webGL and iOS Build Support Install failed -Unity - ios

I don't know why I am getting this error. how can i solve this ?
(Visual studio 2019 was already installed but I never had access to the others)

Sometimes it happens... Moreover, it may not be possible to reinstall the module, since it is already marked as installed. In this case, you can do the following:
Find the folder where Unity is installed. For example: C:\Program Files\UnityEditor\2021.2.13f1
Open the modules.json file
Find the object with the parameter "name":"iOS Build Support" and in this object change the parameter "selected":true to "selected":false
Restart Unity Hub and try to reinstall iOS Build Support module
Also make sure you have enough disk space to install the components


DotVVM extension install errors on Visual Studio 2019

I'm attempting to install DotVVM in Visual Studio 2019. Right now I can find it when I 'manage extensions' and it downloads and installs without error. However when I restart Visual Studio post installation I get an error stating 'The DotVVM package did not load correctly' and points me to an xml output file. The contents of said file shows:
SetSite failed for package [DotvvmPackage]
Source: System.ComponentModel.Composition
Description: The composition produced multiple composition errors, with 3 root causes. The root causes are provided below. Review the CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information
No exports were found that match the constraint: ContractName DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.Dialogs.DialogFactory RequiredTypeIdentity DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.Dialogs.DialogFactory Resulting in: Cannot set import DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.VsPackages.DotvvmPackageDependencies.DialogFactory (ContractName='DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.DialogFactory') on part DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.VsPackages.DotvvmPackageDependencies.Element: DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.VsPackages.DotvvmDependencies.DialogFactory (ContractName='DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.Dialogs.DialogFactory') DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.VsPackages.DotvvmPackageDependencies
No exports were found that match the constraint:
Pretty much the same error except it's talking about 'DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.Common.Licensing.ILoginProvider'
No exports were found that match the constraint:*
Same error except it's talking about 'DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.Services.CommandService'
Now I have been trying to find other topics and came across many that said to delete (or rename) the '%appData%'/Local/Microsoft/VisualStudio/16.0/ComponentModelCache' folder which I've tried with no luck. Removed it out of every VisualStudio version folders as well. Restarted Visual Studio of course after. That folder did rebuild itself but I got the same error again.
I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling it as well. Tired with running Visual Studio as an admin for kicks. Even downloaded the DotVVM.Integration.VisualStudio.2019.RTM.vsix file directly (both 4.0.534 and 4.0.539) and installing it that way with no luck.
I also tried fully uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Studio 2019 all together with no luck. I made sure the entire VisualStudio/16.0 folder was also gone between installs.
I have been able to install other extensions alright just to see.
It seems like I'm missing something or some files when it's trying to install, but I can't figure out what. Any ideas?
Turns out my version of Visual Studio was the issue. My cooperate environment locks me to 16.10.2 which is not the latest version. Visual Studio updates claims I'm up to date but I am not.
The version of DotVVM (4.0.539) doesn't support version 16.10.2 of visual studio, hence the error. I did find an older version of DotVVM (2.5.254) that does support that version of visual studio and that worked fine.

Can't open or create projects: The type initializer for 'MonoDevelop.Projects.MSBuild.MSBuildEvaluationContext' threw an exception

