gen_event handler crashes in init. Where? - erlang

I've got a gen_event handler that crashes in Handler:init. The only visible result of this is that the handler is not added, and the result of gen_event:which_handlers does not contain my handler.
How do I detect that this is happening and write something appropriate (preferably including a stack trace) to the console or log?

If it fails when you add it, you can write ok = gen_event:add_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) so it will not fail silently.
If it fails later, during execution, you can choose ok = gen_event:add_sup_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) to add a supervised handler.


URLSessionWebSocketTask.receive() doesn't throw on cancel()

I am repeatedly calling URLSessionWebSocketTask.receive. I've tried recursively calling the version with the completion handler, as well as looping over the new async version.
At some point, I'm not receiving any more messages, and I want to cancel the web socket. So I call URLSessionWebSocketTask.cancel(). In the log, I see the message [websocket] Read completed with an error Operation canceled. But the completion handler is never called/the async receive method never returns. This means that the Task I launched to do the receiving never closes.
Why doesn't the completion handler get called when the web socket is cancelled?
Are you actually seeing a leak with the closure-based approach?
I see a leak when using the async version, but if I use the closure-version the URLSessionWebSocketTask-object is freed. I don't get any call to the closure, but for my use case that does not matter.
If I use the delegate on the session I will get a callback when the websocket is closed, but I have to call session.invalidateAndCancel when cleaning up.
I also needed to add [weak self] to the closure since I call my receive-function recursively, capturing self.

iOS: Setting up a Mach exception handler without interfering with LLDB

I'm using the library called CwlPreconditionTesting which is used to test Swift assertions. It uses Mach exceptions handler API to catch exceptions that's available on iOS and OS X.
The library works well in simulators, but devices aren't supported by it. The reason for this is that on devices, the Swift assert functions (e.g. fatalError) crash with EXC_BREAKPOINT exception type, which is also the exception type the debugger uses when someone puts a breakpoint somewhere and the debugger wants to suspend the program. The underlying assembly instruction is brk.
I wanted to add device tests support to the library, but after setting up the exception handler, if the debugger reaches a breakpoint I added manually, the debugger just hangs. To bypass this, I tried to make the exception handler forward the handling of the exception to the debugger.
When I implement an exception handler, if it returns with a failure (i.e. anything other than KERN_SUCCESS), the kernel should forward it to the next exception handler in line, the debugger in my case. I didn't find any official documentation on this, but it says so here and in a piece of code from Mike Ash's blog:
// Handle EXCEPTION_DEFAULT behavior
kern_return_t catch_mach_exception_raise (mach_port_t exception_port,
mach_port_t thread,
mach_port_t task,
exception_type_t exception,
mach_exception_data_t code,
mach_msg_type_number_t codeCnt)
// Do smart stuff here.
fprintf(stderr, "My exception handler was called by exception_raise()\n");
// Inform the kernel that we haven't handled the exception, and the
// next handler should be called.
Even if I always return KERN_FAILURE, the debugger hangs when I pause at a breakpoint. Here's a screenshot from the Variables View in Xcode, which loads indefinitely:
Is there a way to set up an exception handler and live in peace with LLDB?

Invoking async function without await in Dart, like starting a thread

I have two functions
callee() async {
// do something that takes some time
caller () async {
await callee();
In this scenario, caller() waits till callee() finishes. I don't want that. I want caller() to complete right after invoking callee(). callee() can complete whenever in the future, I don't care. I just want to start it just like a thread and then forget about it.
Is this possible?
When you call the callee function, it returns a Future. The await then waits for that future to complete. If you don't await the future, it will eventually complete anyway, but your caller function won't be blocked on waiting for that. So, you can just do:
caller() {
callee(); // Ignore returned Future (at your own peril).
If you do that, you should be aware of what happens if callee fails with an error. That would make the returned future complete with that error, and if you don't listen on the future, that error is considered "uncaught". Uncaught errors are handled by the current Zone and the default behavior is to act like a top-level uncaught error which may kill your isolate.
So, remember to handle the error.
If callee can't fail, great, you're done (unless it fails anyway, then you'll have fun debugging that).
Actually, because of the risk of just forgetting to await a future, the highly reocmmended unawaited_futures lint requires that you don't just ignore a returned future, and instead wants you to do unawaited(callee()); to signal that it's deliberate. (The unawaited function can be imported from package:meta and will be available from the dart:async library in SDK version 2.14).
The unawaited function doesn't handle errors though, so if you can have errors, you should do something more.
You can handle the error locally:
caller() {
callee().catchError((e, s) {
logErrorSomehow(e, s);
(Since null safety, this code only works if the callee() future has a nullable value type. From Dart 2.14, you'll be able to use callee().ignore() instead, until then you can do callee().then((_) => null, onError: (e, s) => logErrorSomehow(e, s)); instead.)
or you can install an error handling zone and run your code in that:
runZoned(() {
}, onError: logErrorSomehow);
See the runZoned function and it's onError parameter.
Sure, just omit await. This way callee() is called immediately and when an async operation is called the call will be scheduled in the event queue for later execution and caller() is continued immediately afterwards.
This isn't like a thread though. As mentioned processing is enqueued to the event queue which means it won't be executed until the current task and all previously enqueued tasks are completed.
If you want real parallel execution you need to utilize isolates.
See also

Debugging with semaphores in Xcode - Grand Central Dispatch - iOS

Say have a few blocks of code in my project with this pattern:
// Arbitrary code here that I could get stuck on and not signal
And let's say I pause in my debugger to find that I'm stuck on:
How can I easily see where the semaphore was last consumed? As in, where can I see dispatch_semaphore_wait(mySemaphore); was called and got through to the next line of code? The trivial way would be to use NSLog's, but is there a fancier/faster way to do this in the debugger with Xcode 4?
You can print debugDescription of the semaphore object in the debugger (e.g. via po), which will give you the current and original value (i.e. value at creation) of the semaphore.
As long as current value < 0, dispatch_semaphore_wait will wait for somebody else to dispatch_semaphore_signal to increment the value.
There is currently no automatic built-in way to trace calls to dispatch_semaphore_signal/dispatch_semaphore_wait over time, but that is a useful feature request to file at
One way to trace this yourself would be by creating symbolic breakpoints on those functions in Xcode, adding a 'Debugger Command' breakpoint action that executes bt and setting the flag to "Automatically continue after evaluating" the breakpoint.
Another option would be to use DTrace pid probes to trace those functions with an action that calls ustack().

How to start a thread into a service in delphi 7, Windows XP?

We need to Start a thread into a service application we developed.
We did in the OnExecute event, and it failed, and later we did in the OnStart event, and it failed again. Maybe we have to do something else to start the thread.
The line of code we only have to type is MonitorThread.Start;
Where and how we can to start the thread??
On the face of it, starting a thread in a service is no different from starting a thread in any other kind of application. Simply instantiate the thread object and let it run. If you created the object in a suspended state, then call Start on it (or, in versions earlier than 2010, Resume).
MonitorThread := TMonitorThread.Create;
MonitorThread.Start; // or MonitorThread.Resume
If that doesn't work, then you need to take a closer look at exactly what doesn't work. Examine exception messages and return codes. Use the debugger to narrow things down.
If it's possible, I advise you to not create the thread suspended. Instead, just provide the object all the parameters it needs in its constructor. Let it initialize itself, and it will start running just before the constructor returns to the caller. No need for additional thread management outside the thread object.
