Menubar in UIWebview not showing up on first longpress action - ios

So this problem is a little tricky. Basically, I found that the menu bar won't pop up in a UIwebview the first time you long press on a word. It would show something like this:
Example img
The words are selected, but the menubar is now showing. However, the second time you longpress on another word,the menubar just pops up fine.
Example img
Also, if you tap anywhere in the UIwebview or scroll it before longpressing on a word, the menu bar also shows up. It's just when the long press action is the first action you have with the UIwebview, the menu bar won't show up.
I checked this problem with some other third-party web browsers on app store (firefox, chrome). The same problem exists. However, Safari does not have this problem. Also, my iPad 2 does not have this problem either. But my iPad air does, so do the xcode simulators.
Not sure if I'm describing this problem clearly, thanks in advance for anyone that helps.

This problem is kind of Bug in iOS 9 web view
Me and my colleague was having same discussion yesterday.
Also it is only on Web view,Messaging apps works fine


When navigating to a page from "More" on iOS the toolbar does not show until device orientation is changed

I use tabbed page and have way more than 5 items in my TabbedPage (15 of them). Now when each ContentPage I navigate to is in within first 4 items, my toolbar renders correctly, displaying the icon and allowing user to interact. The problem begins when I have to go to "... More" tab.
Once I select one of the ContentPages there I don't see the same Toolbar with ToolbarItems in it. Rotating the device to Landscape and back brings the ToolbarItems back.
I have scoured the internet looking for an answer but I can't find much about this particular issue.
Could y'all smart folks point me to a solution to my problem?
I made a simple test but did not reproduce your issue .
What is the version of Xamarin.Forms ? And What specific device did you test on ?

Framework7 modal-overlay tap on iPad calls preventScrolling instead of handleClick

I am using Framework7 inside of React for our view layer. I can get a popover to open and close just fine when viewing my app in Chrome. However, on the iPad I cannot seem to close the modal popover by tapping on the mask. After some debugging, it appears that this line of code within Chrome is where the handleClicks ends up getting called which will then close the modal as it should.
However, this same exact line of code when debugging on iPad shows preventScrolling as the listener instead of handleClicks. Any ideas on why this could be occuring or what I might be missing?
It turns out this was all an issue on my end. I was using the Framework7 custom build process and was not including the fast-clicks module. Once I added that to the custom build process it fixed my issue. Sorry to waste everyone's time!

Firemonkey embedded ios web browser displays "done" bar issue

I have an interesting issue with an IOS app, 32bit at present.
I have a simple project with one form, a button and a TWebBrowser component.The "onclick" of the button sets the align property of the twebbrowser to client and opens a webpage ( for testing).
Every thing works ok until I go to use the virtual keyboard (e.g. enter a search). When the virtual keyboard appears I am getting a second "done" button bar appearing above (and behind?) the main one. The main "done" bar includes next and previous buttons, whereas the background one doesn't. It appears that there are two keyboards appearing. I have the issue on both my test phones, one running IOS7 and the other running IOS6 and I believe it is also happening under IOS8.
Does anyone have any idea what causes this?

Icons for iOS Action Extensions Disappearing After Share Button Menu Disappears

I've been working on a couple of iOS action extensions for a while, but I have noticed an odd behavior I was wondering if anyone else saw. In short, after you install and turn the extension on from the share button menu and leave the menu, it disappears from the menu.
More specifically, when you first install the extension, you expect you have to press the share button, scroll the bottom bar menu (for the action extensions) all the way to the right, press the "More" button, toggle your extension on and then press done. At that point the icon for the extension will appear and you can use it. However, the next time you want to use the action extension, the icon will not appear and you have to repeat the process, even though when you look in the "More" menu, the toggle switches for your app are already flipped on.
I wish I could add images to further elaborate here, but I can't because of StackOverflow's rules.
I have not been able to find any information on this any where, so I was hoping someone here has noticed this behavior or not. Any help on resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
This has been a bug in iOS 8.3, and has been acknowledged by Apple.
Fixed in iOS 9.
Issue on OpenRadar
How to solve:
The new share extension is NOT visible in the default list, and is CHECKED in the “More…” list. Changing any of the switches and tapping Done will show the new share extension in the default list.

Save to Foursquare button doesn't work on iPad

I'm trying to build an "Save to Foursquare" button to my site, but it doesn't work on an iPad. In fact, I checked and none of the sites that use this button work on the iPad - pressing the button just darkens the display but doesn't show the Foursquare dialog. Is there a fix for this?
We just pushed an improvement to handling the save-to-foursquare button on iOS. Hopefully that should fix whatever problem you were hitting?