This morning, I found I was unable to create or open any projects on Visual Studio Community for macOS v8.1.1 (build 27) without getting the error...
The project could not be created
The type initializer for 'MonoDevelop.Projects.MSBuild.MSBuildEvaluationContext' threw an exception.
This install of VS has been working for quite some time on this Mac. VS had found and installed some updates recently. This is not a box where I work routinely; it may have last worked successfully a week or so ago.
Here is a screencapture when trying to create a Console app project, for instance. The error occurs when I hit the "Create" button.
I've found a very similar error on a now defunct Bugzilla for the old Xamarin Studio here, which links me to this resolved GitHub issue on MonoDevelop, which is now Visual Studio, from 2017, which is marked Closed and Merged.
I've also found a very similar error report raised as another GitHub issue for MonoDevelop here. No clear resolution there; just a reply that, "Seems like MSBuild is not installed?"
They both suggest MSBuild isn't in the right place, but I'm not sure how I'd fix that.
I have tried uninstalling Visual Studio (by trashing) and removing .NET using sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/dotnet. This removed .NET, but on reinstall of VS and .NET, the error returns.
Is there a better way to perform a clean install? Is there another way to resolve this issue?
Round 2
Since the issue was MonoDevelop specific, I did a find to find any file with mono in it. I found some stuff like this...
... in the Frameworks folder, and that looked promising. I've messed with MonoDevelop in the past (remember icsharpcode?), know that it used to be its own, independent, OSS C# IDE, and blasted that Mono.framework folder away.
sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/
I also deleted Visual Studio and removed /usr/local/share/dotnet again, then reinstalled .NET and VS with the VS installer.
When I tried to open Visual Studio, I got a different message.
Now we're getting somewhere. I clicked the "Download Mono Framework" button in that dialog and initially tried installing the "Visual Studio" release from the page the button opened, tried reopening VS, and got the same error as before. Strangely, the VS release is, and the error message, above, says I need :thinking-face:
I tried downloading the latest "Stable" release of the mono framework instead, which is version
Visual Studio opens and creates new projects without error, but...
EDIT: That was short lived. I now get a /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.700/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.NET.Sdk.targets(5,5): Error MSB4018: The "GenerateDepsFile" task failed unexpectedly.
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'Microsoft.NET.Build.Tasks.DependencyContextBuilder:_filteredPackages' (12) due to: Could not resolve type with token 01000025 from typeref ...
error when I try to build the stock console app.
NOTE: There is an official process for deleting Mono I missed, and is better than the quick & dirty rm -rf I tried, above.

Cordova Plugin Add/Remove for windows on a Mac

I am developing an app in Cordova that runs on iOS, Android, Windows and OSX. Everything is fine until you have to add or remove plugins. I develop the iOS, Android and OS X on a mac, and the Windows UWP on a windows machine.
When you try to add or remove a plugin you are stuck because on the mac I get the following error: "The platform "windows" does not appear to be a valid cordova platform." and fails.
When you try to add or remove a plugin on windows I get the following error: "The platform "android (or ios or osx)" does not appear to be a valid cordova platform." and fails.
Currently I remove windows from the platforms on the Windows computer, check the project in to github, check it out on my mac and and edit plugins for android/ios/osx then check it back in. After that I pull on my Windows and re-add the platform. The problem with this is cordova does not remember any images, app store associations, nuget packets etc making it a painstaking process that leads to many bugs.
Is there a way to ONLY add/remove a plugin on windows on the windows computer, and only for ios/android/osx on the mac and somehow make it all go together?
I would suspect this is happening because the platforms are not being successfully installed / removed. If you look in the platforms/ folder, check to see that the platforms that are acting up actually have valid folder structure and contents. If this is the case you need to manually remove the platforms.
Instead of removing the windows platform and committing to git, you should consider using the --nosave option: cordova platform remove windows --nosave. This way the changes are not saved to your package.json or configuration.xml. This would allow you to make changes on OSX without having to constantly check in the removed windows platform.
Something that may help is using the cordova repository management tool that I have created: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-clean. This will help making sure all of the changes being made to the configuration are reflected in your current working directory across your machines / branches.

