Firebase Dynamic link doesn't work correctly on IOS 15+ - ios

I need your help.
Dynamic link does not work correctly on iOS 15+. The application opens but the link is not transmitted.
Firebase version 8.8.0,
Unity version 2020.3.3 LTS,
Associated domains are written as it should be.
On older versions of IOS, everything works as expected.
On Android, too, everything is fine.
I noticed that the preview page does not open on iOS 15+ and immediately after answering the question - do I want to open my application , it opens.

The problem is solved. It was just necessary to use the percent encoding the link.


Google Map don't load in iOS

I’m using GoogleMaps pod in my iOS application and it was working fine, but in my last build, apple reject my application. And the reason behind that is, the map was unable to load at the time of review on iPad running iOS 12.2 on Wi-Fi.
I did try to reproduce that bug on my device but I couldn’t.
Application do ask for location permission
Google Place API key also seems ok.
Is there any way to identify what the actual issue is and how I am supposed to solve this one?
Finally, I've solved that issue and for that, I've done some of the changes in my project.
1 - I've patched the latest Google Plist file in the project (I wasn't sure whether the old one was latest or not)
2 - I was using multi language in my project so before setting the delegate of google map, I've set the language for my project.
3 - instead of set the google map from Storyboard, I've set the google map programmatically in my view controller after setting language.
After surfing for so long to solve this issue, I came to know that this issue occurs when your App supports multi language. These some steps did work for me.

Ionic 2 Storage does not work on iOS

I am using #ionic/storage as it looked quite promising after reading about it in the V2 Docs.
I use Chrome on my Windows 10 laptop so things appeared to be working perfectly fine at first. However, when I tested it on iPad, or even Firefox on my laptop, I was surprised to find out it did not work.
I was able to resolve the issue on Firefox by removing the sqlite plugin (I thought I will add it when I am ready for native testing):
cordova plugin remove cordova-sqlite-storage --save
Sadly, storage still doesn't work on the iPad. I tested it on Safari and Chrome. I am unable to debug this given the lack of developer tools or console.
I am quite frustrated how Apple makes you dependent on using a Mac to develop on their devices.
How do I go about fixing and debugging this?
I first import storage in Ionic 2:
import { Storage } from '#ionic/storage';
Then to save the data, I do this:, JSON.stringify(reportObj));
Where pk is just a unique key, and reportObj is an object that I stringify before storing. Again, keep in mind this just doesn't work in iOS.
So I managed to run the app in Safari and found out that .set actually works and the data gets stored in WebSQL. However, the get does not seem to work and I wasn't able to get any useful errors in the console.
OK, so after a lot of trial and error, I found out that the problem is not really with Storage. There appears to be some other issue with my UI, where it doesn't seem to work on iOS.
I decided to answer the part about testing the app on iOS while in development if you are not a Mac user. The best way for this appears to be to use Ionic View. You can use this simply by typing:
ionic upload
Make sure you create your account. In your iPad or iPhone, you can then download Ionic View app from iTune, sign in, and the app will appear there.
As you upload your code, simply upload again and almost instantly the app would upload on the device as you click Sync.
Hope other Windows users benefit from this.

MaterializeCss not working on ios

I have a website built with materializecss. Its working flawless on windows or android platforms but its not working properly on ios. Does anyone know about this problem?
I mean by not working is not having pictures loaded and all tabs opened one under another etc.
You can try this sites written on materializecss framework.
All sites work great on my Iphone 5s (safari)
What do you mean by "all tabs opened under one another". Could you paste your code? We've managed to make it work great on

Cordova trying to dial telephone number

I am trying to dial a phone number in iOS, however I only have the simulator and an iPod Touch to test on.
The code uses something along the lines of:
window.location.href = 'tel:01234567890';
Working fine with Android, but in iOS it dies with:
Failed to load webpage with error: The URL can't be shown
Now, I do realise this has been asked before, but the general consensus from some time ago was "It doesn't work, you'll need to use a plugin". There haven't been many questions on this for some time though, and what questions there are seem to suggest it works when doing it programmatically (as above with window.location.href). I have tried the iOS PhoneDialer and the newer version of the same plugin, but both have errors in XCode (ARC forbids explicit message send of 'release') - a bit of faffing and I can get this running, but then PhoneGap doesn't find the plugin - it really feels like I'm hitting a brick wall with this method, and I can't believe something as simple as this requires something so over the top.
I know you cannot auto-dial/auto-call a number for security reasons, but all I need to do is open the dialer with number pre-populated, which is surely no different to a link opening your email client with the sender pre-populated?
So, my questions are:
Has this changed with a recent update to PhoneGap, iOS or XCode?
Or, is it a case that I cannot do this on an iPod or Simulator, and it will work fine on an iPhone?
How can I fix it? :)
You didn't specify which version of Cordova you are using so I'm going to assume version > 3.
Make sure that InAppBrowser, a plugin since version 3, is installed and then open the link by calling it through Javascript like this:'tel:12345678', '_system')
_system will open it with the systems own browser which in turn will open the call dialog, if you use it against it will open in the maps app and similar for other apps which opens for special urls.
As described in the docs of the InAppBrowser plugin the function won't be set automatically. You have to do it your self: =;. Instead you can directly use'tel:12345678', '_system');
Make sure your number doesn't have any blankspaces in it (the +
prefix is okay). For example you could use a function like the following,
assuming num is a string.
function placeCall(num) {
if (window.cordova) {'tel:' + num.replace(/\s/g,''), '_system');
Below Code works perfectly fine for iphone:-'tel:123456', '_system');
Simulator doesn't support dialer. No need to waste time.
Make sure that the phone number in your href also doesn't have any formatting in it, as on iOS it causes the link not to work in a PhoneGap App. So for example, use tel:0390005555, and not tel:(03) 9000 5555.
I don't believe this is a Cordova issue. I know in native iOS you cannot bring up the dialer on the simulator or on an iPod touch. You will need to test this on an actual iPhone.
I know this is a late answer time.
Try by adding // to the url. Like this tel://xxxxxxxxx and see if it works.
Worked for me in IOS 8.4, iPhone 6, 6+ as of today.

Using HTML5 cache manifest with Phonegap on iOS

I've been trying for a while to make my HTML5 cache manifest work with phonegap on iOS devices, but I can't get it working (it does work with the pure web version of the app though).
Has anyone have used it successfully?
(I've only founded two people saying that it has worked (1, 2), but I'm searching for more feedback)
Try having a look at this article
I haven't worked in iOS myself but by the sound of it, as long you have correctly setup your cache spec, it should just work on iOS. Only Android needs a little extra work.
