URLSessionWebSocketTask.receive() doesn't throw on cancel() - ios

I am repeatedly calling URLSessionWebSocketTask.receive. I've tried recursively calling the version with the completion handler, as well as looping over the new async version.
At some point, I'm not receiving any more messages, and I want to cancel the web socket. So I call URLSessionWebSocketTask.cancel(). In the log, I see the message [websocket] Read completed with an error Operation canceled. But the completion handler is never called/the async receive method never returns. This means that the Task I launched to do the receiving never closes.
Why doesn't the completion handler get called when the web socket is cancelled?

Are you actually seeing a leak with the closure-based approach?
I see a leak when using the async version, but if I use the closure-version the URLSessionWebSocketTask-object is freed. I don't get any call to the closure, but for my use case that does not matter.
If I use the delegate on the session I will get a callback when the websocket is closed, but I have to call session.invalidateAndCancel when cleaning up.
I also needed to add [weak self] to the closure since I call my receive-function recursively, capturing self.


Is asynchronous code always run on a different thread?

I really think that if code in Swift in iOS runs asynchronously, then it is by the nature of itself that it runs on a separate thread than the thread the code is called from - usually the main thread. It seems obvious to me, but I am uncertain and would like to receive verification of this. I can't think of any conditions in which an asynchronous code would run on the same code that it was called from. It seems almost a certainty by definition that an asynchronous code runs on a different thread than the thread it was called from.
What do you think? Would you agree and verify this?
I ask this question while trying to understand the #escaping keyword as it applies to completion handlers. The Swift documentation on Closuressays that the #escaping keyword causes the completion handler that is designated as escaping to run asynchronously and to run after the function (that receives the completion closure as an argument) finishes running. The documentation, however, does not say whether the escaping completion handler runs on a different thread or on the current thread - which would be the main/UI thread.
I'm trying to hunt where a run-time error is coming from. The error message says: "Modifications to the layout engine must not be performed from a background thread after it has been accessed from the main thread."
It might be coming from the completion handler of CNContactStore requestAccess(for:completionHandler:), but I need to know if #escaping causes the closure it applies to to run on a different thread than the thread the closure was called from, since the completionHandler parameter is defined as escaping by the #escaping keyword in the definition of CNContactStore requestAccess(for:completionHandler:).
Is the error I'm getting coming from code inside the completion handler of that function that modifies the layout engine or any completion handler marked as escaping?
These posts on stackoverflow helped me clarify my question, but they do not answer my question:
Does Asynchronous code run in the UI thread or a new/different thread to not block the UI?
async - stay on the current thread?
#escaping does NOT determine which thread the closure is ran on. The documentation does.
For that specific function (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/contacts/cncontactstore/1402873-requestaccess/):
The system executes completionHandler on an arbitrary queue. It is recommended that you use CNContactStore instance methods in this completion handler instead of the UI main thread.
If you are doing any sort of UI work inside of the completionHandler callback, it means you MUST call DispatchQueue.main.async { update_my_UI_here() } to execute your code safely on the main thread.
requestAccess(for: .contacts) { [weak self] permissionGranted, error in
//All code in here is ran on an ARBITRARY background queue
if let error = error {
//CNContactStore - Any CNContactStore functions should run here, and not inside `DispatchQueue.main`
guard let self = self else { return }
// Any UI updates or any code that interacts with `UI*` or constraints, must be done on main
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.update_my_ui_here(permisionGranted) //Safely update UI from the main queue
Marking a function as #escaping just means that it may POTENTIALLY be called at a later time or stored as a variable somewhere. That's all it means. It does NOT mean that is will be ran on the same OR a different thread. It doesn't have any guarantees about threads and it doesn't have any guarantees about when it will run.
After all, DispatchQueue.main.async(completion: #escaping () -> Void) has an escaping parameter, and yet it always runs the completion on the exact same main thread. main is the only queue with such guarantee, regardless of whether the parameter is escaping or not.