Visual Studio 2015 RTM Cordova IOS Build Error - Could not find module 'Q'

I am using Visual Studio 2015 RTM, and I am working on a Cordova project. My project works fine for Android, but I cannot get it to build for IOS. I have figured out what the problem is, but I cannot figure out how to fix it.
When I build for IOS it is sending the build to the remote build agent installed on my Mac computer, but it is returning the following error:
Could not find module 'Q'. Please Go to Tools --> Options --> Tools
for Apache cordova --> Cordova Tools --> Clear Cordova Cache and try
building again.
Following it's suggestion and clearing the Cordova cache does not help. I did some research and have found that it is a bug in the cordova_ios library. Here is a link to the commit that fixed the error https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios/commit/ed272032878959c90eb28ccc1490e96fb7b69287.
Basically what the issue is that the check_reqs.js file is require 'Q' (uppercase) instead of 'q' (lowercase).
I can work around the problem (and confirm that this is the problem) by doing the following:
Copy my Cordova project over to my Mac computer.
At the command line add IOS as a Cordova platform.
Go to the /platforms/ios/cordova/lib/check_reqs.js file and change line 25 to be a lowercase 'q'.
Build and run the project on the Mac.
What I don't know is how to fix this in Visual Studio so I can build from Visual Studio? I have tried doing NPM updates on the computer that Visual Studio is installed on, but that has not fixed it. I have also tried to manually add the IOS platform to my project via the Cordova command line, and then changing the same file that I change on the Mac, but that does not fix it either.
It looks like this issue if fixed in the latest version of the cordova_ios library, I just cannot figure out how to get Visual Studio and/or the remote build agent on my Mac to use the latest version of the cordova_ios library.
It looks like this is a bug that other people are seeing with Cordova. There are discussion about it here and here. I can reproduce this on my Mac computer. If I create a new Cordova project and add the iOS platform and try to build it for iOS I receive this error. I can then correct the issue by opening the check_reqs.js file and changing the uppercase 'Q' to a lowercase 'q'. However when I build from Visual Studio it sends the project across to the Mac with the incorrect check_req.js file and the build fails. I cannot figure out how to correct this issue when doing a iOS build from Visual Studio.
If your OSX machine has case a case sensitive filesystem you can hit this though a fix is in the works. (Most people do not turn on case sensativity.)
The fix you reference has not yet been released publicly. You can watch for a "platform" release here: http://cordova.apache.org/
Once the platform is released it is very likely a Cordova CLI update will also occur (ex: 5.1.2) so you can just update to that version via the config designer.
However, as an alternative you can add the following into your config.xml file to cause Cordova to use a different iOS platform version and then do a "clean" in VS to force it to take effect:
<engine name="ios" spec="3.9.0" />
3.8.0 is the currently released version.
A "DISCUSS" thread is already going for an iOS release - it should be out in the next couple of weeks.
You can try using the Git URI to get edge - but that could be buggy so exercise care:
<engine name="ios" spec="https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios.git" />
I think we should simply do a patch release of Cordova with this bug fix. Will start a thread on the mailing list to see if a quick release is possible.
Did you already try re-installing vs-tac? Here's the doc:
What version of node do you have installed on the MAC machine? I have 0.12.2 and the require(Q) gets satisfied without any errors. Can you try installing a newer version of Node? Let me know.

How do I run D3D9 programs (that have already been compiled) on a machine without the SDK?

I have a simple 3D application programmed in C++ and D3D9 using MSVC++ 2008 Express. Some weeks ago, I had to format my hard disk, so the DirectX SDK is not currently installed.
However, I found that the exe file that I found in my "Debug" folder for the project does not run. The error it gives is:
"This application has failed to start because d3dx9d_38.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
Of course, it worked after I installed the SDK. Then I compiled a "release build" thinking that that was the solution. Then I uninstalled the SDK and tried to run the .exe file.
Still gave me the error.
So how does one make such .exe files run on machines without the SDK?
I think you cannot run the app without the SDK. See XBMC, which requires the SDK to run.
However, you could try simply placing the required dll file from your SDK in the same directory as the executable.
I followed the solution as stated here.
I copied the d3dx9_38.dll file into my Release folder. It still didn't work. However, I renamed the dll file to "d3dx9d_38.dll. Then it worked.
Wondering why I had to rename to the debug version of the file even though it was a RELEASE build...
