Dynamic Properties file in Jenkins for injecting Env variables - jenkins

So this is my entire Use case:
I have a parameterized build job which accepts file parameters. After the build I need to send a mail with that file and the size of the file. For this, I'm trying to add the name and size of the file as an Env variable using EnvInject Plugin.
But EnvInject is in the Build Environment step. The file parameter gets stored in the Workspace of the build only in the Build step, not in Build environment. So, there will be an error like File not found.
Due to which, I'm trying a crooked way of defining a properties file somewhere on my local system.I'm mentioning this properties file in "Properties File Path" of Inject Environment variables. In the build step I'm adding FOO=BAR and other values in the file so that I can use those values as my env variables down the line, like when I configure my e-mail template in Post Build Actions.
Can this process be done easily? I was initially making the properties file in JENKINS_HOME. I just got to know that I'm not allowed to do that as in master-agent architecture, JENKINS_HOME will be different and build will fail.
PS-1. The workspace gets deleted after every build
2. Any other plugins which can be used? If possible, please suggest without installing some new plugin as I'm not Jenkins admin

One way of solving this problem is by creating 3 different jobs as follows -
job 1 --> should call below 2 jobs(job 2 & job 3)
job 2:
Build --> Trigger/call builds on other projects --> job 2(block until the triggerred projects finish their builds)
select"Build on the same node" from Add Parameters.
job 3:
Build --> Trigger/call builds on other projects --> job 2(block until the triggerred projects finish their builds)
select"Build on the same node" from Add Parameters.
Job 2 (Create this job as follows):
Execution API --> using "GET_FILE" option you can download the required details on to the current working directory of your job.
Execute shell -->
now within "Execute Shell", download "consoleText" using wget command.
process the "consoleText" using unix command prepare a key-value pairs and store it under /tmp folder. i.e. "/tmp/env.prop"
Job 3 (Create this job as follows):
select "Inject environment variable to the build process" and under 'Properties File Path' enter "/tmp/env.prop"
now you can use the variable which you created in Job2 in the current job without any issue.
please note that it is important to select "Build on the same node" in Job 1, because this will preserve the data and it allows other jobs to access this information.
Let me know if its not clear.


Previous Build Number in Jenkins

I have a batch Job (not the pipeline Job) in Jenkins where I am using a plugin called "Naginator" which will check if the current build is failed/unstable - If the current build is failed/unstable it will run immediately the next build to confirm the error is genuine. If the error is not genuine then the run is successful and it will periodically set the next build to run. Along with this, I use some CMD commands to move my data into another folder with the Build number as my folder name.
Now here is the issue, if the previous build was unstable and Naginator runs the next build and that build is stable then what I need to do is delete the previous unstable build data from the folder manually. Is it possible to fetch the previous build number in Jenkins so that I can delete the file in an automated way - lets say in CMD Commands .BAT file.
Jenkins has it's own global variables. You can check whem in your pipeline job -> Pipeline Syntax -> Global Variables Reference.
Additionally check http://jenkins_url:port/env-vars.html/
For your purpose BUILD_NUMBER exist.
Just create new env var like this:
Excuse me if this piece of code will not work, I'm not good about scripting) Just for example.
also you can find in mentioned reference a list of variables:

Parameterize the approver detail in Promoted Build Plugin in Jenkins

I am using Promote Build plugin in Jenkins .
I need to take the approver information from the user in Jenkins and provide him the approval rights .
Here is what I am trying to do :
Is it feasible ?
Don't think you can use variables there. However, you could skip that condition, and instead have an Execute Shell build step, and there check for variables $PROMOTED_USER_NAME. Parse the name, and make your decision based on that.
Parent parameters don't automatically get passed to Promoted builds. However, you can export them to file, archive the file (important to archive as opposed to keep it in workspace), bring the file over in the promotion step, and either load it to environment variables with EnvInject plugin, or simply use the file as is in a script
On Parent Job
Configure parameter approverid
Have an Execute Shell build step with the following:
echo approverid=$approverid > myfile
At the end, make sure to Archive myfile
On Promotion Configuration
Skip the approval criteria
Add Copy Artifacts from another project step
For Project Name, use $PROMOTED_JOB_NAME
For Which build, use Specific Build, then provide $PROMOTED_NUMBER
For Artifacts to copy, use myfile
Add Inject Environment Variables build step
For Properties File Path, enter myfile
Add Execute Shell build step
In that shell, compare values of $approverid and $PROMOTED_USER_NAME
If they match, continue, else abort/exit promotion.
Or course, the history of execution (and abort) will be noted however.

Updating jenkins job variable

Parameterized variable are not getting updated in jenkins
I m using the conditional build-step plugin to update the jenkins job parameter by executing shell script its showing me the new value of variable as well but its not get reflected.
You can try the EnvInject Plugin. One of the features is a build step that allows you to "inject" parameters into the build job from a settings file.
Create a property for the email list in the env.properties file:
echo "variable=`value`"> env.properties
It will create the properties file in the job workspace directory.
In shell script:
If I understand correctly, you are trying to change the value of a pre-defined parameter
from within a script that is run by the job.
This will not work, because of "scope" (or "call-stack"),
as a process (your script) cannot change the environment of a parent process (your Jenkins job).

