the last page in the stack Route will pop in Flutter web in ios(open issue on github) - ios

I have a flutter web app, when I open my web app in my iphone 7 , the starting html page is still behind the Route stack pages, I mean when I swipe horizontally(popping the pages in iphone => I mean like backbutton in android but swiping horizontally from left to right in iphone) the white screen(the started html page) shows and the web app rebuild itself and after that when I swipe horizontally again, it seems that the white screen is gone and everything works fine, but everytime that I close the web app and reopen it again, this senario repeats.
here is the video of what I mean:
be careful, I don't mean that I want to omit the first white screen,my problem will be from the first screen(orange screen) and this senatio is not happening in android devices and browsers.
thanks a lot.


Back to Home directly in WKWebView

I'm working with a WKWebView that shows a WebSite.
In the WebSite I have embedded some Google Slide but the full screen mode doesn't works on iOS (known bug from years but I can't find a solution yet) so I have to redirect at the Google Slide URL (outside of my WebSite).
The issue is that if a slide has 50 pages, and I'm at last of these, when I have to go back I'm at slide 49 and I have to go back 49 times for return to the home (every slide has a different URL).
If the slide is not in full screen and I'm at slide 50 when I go back I'm directly at the home.
How can I improve this situation? Is possible to return directly at the home also if I'm in full screen? Thanks in advance

Menubar in UIWebview not showing up on first longpress action

So this problem is a little tricky. Basically, I found that the menu bar won't pop up in a UIwebview the first time you long press on a word. It would show something like this:
Example img
The words are selected, but the menubar is now showing. However, the second time you longpress on another word,the menubar just pops up fine.
Example img
Also, if you tap anywhere in the UIwebview or scroll it before longpressing on a word, the menu bar also shows up. It's just when the long press action is the first action you have with the UIwebview, the menu bar won't show up.
I checked this problem with some other third-party web browsers on app store (firefox, chrome). The same problem exists. However, Safari does not have this problem. Also, my iPad 2 does not have this problem either. But my iPad air does, so do the xcode simulators.
Not sure if I'm describing this problem clearly, thanks in advance for anyone that helps.
This problem is kind of Bug in iOS 9 web view
Me and my colleague was having same discussion yesterday.
Also it is only on Web view,Messaging apps works fine

Facebook-style CSS sliding panel doesn't scroll on iOS

I created a mobile version of my website, testing along the way on my Nexus 5. After testing on iOS 7 (on an iPhone4 and iPhone5S), seems like scrolling on the side menu is broken.
Here's a live demo (no links work, and you'll see a huge CSS & JS file, since it's for the whole app):
Click on the top left icon, and the menu is displayed. Now, on desktop and Android, I can scroll the whole page (including the menu) just fine, and click on the right side of the menu to close it. But on iOS7, when I try to do that, only the background (content of the page) scrolls, not the menu.
Any ideas what could be causing this?

iOS: Run code only after it's been added to the home screen

I'd like know if there's away to run a bit of code only after it's been installed to the home screen on iOS. This is for internal use only so I don't need it to work on other platforms. Just iOS.
Basically, I want to add a few custom icons to iOS devices that do specific things. One will open a PDF and that's the one I'm having a hard time working with.
So, here's the flow...
User goes to URL on their iOS based device, there is nothing to see here, but then they add the URL to their home screen. Once they click on the home screen icon, the page opens and redirects to the a PDF that lives online. The pdf can live online since they will always have wifi.
Any suggestions?

UIWebView goBack() issues in iOS 5

I'm displaying a UIWebView to display a mobile website. The website uses ajax and internal hash navigation. I have a back button to go back in history.
It works fine on iOS 4 and on iOS for the first time after application launch.
After leaving the UIWebView and coming back to it, the back button does not work properly because of the caching.
Any ideas how we can get the back functionality/history keeping working in iOS5? We have tried several things on the web page, and natively, but no success.
Our current status is that clicking the back button will return to the initial page on the UIWebView, but jump over the intermediate pages.
