Jenkins to execute shell script located on remote server - jenkins

I started to pick up Jenkins recently and want to see how it will fit my working environment. One of the very first tasks I want to do is to create a Jenkins project that will run a bash script located on a remote server via ssh, not copy a local script to a remote server then run it.
I could not find much helpful information online and pretty much have no idea where to start. I am pretty sure others may have the same questions, so thought to ask it here.


How to deploy weblogic application as docker container completely using Dockerfile?

I've a simple REST API in the weblogic application. I've to deploy the application as the docker container. But, I'm facing a problem in defining the Dockerfile.
FROM store/oracle/weblogic:
COPY target/app.war /u01/oracle
Above is my current Dockerfile. With the current dockerfile, I have to manually deploy the application on the weblogic server. We would like to automate the application deployment using Dockerfile and didn't get the exact examples.
Please advise.
This is a complex task, so it is hard to explain the whole process here.
The high-level steps that you need to execute are the followings:
Start a properly configured WebLogic domain in Docker. This task involves the creation of the admin and managed servers and WL cluster, etc.
Build the application that you wanna deploy
Configure the database properly if you have any
Create the WL resources like connection pool, JMS, etc manually or via WLST script
Deploy your artifact via the WL web console or with WLST script or copy the file under the autodeploy directory
Be careful because the tasks that you executed manually will be lost if you drop your docker container.
You can find concrete examples, use cases, automated scripts that you can use and well prepared, ready for use WebLogic Docker images here:
If you have a concrete question, not a general one, like this, then please start a new thread.
Take a look at the GitHub project:

jenkins tests with ranorex

I'm just getting started with Jenkins and I have a few doubts that must be silly, but I'm stuck at it.
After I build my project Jenkins save the build file in some specific path?
Using Ranorex for automation test, is it better to put my files locally on the server or push them to a repository?
Note: I just start tried to use this, at this moment I can check for changes at BitBucket, build the file, build the Ranorex test and run the test.
Jenkins is quite a versatile application that allows system setup to specific needs and requirements of the test project. So i'd say go with the way that seems most logical/easiest. It's kind of a learning process as well so you will be able to understand the working flow of Jenkins itself.
But to answer your 2 questions:
1) By build files i believe you mean the test reports? - For this I actually use the Jenkins UserContent folder. This requires the "Copy to slave" plugin to be installed. With this you will get an additional Post-build Action where you can specify the files that will be copied over to the UserContent folder. But don't forget to specify a common layout for the naming of report files through the Ranorex run parameters ("/rf"). The UserContent folder actually acts as a web server and you can directly link the URLs for email reports. (eg. "")
2) This totally depends on the system setup. But i can give you an example on how our system is currently set up. So we have Jenkins which runs on a Linux machine. It is only used to manage and run the tests and the actual machine does not include the automation test project. Then we have the test machine which runs on Windows and holds the actual automation tests. This machine is connected to Jenkins through the Slave functionality. So basically when someone starts a test job Jenkins from the Linux machine sends a command to the slave to start the automated tests. When the test run has finished post-build actions take over and copy the report files from the Slave machine to the Linux machines UserContent folder.
Now when talking about the test project management. It's a good idea to use a gir repository which will add another layer of somewhat "security". But if you have a small team (or you are the only test developer) then there is no actual need for it. You just copy the project to the test machine to a specified folder whenever needed/updated and you are ready to run it.

Jenkins - Docker integration

I'm looking for the best way to integrate Docker into Jenkins to execute build/test commands.
The best source I have found is this blog post:
It basically offers to wrap all execution commands with "docker run".
I would like to see better integrations with Jenkins plugin but I couldn't find anything in this area.
Could anyone suggest a good way to proceed? Is there any project on the way to address this?
There's a second blog post which goes into more detail about the setup. The missing piece was dockerize which makes the Jenkins & Docker integration painless. If you look into the Ruby app example, there's a Vagrantfile which will set everything up for you, use that as the starting point for your own setup.
Wouldn't you just create a shell script to setup the docker environment as you normally would (or better still push the docker container in to a private repo) and get Jenkins to pull it down and run the test suite inside docker using the daemonised mode?
Maybe you could use directory shares to drop the output of the test data so that Jenkins can read it and display?
Hopefully a point in the right direction...
This plugin might be what you are looking for.

Should Jenkins be run inside development/deployment environment or on standalone box

I am using Vagrant to provide a 'synchronised' and standardised development/test/uat/staging and production environments.
I am now looking at how to standardise my CI build process. I like the look of Jenkins but I am confused as to what the best way to deploy it is. Should I have it deployed in a stand-alone CI box or install it on all the various environments?
I guess I am a little confused here. Any help much appreciated, Thanks
The standard approach is a stand-alone CI server shared by the development team. This common server (at a well known URL) provides the development dashboard for a team and the only authorized way to publish into the release repository (Developers not allowed to publish directly)
You could go for extra credit and also setup an instance of Sonar which in my opinion is much better suited as a development dashboard, providing a richer set of metrics and also serves as a historicial record for development.
Finally Jenkins is so simple to setup, there is nothing stopping developers from running their own instances. I find that with Sonar it matters less and less where a build is actually run, once the release credentials are properly controlled. In fact this attitude is important as it prevents the build server from turning into a delicate snowflake :-)
There's a vagrant plugin for Jenkins which might prove useful in running your current processes.
You're likely better off running Jenkins as a shared stand-alone server.
However, I highly recommend that you set up your builds in such a way that they can be run on each developer's machine locally as well. This is particularly key with unit-tests.
In our setup, we have a shared Jenkins server that executes all of our builds using NAnt. Each developer also has NAnt installed and can run the build and unit-test portions of the build freely. Ideally integration tests could also be run, but we're not quite there yet and having them execute on the CI server still gives us that proper feedback even if it takes a little longer to get.

Run the HTML5 Ant Build Script on a server

The HTML5 Ant Build Script seems to be primarily a front end tool -
But does anyone know if it's possible to run the build script on a server? Reason for this is that there are three of us on our team and it makes more sense for the script to be run automatically when someone has pushed to the server via git rather than all three of us running the script locally.
I may be a million miles off with this but is someone able to offer a good solution for us not having to run the script individually?
