Dart: How to require function to pass constant values as arguments - dart

I have a function fun that requires a constant value val of type MyType (that can be constant), something like this:
/// [val] should only accept constant values
void fun(MyType val) {
So, for example, this would work:
fun(const MyType('Hello'));
But not this:
var randomValue = Random().nextDouble().toString();
Is fun possible in Dart?

According to Christopher Moore in a comment, this is not possible. As a result, an alternative solution is needed and it will vary depending on your particular use case.
For my specific use case, the alternative that I came up with is to use a class that uses the singleton and builder patterns.


When should final fields, factory constructors or private fields with getters be used in dart?

If you can figure out how to rename this question, I'm open for suggestions.
In the Dart language, one can write a class with final fields. These are fields that can only be set before the constructor body runs. That can be on declaration (usually for static constants inside a class), in an initialiser list syntax when declaring the constructor or using the this.field shorthand:
class NumBox{
final num value;
Let's say I actually needed to do some processing on instance creation and can't just initialise the field before the constructor. I can switch to using a private non-final field with a getter:
class NumBox{
num _value;
NumBox(num v) {
_value = someComplexOperation(v);
num get value => _value;
Or I can get a similar behavior using a factory constructor:
class NumBox{
final num value;
factory NumBox(num v) {
return new NumBox._internal(someComplexOperation(v));
I hit a similar bump when I tried learning Dart a few years back and now that I have more baggage, I still don't know. What's the smarter way to do this?
A factory constructor is a good way, it allows to pre-calculate without limitations any values that you then pass to a normal constructor to forward to final fields.
An alternative way is initializer list which is executed before the constructor body and therefore allows to initializer final fields:
class NumBox{
final num value;
NumBox(num v) : value = someComplexOperation(v)
In the initializer list you are not allowed to read this because the instance isn't fully initialized yet.
DartPad example
You should design your API with your user in mind, then implement it in whatever way is simpler and more maintainable to you. This question is about the latter part.
Making fields final is great when it's possible, and when it isn't, making them private with a public getter is a good alternative. It's your choice what to do, because it's you who is going to maintain your class, nobody else should need to look behind the public API.
If you need a complex computation, Günther Zöchbauer's suggestion is the first to turn to: Use a helper function. In some cases, you can even do it inline
class MyThing {
final x;
MyThing(args) : x = (() { complex code on args; return result;} ());
It gets ugly quickly, though, so having it as a static helper function is usually better.
If your complex computation doesn't match this, which ususally means that there is more than one field being initialized with related values, then you need a place to store an intermediate value and use it more than once when initializing the object.
A factory constructor is the easy approach, you can compute everything you need and then call the private generative constructore at the end. The only "problem" is that by not exposing a generative constructor, you prevent other people from extending your class. I quoted "problem" because that's not necessarily a bad thing - allowing people to extend the class is a contract which puts restrictions on what you can do with the class.
I tend to favor public factory constructors with private generative constructors even when it's not needed for any practical reason, just to disable class extension.
class MyClass {
const factory MyClass(args) = MyClass._; // Can be const, if you want it.
const MyClass._(args) : ... init .. args ...;
If you need a generative constructor, you can use a forwarding generative constructor to introduce an intermediate variable with the computed value:
class MyClass {
final This x;
final That y;
MyClass(args) : this._(args, _complexComputation(args));
MyClass._(args, extra) : x = extra.theThis, y = extra.theThat, ...;
All in all, there is no strict rule. If you prefer final fields, you can do extra work to make them final, or you can just hide the mutability behind a getter - it's an implementation and maintainability choice, and you're the one maintaining the code.
As long as you keep the abstraction clean, and keeps track of what you have promised users (generative constructor? const constructor?) so you won't break that, you can change the implementation at any time.

In Dart's Strong-Mode, can I leave off types from function definitions?

For example, I'd like to just be able to write:
class Dog {
final String name;
bark() => 'Woof woof said $name';
But have #Dog.bark's type definition be () => String.
This previously wasn't possible in Dart 1.x, but I'm hoping type inference can save the day and avoid having to type trivial functions where the return type is inferable (the same as it does for closures today?)
The language team doesn't currently have any plans to do inference on member return types based on their bodies. There are definitely cases like this where it would be nice, but there are other cases (like recursive methods) where it doesn't work.
With inference, we have to balance a few opposing forces:
Having smart inference that handles lots of different cases to alleviate as much typing pain as we can.
Having some explicit type annotations so that things like API boundaries are well-defined. If you change a method body and that changes the inferred return type, now you've made a potentially breaking change to your API.
Having a simple boundary between code that is inferred and code that is not so that users can easily reason about which parts of their code are type safe and which need more attention.
The case you bring up is right at the intersection of those. Personally, I lean towards not inferring. I like my class APIs to be pretty explicitly typed anyway, since I find it makes them easier to read and maintain.
Keep in mind that there are similar cases where inference does come into play:
Dart will infer the return type of an anonymous function based on its body. That makes things like lambdas passed to map() do what you want.
It will infer the return type of a method override from the method it is overriding. You don't need to annotate the return type in Beagle.bark() here:
class Dog {
String bark() => "Bark!";
class Beagle extends Dog {
final String name;
bark() => 'Woof woof said $name';

