I'm using TinyMCE in a Filemaker solution for Note taking on a Mac.
I have found that I can create links between notes, via a simple URL, using fmp://the-open-file...etc..etc. It's very cool and useful, but I found that TinyMCE is fussy about its links.
I can make the relevant text for the link and paste it into Tiny, then use it to manually create a link, as per normal. However, it would be much better to be able to make the link, with a label/title (very important in terms of practicality, using the Note's name) and simply paste it into Tiny and it's done.
So to this end, I got some help with a custom function for Tiny which makes the link according Tiny's requirements and it works! It was also specifically to enable Labels/Titles to be a part of the links created in Filemaker. However, I've found that there's something that Tiny doesn't like, with the consequence that I cannot copy these links from Tiny in one Note and paste it into Tiny in another Note. When copied, the URL is lost. It is also no longer coloured with the custom css I've added for Link colour... but... the hover state is still applied. Hmmm.
Can anyone suggest where this may be going wrong and how I can get around the problem?
This is the custom function in Tiny, which is triggered from Filemaker.
function copyLink(url,text) {
var a = document.createElement('a');
var range = document.createRange();
These are how the link is made in a Filemaker calculation, with
1/ link to file
2/ name of a script which is triggered by the link
3/ the NoteName and IDNote as parameters for that script
Perform Script - Javascript in Web-Viewer
Object Name: "" ;
Function Name: "copyLink";
Script Parameters
"fmp://$/" & Get ( FileName )
& ".fmp12?script="
& GetAsURLEncoded ( "LinkToGSNote" )
& "¶m="
& GetAsURLEncoded
( JSONSetElement ( "" ; [ "noteName" ; Notes::NoteName ; JSONString ] ;
[ "IDNote" ; Notes::ID_Notes ; JSONString ] )
GetAsText ( Notes::NoteName )
I have a google sheet - and when a new row appears I am writing the output into a Google Document using a predefined template via a merge.
All is working but as I could only work out how to use the .replaceText() function to achieve the merge, the hyperlinks in some of the sheet columns get exported as plain text.
After much fiddling and cribbing of code (thanks all) I managed to cobble together the following function:
function makeLinksClickable(document) {
const URL_PATTERN = "https://[-A-Za-z0-9+&##/%?=~_|!:,.;]+[-A-Za-z0-9+&##/%=~_|]"
const body = document.getBody()
var foundElement = body.findText(URL_PATTERN);
while (foundElement != null) {
var foundText = foundElement.getElement().asText();
const start = foundElement.getStartOffset();
const end = foundElement.getEndOffsetInclusive() - URL_PATTERN_LENGTH_CORECTION;
const url = foundText.getText().substring(start,end+1)
foundElement = body.findText(URL_PATTERN, foundElement);
After writing out all the columns to the document I call this function on the created document to look for a hyperlink and make it hyper :)
As long as each cell only contains one hyperlink my function works.
It also works where there are multiple hyperlinks in the document.
However, some cells can have multiple hyperlinks and writes them out to the document with a new line for each one.
Although the function finds the multiple URLs correctly and makes them clickable in the document there is a problem.
For example, if there are 2 hyperlinks in the cell they get exported to 2 lines in the document, but after running them through the function - both hyperlinks will now link to the same image (the first) even though each hyperlink itself is the unique link from the original cell.
2 converted hyperlinks that link to the same image
(Note - If I don't run my function and leave the exported hyperlinks as text. Then go into the created document and manually add a space to the ends of the exported hyperlinks then they turn blue and become clickable and link to the correct image, I did try to add a space programmatically before this but couldn't work that out either)
I have exhausted my limited coding ability and can't see why my function which "seems" to work its way through each hyperlink correctly doesn't make it then link to the right image in the document.
Any help would be most appreciated.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you for taking the time to look at this, I will try to explain the issues further. It is hard to show here as the links actually work properly when copied here they only misbehave in the google document.
A cell in the exported row has multiple hyperlinks separated by a comma.
they get exported from the cell to the document as text strings like this:
Links in single Sheets Cell for exporting:
"hyperlink-1-as-a-string", (links to image 1)
"hyperlink-2-as-a-string", (links to image 2)
"hyperlink-3-as-a-string", (links to image 3)
"hyperlink-4-as-a-string", (links to image 4)
"hyperlink-5-as-a-string" (links to image 5)
I then run my funtion to make them clickable again.
If there are two are more hyperlinks in the same cell when exported then I get the following issue after running the function.
