How to pass cucumber runner class in Jenkins? - jenkins

I have two runners file in my cucumber framework, 1. The main which executes all of my feature files and 2. FailedRunner which only needs to be triggered when the first runner reports any failures.
Now the current execution method I am using is
gradle clean build -Denv=QA -Dcucumber.filter.tags=#QA
Now, I would Also like to pass my runner file name so that, I can create a upstream/downstream job to run the failedRunner class for retries for MainRunner file.


Subsequent build job in Jenkins does not find workspace file

I have separated my build tasks in several jobs. The following is a simplified structure.
The basic jobs are:
Additional jobs are:
Each job is configured to accept a workspace parameter to allow all jobs to be executed on the same code (workspace). This is passed from any calling job. Besides, all jobs are running on a slave node.
Job full-tests is configured to bundle the "full tests". Therefore it uses the build step Trigger/call builds on other projects with projects full-tests-part-1, full-tests-part-2.
Job full-build is configured to bundle the build pipeline. Therefore it uses the build step Trigger/call builds on other projects with projects compile, full-tests.
Job compile checks out the Git repository and compiles the code. Afterwards it starts the quick tests. Therfore it uses the post build action Trigger parametrized build on other projects with project quick-tests.
All compilation and test runs are triggered by Ant scripts.
When I trigger the full-build job, the following job sequence results:
compile (triggers quick-tests)
The problem is, that the "full tests" are failing, whereas compile and quick-tests succeed. Both, the full and the quick tests, use the same build.xml in the same workspace, but the "full tests" complains.
Quick tests:
Buildfile: J:\jenkins-slave\workspace\full-build\272\project-path\build.xml
Full tests:
ERROR: Unable to find build script at J:\jenkins-slave\workspace\full-build\272\project-path\build.xml
Does anyone know whether there is a difference in "seeing" the workspace files depending on whether the job is part of the build (triggered as build step) or not (triggered as post build action).
If anything is unclear, please let me know.

Dynamic Properties file in Jenkins for injecting Env variables

So this is my entire Use case:
I have a parameterized build job which accepts file parameters. After the build I need to send a mail with that file and the size of the file. For this, I'm trying to add the name and size of the file as an Env variable using EnvInject Plugin.
But EnvInject is in the Build Environment step. The file parameter gets stored in the Workspace of the build only in the Build step, not in Build environment. So, there will be an error like File not found.
Due to which, I'm trying a crooked way of defining a properties file somewhere on my local system.I'm mentioning this properties file in "Properties File Path" of Inject Environment variables. In the build step I'm adding FOO=BAR and other values in the file so that I can use those values as my env variables down the line, like when I configure my e-mail template in Post Build Actions.
Can this process be done easily? I was initially making the properties file in JENKINS_HOME. I just got to know that I'm not allowed to do that as in master-agent architecture, JENKINS_HOME will be different and build will fail.
PS-1. The workspace gets deleted after every build
2. Any other plugins which can be used? If possible, please suggest without installing some new plugin as I'm not Jenkins admin
One way of solving this problem is by creating 3 different jobs as follows -
job 1 --> should call below 2 jobs(job 2 & job 3)
job 2:
Build --> Trigger/call builds on other projects --> job 2(block until the triggerred projects finish their builds)
select"Build on the same node" from Add Parameters.
job 3:
Build --> Trigger/call builds on other projects --> job 2(block until the triggerred projects finish their builds)
select"Build on the same node" from Add Parameters.
Job 2 (Create this job as follows):
Execution API --> using "GET_FILE" option you can download the required details on to the current working directory of your job.
Execute shell -->
now within "Execute Shell", download "consoleText" using wget command.
process the "consoleText" using unix command prepare a key-value pairs and store it under /tmp folder. i.e. "/tmp/env.prop"
Job 3 (Create this job as follows):
select "Inject environment variable to the build process" and under 'Properties File Path' enter "/tmp/env.prop"
now you can use the variable which you created in Job2 in the current job without any issue.
please note that it is important to select "Build on the same node" in Job 1, because this will preserve the data and it allows other jobs to access this information.
Let me know if its not clear.

how to set up /configure test cases before triggering in jenkins

After the build is passed for source code, some .jar files are created.
Those jar files have to be put in specific path before triggering relevant testcases in Jenkins.
In a short,
How to configure/set up the test cases after the successful build and before triggering them in Jenkins?
Have 1 job to build your code.
Add a post exec command to this job to move the jar files to the correct path
After this build job is finished have it trigger a second job that does only the tests.

Is it possible to build 5 sub modules in one single job which have different script to execute?

I want to know how can we parameterize build in jenkins. I need to create a jenkins job which will contain 5 sub jobs in it. i need to create a drop down , selelct any of the module and build it. But the script used is different for every sub build? can any1 guide on the same is it possible.
string parameters in Jenkins result in environment variables of the same name.
So, you could write a wrapper script in bash which would look for the environment variables that could be set as a result of the parameterized build (i.e. your 5 sub-jobs) in a series of if-elif statements, and within each one, you would invoke the necessary build script from there.
The build script that you would have Jenkins run would be the wrapper script.

Run Nant script as a Jenkins post build action

Is it possible to run a Nant script as a Jenkins post build action?
I get the option to run a script as a Build Step but not as a build action. Is there any particular plugin which enables this option.
The reason I am looking for this functionality is that I need to run a script which depends on the ArtifactDeployer post build action. If i specify the code in the build step it gets executed before the ArtifactDeployer and the build fails
You can use the Post Build Task Plugin
One way of getting the build number if it's not working with this plugin is using the Groovy Post Build Plugin
With it you can execute groovy code as a post build action, get the build number and execute NAnt
the build number is accessible from the following property
Post-build Actions -> Execute a set of script run after a build when it succeeds or fails. My experience shows that it only sometimes runs when a build is aborted.
As advised above, the Post-build Actions -> Post build task (via the named post task plug in) is always evaluated for run (regardless of the build exit status). Additional setting via phrase in the log ("Build was aborted") works reliable for me.
My problem was to run something even on an aborted build and post build task sorted out this problem.
