Change a router into an adapter - wifi

I ask this question out of curiosity and because I have it. But is there a way that I can change a normal WiFi router into an adapter? Okay to be really precise in my question: I mean that can I take the antennas out of the router and somehow give it the USB port thingy and then plug it onto my computer so that I can access WiFi networks over longer distances? Kind of like getting yourself an external WiFi adapter. I wanted to do something with my old router before I gave up on it.
PS: its a TP-Link


Capability of using usb wifi adapter with linuxserver/webtop

I do not know if it is possible but I would like to use a usb wifi adapter with webtop. Unfortunately I did not find anything relevant, no matter how much I searched.

How to capture and send packets via Macbook

I want to capture and send some packets to the access point for testing purposes. I have the packet captures made via wireshark but I do not know how to proceed to be able to send these packets from my macbook.
I tried things like scapy, colasoft etc, but they do not seem to work as they require an external wifi adapter to be able to relay these packets outwards.
Two main questions:
Is it possible to send custom packets from macbook to a required access point. (Without using external network adapter).
If yes, what are some tooling/Scripting options that I can look at ? Any recommendations?
I am networking novice so please pardon me if the question is trivial. Thank you!
Your builtin Wifi adapter likely does not support Wifi injection.
You can check this by googling the Wifi chip that is within your computer (there are various methods to get that info depending on your OS) whether it supports Wifi injection or not.
So yeah, you'll likely need an external card (check the specs before buying it)

Rails find wifi network of user

I would like to add a feature to my rails (5.0.1) application and have it only available on a certain wifi network.
Is there a way of finding out what wifi network the user is on?
Thank you!
Your question doesn't provide quite enough context. The short answer is "probably not how you want to." The long answer is:
If you're concerned about what network a user of your application is on, you can use request.remote_ip to get the remote IP,
If you're concerned about where your application is deployed, you can run a system command to get the current Wifi SSID (or equivalent) and run a check against that
Edit: Per your comment you want the ability to ensure that the user is only using it on your private network.
One way you can do this is to make the application not accessible from the outside world. This is a better question for something like
It's simply not possible to detect what Wifi network name they're connected to from Rails, or from Javascript (exceptions apply). But, you can, with a little sysadmin work, detect that they're connected to an IP within your private network.

Can I use the same wifi dongle for internet uplink and as a wireless access point

I have a headless raspberry pi with a wifi dongle and I want to use wifi two ways.
1) To make the rPI a wireless access point when there is no local wifi access point so I can connect to the rPI from my iPhone.
2) When wifi is available use the wifi dongle to do normal connection to the internet.
I think I know how to do each of these individually. It wasn't easy but I now have it connecting to my local wifi at home.
I see references to using hostapd and dnsmasq with wifi to make a local access point but they mostly assume internet connection comes from ethernet.
I'll be studying these in more detail. However I don't even know if the end goal of using the same configuration to fill both needs with one wifi dongle is even possible.
Obviously I can create two sets of config files and a script to swap them as needed but that only works if I have a connection already so I can log in.
If I add a jumper or switch to the rPI GPIO interface I could run the configuration script at startup and let it read the switch.
I might try to make the script look for an existing wifi link and go to access point mode if it doesn't find one it can access.
This would probably be a steep learning curve for me but I could probably figure it out eventually.
What I am trying to figure out now is whether I can avoid these potentially complex solutions by creating a single configuration that does both. Is a single wifi dongle sharable between these functions?
Note: I don't need it to do both at the same time. I just need the decision to be automated so it happens automatically during boot.
It is possible, although tricky to get right. (For example, what happens if you boot up, don't see an existing network for a second due to interference, then wrongly create your own network?)
Take a look at the "iwlist" command. It can scan and tell you what SSIDs (base stations) it sees. Then you can use 'grep' to see if your home network is on the list, and use that as your decision.

Programmatic Method For Opening Ports

I've searched this subject in stackoverflow and found out that a telnet library would help, and I found a telnet lib here: C# Telnet Library
but I don't know how I can use a telnet library to open a port in my router. I'm using an AT&T 2wire router. Any hints on how I can do this?
You can't. The 2wire router is an island unto itself, if it decides to block a port nothing external can (or should) be able to change that. You are on the wrong track, and would need to restate your goals in order to get a useful answer.
UPnP and other "Hole Punching" techniques do exist: but you'll be in a world of hurt if you try to reply on them for any widespread deployment.
Perhaps you meant to open a connection to a remote server and then establish two way communication. That is easy... and how other games and tools get the job done.
Technically speaking you should not be able to. You shouldn't have outside programatic access to a router to open a port if it's blocked.
If what you mean is opening a port for communication (that is not blocked) then you can simply create Sockets with the address and port (ex. localhost 7777) to establish inter process communication or simply communication with another server.
As I mentioned in a comment below there are ports that are available for use (in C# this can be easily tested, a quick google search will find you many snippets of code for testing if a port is open). A simple approach is to simply start at port 1024 (I believe this is the correct lower bound for ports that should be used by applications, someone correct me if I'm wrong) and just start counting up until you find a port that is available, if you find you've reached some upper limit you can simply report that a connection cannot be made. I hope this clears up a little more and if I have time I will try to find some code I have for this and edit it in but honestly a quick search can net you similar code for checking ports in C#.