Exported Text links converted by to clickable hyperlinks:
"hyperlink-1-as-a-string", (links to image 5)
"hyperlink-2-as-a-string", (links to image 5)
"hyperlink-3-as-a-string", (links to image 5)
"hyperlink-4-as-a-string", (links to image 5)
"hyperlink-5-as-a-string" (links to image 5)
I "think" what happens is that my function makes all 5 hyperlinks one big hyperlink that happens to use the last hyperlinks image.
If I copy and paste the URLs into a separate document like an email then they appear as one large hyperlink, not 5 separate ones.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
The function searches for text patterns that are in fact google hyperlinks.
(starting https:// etc)
When it finds one it works out the length to the end of the text string and then uses setLinkUrl() to make the hyperlink - into a clickable hyperlink.
If there is only one text hyperlink then it works.
If there is more than one text hyperlink, separated by commas then it does not.
I worked something out. This is what I ended up with, it is basically put together from a few other questions & answers - It's not very clever but it works.
Thanks to the various posters who enabled me to figure this out.
function sortLinks(colId, mapPoint, myBody) {
var urls = [];
if (colId.includes(",")) { // IE theres more than one URL
var tmp = colId.split(",");
urls = urls.concat(tmp);
else {
urls[0] = colId; // 1 URL no "," add to array[0]
if (urls.length > 0) {
var tag = mapPoint;
var newLine = "\n";
var element = myBody.findText(tag);
if (element) {
var start = element.getStartOffset();
var text = element.getElement().asText();
text.deleteText(start, start + tag.length - 1);
urls.forEach((url, index) => {
url = url.trim();
var name = "Image-Video" + (index + 1);
text.appendText(name).setLinkUrl(start, start + name.length - 1, URL);
start = start + name.length + newLine.length;
I have a LARGE number of bookmarks and wanted to export them and share them with a group I work with. The issue is that when I export them, there are ADD_DATE and LAST_MODIFIED fields added by the browser (Firefox). I was hoping to just use cut or awk to pull the fields I want but the lack of a space before the >(website_name) is making that difficult. And my regex skills are weak.
How do I add a single space before the second to last > at the end of the line so that I can use cut or awk to pull out the fields I want into a new file?
Ex: 123456">SecurityTrails would become 123456 >SecurityTrails
Please see below for examples of what I'm working with. Any help is greatly appreciated!
i use firefox myself. it frequently also embeds favicon into the exported bookmarks.html file via base64 encoding. so to account for the different scenarios (than just the one mentioned by OP), maybe something like
{mawk/mawk2/gawk} 'BEGIN { FS = "\042" } $1 = $1'
then do whatever cutting that you want. That's just assuming OP wanted to keep every bit of it, and simply remove the quotations.
Now, if the objective is just to take out URL+Name of it,
{mawk/mawk2/gawk} 'BEGIN { DBLQT="\042"; FS = "(<A HREF=" DBLQT "|>)" } /<A HREF=/ {
url = substr($2, 1, index($2, DBLQT) - 1);
sitename = $(NF-1);
sub(/<\/A$/, "", sitename) ;
print url " > " sitename ; }' # or whatever way you want the output to be
I just typed it in extra verbosity to show what \042 meant - the ascii octal for double quote.
How do I add a clickable link to any of the image slices so the user can click a slice to go to a url? Currently they can spin the wheel to get a random url choice. I got the random spin part working using “IF” but I got stuck figuring out the image slice click idea.
I'm currently working at the top of page in an area called:
//add code here?
if (clickedSegment) {
clickedSegment.indicatedSegment = "Jane";
window.location = "https://www.mikeloucas.com";
and I have one url working due to the "clickedSegment" but it's active on all the slices and not what I need (I'm try to target Jane) so I'll keep at it unless some has an answer.
Separately but related:
This is one of the image segments I'm trying to add add link to:
{'image' : 'https://mikeloucas.com/wheel/jane.png', 'text' : 'Jane'},
The original tutorial shows how to change the colour of a slice on click, but I’d like to go to a url instead.
Original Click Code: http://dougtesting.net/winwheel/docs/tut15_get_segment_clicked
The thing Im working on: https://codepen.io/mikeloucas/pen/qBarWoP
In my Codepen example I turned off the “IF” load url because its just in the way when testing, but feel free to turn it on see it in action. It’s WAY down the page lol; you’ll see:
if (indicatedSegment.text == "Jane") {
window.location = "https://www.mikeloucas.com";
let clickedSegment= theWheel.getSegmentAt(e.clientX, e.clientY);
if (clickedSegment) {
clickedSegment.indicatedSegment = "Jane";
window.location = "https://www.mikeloucas.com";
let segmentImage = theWheel.getSegmentAt(e.clientX, e.clientY);
if (segmentImage.text == "Jane") {
window.location = "https://www.mikeloucas.com";}
else if (segmentImage.text == "othername")...{
The trick (for me) was changing "clickedSegment" to "segmentImage" because "segmentImage" was already calling the array of names. I also add an "ELSE IF" because I had lots of slices to work work with.