Jenkins EnvInject build step

I have a Jenkins job that is doing the following (amongst other things):
Read user input for ENVIRONMENT and SERVERTYPE
Inject environment variable AGENT (initially blank) as a build step to create
a new variable
Execute shell as a build step to populate AGENT, based on what was entered
Use AGENT as an input to a plugin as a post build action
The problem is that the value of AGENT doesn't seem to persist outside of the "execute shell" build step. When I try and pass it into the post build action plugin, it's still blank.
Can anyone point out what am I doing wrong? I have read the documentation, but can't seem to figure it out.
Your problem is that whatever variables you set in the shell script, they don't make it out.
This is true for any process: child process (your shell script) can never directly affect environment of parent process (Jenkins executor client).
If you need the data to persist, you need to store it outside the script; there are many options like uploading it to a server or storing it in a database, the most obvious and easiest option is to save it to a file.
You can even save the value to a "properties file" in the syntax supported by EnvInject and specify path in "Properties File Path" field.
You need to populate properties file with the values of the environment variables to be injected again, so they will survive until post-build actions. The properties file usually resides in the job's workspace.
For example use the following steps:
Build step "Execute shell" :
AGENT="My agent"
echo AGENT=$AGENT > my.properties
Build step: "Inject environment variables",
Field "Properties File Path":
Post-Build Actions: "Editable Email Notification", Field "Default Content":
Current Agent $AGENT
Or ${ENV, var="AGENT"}

Passing the result back from Parameterized Trigger plugin

I have 2 jobs: "Helper" and "Main" and the single jenkins instance (which is the host and the executor).
The helper manages 3rd party resource and makes the preparation for the Main job (to be precise - it creates the environment for the application to be deployed for testing).
The only artifact for the helper job is a single file with IP of the environment prepared especially for the Main job.
How would I pass back the build from the Helper to the Main in this case?
You are saying that you only need to pass a file with an IP to the "Main" job. If all you need is that IP, there are easier ways of doing it (without files), I will describe both.
To pass an artifact from one job to another
In the "Helper" job, you need to archive that file from your workspace.
In post-build actions, choose Archive the artifacts
Put a path relative to the workspace. You can use wildcards, or hardcode the name of the file if it is always same.
Configure this job to automatically trigger your "Main" job using Trigger/Call builds on other projects build step. If you don't have this plugin, you can get it here
For Projects to build, enter the name of your "Main" job
Now, in the "Main" job, you need to copy this artifact from the previous ("Helper") job.
For the first build step, select Copy artifacts from another project build step. If you don't have this plugin, you can get it here
For the Project name, enter the name of your "Helper" job
For Which build, select Latest successful build
For Artifacts to copy, use **/yourartifactname*.* Your artifact name will be what you configured in "Helper" job. Using **/ in front makes sure it will ignore any directory structure before getting to the artifact
For, Target directory, specify a location in your "Main" job's workspace where this file will be copied too.
Checkmark Flatten directories, so the file goes directly to the location specified in Step 5, else it will retain the directory structure that it was archived under (in "Helper" job)
Now, your "Main" job has the file from "Helper" job in it's workspace. Use it like you would any other file in your workspace
To pass a variable from one job to another
Like I mentioned, if all you need is that one IP address, that you have as a variable at one point in time in "Helper" job, you just send it to "Main" job using the Trigger/Call builds on other projects step that you configured in steps 3 and 4 of the "Helper" job. In this case, you don't need any special configuration on "Main" job.
Configure "Helper" job to automatically trigger your "Main" job using Trigger/Call builds on other projects build step. If you don't have this plugin, you can get it here
For Projects to build, enter the name of your "Main" job
Click Add Parameters button
Select Predefined parameters
Type VarForMain=$VarFromHelper, where VarFromHelper is your environment variable from the "Helper" job that contains your IP address, and VarForMain is the environment variable that will be set in your "Main" job to this value. There is no reason why these can't have the same name.
Now, in your "Main" job, you can reference $VarForMain as you would any other environment variable
The accepted answer wasn't helpful in my case, but I've just came up with a trick:
Create a main job with a shell command of
echo "PARAMS_FILE=${WORKSPACE}/build-${BUILD_NUMBER}.params" > "${WORKSPACE}/build-${BUILD_NUMBER}.params"
Create sub-jobs by adding them to the build steps (not steps after build)
Pass the file as a parameters source to the sub-builds and have the builds updated the file with a line in their scripts like:
echo "MY_VAR=some_value" >> "$PARAMS_FILE"
That way all subsequent jobs have environment updated with the results of their predecessors.