Invoking async function without await in Dart, like starting a thread

I have two functions
callee() async {
// do something that takes some time
caller () async {
await callee();
In this scenario, caller() waits till callee() finishes. I don't want that. I want caller() to complete right after invoking callee(). callee() can complete whenever in the future, I don't care. I just want to start it just like a thread and then forget about it.
Is this possible?
When you call the callee function, it returns a Future. The await then waits for that future to complete. If you don't await the future, it will eventually complete anyway, but your caller function won't be blocked on waiting for that. So, you can just do:
caller() {
callee(); // Ignore returned Future (at your own peril).
If you do that, you should be aware of what happens if callee fails with an error. That would make the returned future complete with that error, and if you don't listen on the future, that error is considered "uncaught". Uncaught errors are handled by the current Zone and the default behavior is to act like a top-level uncaught error which may kill your isolate.
So, remember to handle the error.
If callee can't fail, great, you're done (unless it fails anyway, then you'll have fun debugging that).
Actually, because of the risk of just forgetting to await a future, the highly reocmmended unawaited_futures lint requires that you don't just ignore a returned future, and instead wants you to do unawaited(callee()); to signal that it's deliberate. (The unawaited function can be imported from package:meta and will be available from the dart:async library in SDK version 2.14).
The unawaited function doesn't handle errors though, so if you can have errors, you should do something more.
You can handle the error locally:
caller() {
callee().catchError((e, s) {
logErrorSomehow(e, s);
(Since null safety, this code only works if the callee() future has a nullable value type. From Dart 2.14, you'll be able to use callee().ignore() instead, until then you can do callee().then((_) => null, onError: (e, s) => logErrorSomehow(e, s)); instead.)
or you can install an error handling zone and run your code in that:
runZoned(() {
}, onError: logErrorSomehow);
See the runZoned function and it's onError parameter.
Sure, just omit await. This way callee() is called immediately and when an async operation is called the call will be scheduled in the event queue for later execution and caller() is continued immediately afterwards.
This isn't like a thread though. As mentioned processing is enqueued to the event queue which means it won't be executed until the current task and all previously enqueued tasks are completed.
If you want real parallel execution you need to utilize isolates.
See also

gen_event handler crashes in init. Where?

I've got a gen_event handler that crashes in Handler:init. The only visible result of this is that the handler is not added, and the result of gen_event:which_handlers does not contain my handler.
How do I detect that this is happening and write something appropriate (preferably including a stack trace) to the console or log?
If it fails when you add it, you can write ok = gen_event:add_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) so it will not fail silently.
If it fails later, during execution, you can choose ok = gen_event:add_sup_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) to add a supervised handler.

Stream function calls are async in Google Dart?

Why dart calls my function "aFunction" after Step2? If I execute this code this text below in console:
My code:
void main()
void aFunction()
Thanks for help.
One of the few promises that a Dart Stream makes is that it generates no events in response to a listen call.
The events may come at a later time, but the code calling 'listen' is allowed to continue, and complete, before the first event is fired.
We originally allowed streams to fire immediately on a listen, but when we tried to program with that, it was completely impossible to control in practice.
The same is true for listening on a future, for example with 'then'. The callback will never come immediately.
Events should generally act as if they were fired by the top-level event loop, so the event handler doesn't have to worry if other code is running - other code that might not be reentrant.
That is not always the case in practice. One event handler may trigger other events through a synchronous stream controller, effectively turning one event into anoter. That requires the event handler to know what it is doing. Synchronous controllers are intended for internal use inside, e.g., a stream transformer, and using a synchronous stream controller isn't recommended in general.
So, no, you can't have the listen call immediately trigger the callback.
You can listen to a stream synchronously if you created a StreamController with the sync option enabled. Here is an example to get what you describe:
var controller = new StreamController<String>(sync: true);
var stream = controller.stream.asBroadcastStream();
stream.listen((text) => print(text));

ios: waiting for method to finish executing before continuing

I am new to IOS development and am currently facing a problem.
When method A is called, it calls method B and then it wait for delegate connectionDidFinish which connectionDidFinish will execute MethodC.
My question is how do I ensure that methodA to methodC has finished executing before executing NSLog?
I found that a way to solve this problem is to use notification center. Send notification to me after finishing executing methodC. I don't think this is a good solution. Is there another way to do this?
[a methodA];
If any of those methods perform actions asynchronously, you can't. You'll have to look into a different way of doing this. I personally try to use completion blocks when ever I can, although it's perfectly fine to do this other ways, like with delegate methods. Here's a basic example using a completion block.
- (void)someMethod
[self methodAWithCompletion:^(BOOL success) {
// check if thing worked.
- (void)methodAWithCompletion:(void (^) (BOOL success))completion
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, kNilOptions), ^{
// go do something asynchronous...
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
In the code you posted, methodA must finish executing before the log statement will execute.
However, if methodA starts an asynchronous process that takes a while to finish and returns before it is finished, then you need to do something different. Usually you don't want to freeze the user interface while you are waiting, so you set up a delegate, pass in a completion block, or wait for an "ok, I'm done" notification.
All those are very valid, good ways to solve the problem of waiting for asynchronous tasks to finish running.
Newer APIs are starting to use completion blocks. Examples are:
presentViewController:animated:completion:, which takes a completion
block that gets called once the new view controller is fully
on-screen and "ready for business.
animateWithDuration:animations:completion:, which takes a completion
block that gets executed once the animation is finished, and
sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:, which starts an
asynchronous URL request (usually an HTTP GET or PUT request) and
provides a completion block that gets called once the request has
been completed (or fails)
