is to add/remove users from/to channels on demand, for example when new message is posted to the channel. They could use Chat webhooks to handle new message events (onMessageSent) and add the user back.

Twilio: Create a SMS conversation between multiple people

We have a C# MVC app that sends and receives texts utilizing the Twilio API effortlessly.
We have a button that sends a text to one or multiple people FROM a certain department (HR) / Twilio phone number.
Our problem is- When a user responds to the HR text, how do we craft a conversation between the HR department workers personal phone number, and the original recipient. (So they can communicate right in the SMS chat)
We tried:
To create a 'Group MMS Chat' but that doesn't seem to be supported by Twilio (yet)
To store the senders personal number, and the Twilio registered number - to make our server act as a 'switchboard', but that wont work if two different HR workers send a text to the same person.
I have read the questions / docs here: But cookies don't feel like the proper answer.
Twilio: How to map an SMS reply to an original SMS
Send Group Message with Twilio
Please let me know if this is too broad / a bad question, and i'll try my best to fix it. I don't want to go to SO jail :)
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You might think about using twilio proxy service , the flow for that would look like this
Pre select which HR person number or numbers will be responsible for that communication.
provision a new twilio number (not the same one already used by the HR department) this number will be used for the duration on the conversation
Initiate a proxy session
** This is a more expansive approach , because you will need a twilio number per each individual conversation

Using Twilio Chat on iOS, is it possible to send a small amount of custom non-message data between users?

We have an app built with Twilio Chat for iOS and everything is working very well. However, we now have a requirement to invite the other chat participant to join a video room, and we would like to send the invite signal through the Twilio Chat channel that is already established (similar in functionality to the Typing signal.)
I know Push Notifications are supported by Twilio Chat, but that seems like overkill for this use case, where a simple signal is all that's needed.
What is the easiest way to send a very small amount of non-message data between Twilio Chat channel participants?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you send a message with Twilio Chat you can also set an Attributes field which can contain JSON. You can then use this to signal that the message is not for printing on the page, but a service message or invite. You will then need to updated your UI to read the attributes of a message and decide whether to display it or use it to create the Video chat.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Using Twilio as call center backend how to reduce double cost for calls

I am using Twilio in a custom made app using the "Click to Call" feature where the agent will click a button in the web browser and their phone will ring and once they pick up a client from the list X is then called.
My only concern is that although the app is working great and Twilio is working like a charm I noticed that I am been charged twice in my seudo call center. So, my question is:
What am I doing wrong? (or is this the way it works?)
Twilio evangelist here.
Can you give a bit more detail on what you are seeing?
The way Twilio charges is per call "leg", with different prices for "inbound" (eg someone calls your Twilio number") or "outbound" (eg you have Twilio call someone) legs. In your scenario it sounds like you have two outbound legs, one from Twilio to the agent and one from Twilio to the client.
Hope that helps.
