How do I run D3D9 programs (that have already been compiled) on a machine without the SDK? - directx

I have a simple 3D application programmed in C++ and D3D9 using MSVC++ 2008 Express. Some weeks ago, I had to format my hard disk, so the DirectX SDK is not currently installed.
However, I found that the exe file that I found in my "Debug" folder for the project does not run. The error it gives is:
"This application has failed to start because d3dx9d_38.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
Of course, it worked after I installed the SDK. Then I compiled a "release build" thinking that that was the solution. Then I uninstalled the SDK and tried to run the .exe file.
Still gave me the error.
So how does one make such .exe files run on machines without the SDK?

I think you cannot run the app without the SDK. See XBMC, which requires the SDK to run.
However, you could try simply placing the required dll file from your SDK in the same directory as the executable.

I followed the solution as stated here.
I copied the d3dx9_38.dll file into my Release folder. It still didn't work. However, I renamed the dll file to "d3dx9d_38.dll. Then it worked.
Wondering why I had to rename to the debug version of the file even though it was a RELEASE build...


Delphi, WebView2/TEdgeBrowser and the fixed runtime

I have been working with TEdgeBrowser/WebView2 and an installed version of the Edge Beta/Canary browser version as the "runtime" which seems to work fine. However for production rollout we would greatly prefer to ship the fixed version of the runtime from within our application directory.
I have been attempting to use the following:
MyEdgeBrowser.BrowserExecutableFolder := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + '\WebView2Runtime';
Within the above referenced path I have the msedgewebview2.exe with the full installation of the fixed version runtime and all supporting files & folders. This is the file that I downloaded and extracted:
Here's an image of what it looks like when extracted:
I have attempted to place the WebView2Loader.dll in my app directory, in the WebView2Runtime folder, and even in the WebView2Runtime\win-x86\native folder, always as a subfolder of my application directory.
I've tried the 11/20/2021 version of WebView2Loader.dll that Embarcadero distributes with the GetIt package manager, as well as the latest and greatest versions distributed by Microsoft via the NuGet package manager.
The CreateWebView call always fails.
Has anyone successfully got the fixed version runtime to work with Delphi & the WebView2Loader.dll? Are there version specific issues? What folder structure is required?
UPDATE: One crappy workaround that I found was to install a dev or canary version of Edge, then copy all of the files from the "C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft\Edge Beta" folder into my app folder, uninstall Edge Beta/Canary, then point the BrowserExecutableFolder to the "Edge Beta\Application<version #>" folder. This is the first time I've seen a "fixed version runtime" function without an Edge or Canary install.
I had started the project in 64-bit mode but for internal reasons had to switch to 32-bit mode. Unfortunately I had not switched back to the 32-bit version of WebView2Loader.dll, but was using the 32-bit version of the runtime.
Once I switched to the 32-bit version of WebView2Loader.dll the TEdgeBrowser was able to work with just the fixed version runtime, no further installation required.

webGL and iOS Build Support Install failed -Unity

I don't know why I am getting this error. how can i solve this ?
(Visual studio 2019 was already installed but I never had access to the others)
Sometimes it happens... Moreover, it may not be possible to reinstall the module, since it is already marked as installed. In this case, you can do the following:
Find the folder where Unity is installed. For example: C:\Program Files\UnityEditor\2021.2.13f1
Open the modules.json file
Find the object with the parameter "name":"iOS Build Support" and in this object change the parameter "selected":true to "selected":false
Restart Unity Hub and try to reinstall iOS Build Support module
Also make sure you have enough disk space to install the components

Delphi XE2 can not load CnPack

I have a fresh win 10 installation with Delphi XE2.
I tried to install CnPack but there was no chance (It says couldn't find wizard):
Also registry is OK and the file is in there and the permissions are OK.
Its version is CnWizards_1.1.3.896 which is currently the latest version.
I have tried older versions as well but there was no chance.
Any idea ?
I had the same problem and I got it to resolve to do this.
I downloaded the Source file and the Installer file.
I used this version
First I open the source in Delphi and Compile, Build and Install the following components.
CnPack_DXE2.dpk. (Compile and Build)
CnWizards_DXE2.dpr (Compile and Build)
dclCnPack_DXE2.dpk (Compile, Build and Install)
Execute the Installer file.
Now, this is the secret for me.
Replaced the files (CnWizards_DXE2.dll).
In the Third Step, it creates CnWizards_DXE2.dll (CnWizards\bin). Copy this file and paste in the local installation ([program files\CnPack\CnWizards]).
I created the mini tutorial in Portuguese for this situation, if necessary I can send it for you.
Sorry, my English is not good.
Bye for now

Augmented Reality - ARToolkit : ar wrapper.dll not found

I am trying to deploy Augmented Reality done using ARToolkit on another system where unity is not installed.
It works fine in my system
When I deploy in another system. I get below error
ARWrapper.dll not found.
Although I have placed the dll files along with the exe files
Try installing the MS redistributable package from here:
The exe that you need is located in the redist directory inside the package.
Solved the issue for me.
I admit the error message is very misleading.

Unable to find ant program

I am an experienced (but retired) Windows software developer, with more years experience than I care to admit, developing in C++, C#, VB and Java. I therefore decided to have a crack at Android development. My development machine is a Windows 7 box. My IDE of choice would be Microsoft Visual Studio but, for now, I am happy doing hand editing and launching tools from the command line.
I started by downloading the Android SDK and various additional items it suggested. I then started working my way through the tutorial at Android list targets gave me a couple of choices (Android 4.2.2 and Google APIs:17). I then did Android create project from the command line and that appeared to do its stuff, creating MyFirstApp in my development folder. I then ran Android avd and created an emulator. I also added the android SDK's tools and platform-tools to my path. So far so good.
I fell at the next hurdle. The tutorial told me to change to the root folder of my project and run ant debug. At this point, Windows reports:
'ant' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I've searched around for ant.exe without success. Did I miss installing something or did I miss a vital step in the set-up? Any advice for this very green newbie would be greatly appreciated.
There is no ant.exe. Only ant.bat. Ant is a Java build tool.
If it comes with the Android SDK, make sure its bin directory is in your PATH environment variable. Otherwise, download it (from [][1]), and follow the installation instructions on the web site.
Normally, simply unzipping it, putting its bin directory in the PATH envieonment variable, and setting a JAVA_HOME environment variable that points to your preferred JDK directory is sufficient.