See working thingy here: https://codepen.io/mikeloucas/pen/qBarWoP
My version needs to have the URL and NAME LIST entered twice; it would be cool if someone knows how to do it once (one set instead of two) but maintain both functions of the "CLICK url" and "SPIN url", so I'm still open to advice.
I'd prefer one set over two. :-)
I'm trying to parse a HTML to retrieve the value of tag, on my Google Apps Script code. contains line breaks in attributes, and appears more than once but I only want the first value. (In this case, only 'foo' is required.)
<b class="
</b><b class="
On Google Apps Script, functions such as 'getElementByTagName' is not available. So I first though of using regexp but it's not the wise option here.
Does anyone have an idea on how I can move forward? Any comment/guess would be highly appreciated!
How about using XmlService for your situation as a workaround? At XmlService, even if there are several line breaks in the tags, the value can be retrieved. I think that there are several workarounds for your situation. So please think of this as one of them.
The flow of sample script is as follows.
Flow :
Add the header of xml and a root element tag to the html.
Parse the creates xml value using XmlService.
Retrieve the first value of tags using XmlService.
Sample script :
var html = '<b class="\n"\n>\nfoo\n</b><b class="\n"\n>\nvar\n</b>\n'; // Your sample value
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?><sampleContents>' + html + '</sampleContents>';
var res = XmlService.parse(xml).getRootElement().getChildren()[0].getText().trim();
Logger.log(res) // foo
Note :
In this sample script, your sample html was used. So if you use more complicated one, can you provide it? I would like to modify the script.
Reference :
XML Service
If this was not what you want, please tell me. I would like to modify it.
Edit 1 :
Unfortunately, for the value retrieved from the URL, above script cannot be used. So I used "Parser" which is a GAS library for your situation. The sample script is as follows.
Sample script :
var url = "https://www.booking.com/searchresults.ja.html?ss=kyoto&checkin_year=2018&checkin_month=10&checkin_monthday=1&checkout_year=2018&checkout_month=10&checkout_monthday=2&no_rooms=1&group_adults=1&group_children=0";
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var res = Parser.data(html).from("<b class=\"\n\"\n>").to("</b>").build().trim();
Logger.log(res) // US$11
Note :
Before you run this script, please install "Parser". About the install of library, you can see it at here.
The project key of the library is M1lugvAXKKtUxn_vdAG9JZleS6DrsjUUV
References :
Managing libraries
google app script Exceeded memory limit
google script scrape parser with 2 classes with the same name
Edit 2 :
For your 2nd URL in your comment, it seems that the URL is different from your 1st one. And also your new URL has no tag of <b class=\"\n\"\n>. By this, the value you want cannot be retrieved. But from the 1st URL in your comment, I presumed about the value what you want. Please confirm the following script?
var url = "https://www.booking.com/searchresults.ja.html?ss=kyotogranvia&checkin_year=2018&checkin_month=10&checkin_monthday=1&checkout_year=2018&checkout_month=10&checkout_monthday=2&no_rooms=1&group_adults=1&group_children=0";
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var res = Parser.data(html).from("<span class=\"lp-postcard-avg-price-value\">").to("</span>").build().trim();
Logger.log(res) // US$289
I am quite newbie on AutoIT, I've done alot of things already.
But I can't find out the way to read specific information from the website that is between div or something. If thats not possible, maybe there is a way to read a raw *.txt(or php) file from the website?
You can use the following code example for your URL:
#include <IE.au3>
$oIE = _IECreate("http://test.com/check.php")
$divs = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "div")
For $div In $divs
If $div.className == "content-container" Then
MsgBox(0, "Bestimmter Inhalt", $div.innerText)
You asked for the "raw Text", which is best read with the attribute innerText. See MSDN for more details.
This example basically opens a new IE window with the given URL. Then it extracts all the div-Elements and iterates through them in a loop. Once the className is "content-container" the content of this element is displayed in a message box. Finally the IE window is closed again.
You could add the parameters , 0, 0 to the _IECreate() function to hide the browser window in the end.
Instead of searching for a specific <div>-Element as shown here you could just use the following two lines...
$body = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "body", 0)
MsgBox(0, "Komplette Webseite", $body.innerText)