F# check if val member is uninitialized

I have an F# class that uses the following to declare, but not initialize class members:
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable myVariable : myType
How can I check in the code whether this value has been initialized? I tried:
x.myVariable = null
but that doesn't seem to work.
From your description, it is a bit hard to say what you are actually trying to achieve - using both uninitialized values and inheritance is generally not the preferred way of doing things in F# (but they are both sometimes necessary for interoperability with .NET), so if you follow this direction, you might not be getting that many advantages from using F#.
Wouldn't the following work for you instead? The idea is that we define a base class that takes the value of the private thing through a constructor:
type Base(myThing : Random) =
member x.MyThing = myThing
And an inherited class can then provide a value, but also access it using a member:
type MySubclass() =
inherit Base(new Random(0))
member x.Next() =

Dart Map with String key, compare with ignore case

Does the Map class in Dart have a way to ignore case if the key is a string?
var map = new Map<String, int>(/*MyComparerThatIgnoresCase*/);
map["MyKey"] = 42;
var shouldBe42 = map["mykey"];
In C# the Dictionary constructor takes a comparer like the comment above. What is the canonical way to do this in Dart?
Maps in Dart have an internal method that compares keys for equality. So far as I know, you can't change this for the default Map class. However, you can use the very similar core LinkedHashMap class, which not only allows, but requires that you specify a key equality method. You can check out more about LinkedHashMaps at https://api.dartlang.org/apidocs/channels/stable/dartdoc-viewer/dart:collection.LinkedHashMap
LinkedHashMap<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap(
(a, b) => a.toLowerCase() == b.toLowerCase(),
(key) => key.toLowerCase().hashCode
map['Foo'] = 'bar';
print(map['foo']); //bar
The way to create a HashMap with a custom equals function (and corresponding custom hashCode function) is to use the optional parameters on the HashMap constructor:
new HashMap<String,Whatever>(equals: (a, b) => a.toUpperCase() == b.toUpperCase(),
hashCode: (a) => a.toUpperCase().hashCode);
I really, really recommend finding a way to not do the toUpperCase on every operation!
You can also do this using package:collection's CanonicalizedMap class. This class is explicitly designed to support maps with "canonical" versions of keys, and is slightly more efficient than passing a custom equality and hash code method to a normal Map.
Dart has a nifty
CaseInsensitiveEquality().equals(String a, String b)
in their
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
It returns a bool and worked great for me when I was translating strings back to an enum. You do have to run dart pub add collection at the command line to install the package.

Cyclic function/type dependency in F#

I have a question about the best way to go about the following
I Have a class B, I have a combinator on B,
let foo : B -> int.
I want the class B to have the combinator encapsulated as a method, so I add it with a type extension.
I then later on realize that foo is quite expensive and want to cache it's result with lazy evaluation
So I add a huge clutch to the system by passing the combinator as a function to the constructor and then initializing a field with foo = lazy(foo self) in the constructor.
type foo =
val x : int Lazy
new (comb) as self = {x=lazy(comb self);}
let something (x:foo) = 1
type foo with
new() = foo(something)
this obviously feels wrong
the two options I see for fixing this are 1, make an interface and have foo inherit that interface, 2, make everything a static method and then make combinators out of those static methods(sort of the opposite of attaching them to classes...)
Neither of these are hugely appealing and I was wondering if I missed option 3
Oh, and I haven't been able to get let rec and to work quite right with this, nor would i really want to as "something" in the above statement depends on a function that depends on a function that depends on a function(3 deep).
any advice would be appreciated
I don't think there is anything wrong with your current design. The key point is that if you define the type Foo as well as the extension to the type in a same file (and the same module), then F# will combine the two parts of the definition into a single .NET type. So, the fact that it is defined in two separate parts is just an implementation detail.
If you don't want to expose the constructor that takes the combinator, you can mark it as private. Together with a few additional changes (i.e. use implicit constructor syntax), the snippet would look like this:
type Foo private (comb) as self =
let x : Lazy<int> = lazy comb self
let something (x:Foo) = 1
type Foo with
new() = Foo(something)
If you want to keep something as a separate function, then this is a fine solution. Many numeric types in the F# PowerPack follow this pattern (see for example definition of complex numbers)
I don't quite grok what you're after, but I think this may help:
type foo(comb) as self =
let x = lazy(comb self)
static member something (x:foo) = 1
new() = foo(foo.something)
A type can be recursive with its own static member, so this is a simpler way to write your code.
