Does the Map class in Dart have a way to ignore case if the key is a string?
var map = new Map<String, int>(/*MyComparerThatIgnoresCase*/);
map["MyKey"] = 42;
var shouldBe42 = map["mykey"];
In C# the Dictionary constructor takes a comparer like the comment above. What is the canonical way to do this in Dart?
Maps in Dart have an internal method that compares keys for equality. So far as I know, you can't change this for the default Map class. However, you can use the very similar core LinkedHashMap class, which not only allows, but requires that you specify a key equality method. You can check out more about LinkedHashMaps at
LinkedHashMap<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap(
(a, b) => a.toLowerCase() == b.toLowerCase(),
(key) => key.toLowerCase().hashCode
map['Foo'] = 'bar';
print(map['foo']); //bar
The way to create a HashMap with a custom equals function (and corresponding custom hashCode function) is to use the optional parameters on the HashMap constructor:
new HashMap<String,Whatever>(equals: (a, b) => a.toUpperCase() == b.toUpperCase(),
hashCode: (a) => a.toUpperCase().hashCode);
I really, really recommend finding a way to not do the toUpperCase on every operation!
You can also do this using package:collection's CanonicalizedMap class. This class is explicitly designed to support maps with "canonical" versions of keys, and is slightly more efficient than passing a custom equality and hash code method to a normal Map.
Dart has a nifty
CaseInsensitiveEquality().equals(String a, String b)
in their
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
It returns a bool and worked great for me when I was translating strings back to an enum. You do have to run dart pub add collection at the command line to install the package.
I have a function fun that requires a constant value val of type MyType (that can be constant), something like this:
/// [val] should only accept constant values
void fun(MyType val) {
So, for example, this would work:
fun(const MyType('Hello'));
But not this:
var randomValue = Random().nextDouble().toString();
Is fun possible in Dart?
According to Christopher Moore in a comment, this is not possible. As a result, an alternative solution is needed and it will vary depending on your particular use case.
For my specific use case, the alternative that I came up with is to use a class that uses the singleton and builder patterns.
Lets say I want to refactor my code so it's easier to read and I have an object property that is type of Map<String,AnotherObject or dynamic> what is the best way to convert this property to another object? When it is a map I can call the relevant object using its String key. If it becomes another object how would I call the one I want?
for example:
class A1{
Map<String,B1> property;
class A1{
List<B2> property;
class B2{
String key;
B1 property;
In the example above in order to get the property I want I would have to filter the list where key = keyIwant, while if it is a map I can just call map[key]. Is there any effective way to convert a map to an object? Dart is the technology I use.
I suppose you're trying to make your code more maintainable by replacing your current Map with something else, which you refer to as object.
I also suppose that by object you mean Dart classes with typed fields.
If you want to continue to be able to find "objects" by their String names, you cannot avoid using a Map.
If the "keys" are all known at compile-time (ie. before your program actually runs) then you can used typed objects, which is what you should prefer as it makes reasoning and organizing code much easier.
Let's say you know that your Map will only ever have keys a and b with types A and B, respectively. Then you can replace your Map easily:
class A {}
class B {}
class MyClass {
final A a;
final B b;
MyClass(this.a, this.b);
If some "keys" may not be present, just turn them into nullable values:
class A {}
class B {}
class MyClass {
final A? a;
final B? b;
// passing a or b is now optional!
MyClass({this.a, this.b});
If you don't know what the keys will be at all, then there's no way around using a Map. That's what they are for.
With Dart support for dynamic typing, you could "assume" certain keys will have certain types, though. So, while this is normally bad for code maintenance due to the impossibility to analyze this before the program runs (ie. it may crash at runtime), you could do something like this:
class Foo {
final String a;
String toString() => 'Foo($a)';
class Bar {
final String a;
String toString() => 'Bar($a)';
// example usage
void main() {
Map<String, dynamic> map = {'foo': Foo('a foo')};
Foo foo = map['foo'];
print(foo); // ok!
Bar? bar = map['bar'];
print(bar); // null
Hopefully this helps clarify when you should use an "object" and when you need to use a Map.
I need a workaround or idiomatic way to access the static members defined in some type from a generic context.
enum E { first, second, third }
// no direct syntax to constrain to enum types
class EnumKeyList<TEnum> {
List<Object> _values;
// unable to access static member
EnumKeyList() : _values = List.filled(TEnum.values.length, Object());
// unable to access instance member
Object operator [](TEnum entry) => _values[entry.index];
final list = EnumKeyList<E>(); // E.values.length would provide implicit fixed-size list instantiation
list[E.first] = 5; // can use enumeration entries as keys
I want to avoid the overhead of Map (hashing and additional memory). The real use case must index into the list in tight loops.
Having a fixed set of named keys is a useful requirement, but the example EnumKeyList should work with any generic type argument that provides an enumeration like interface.
Using enumerations provides the shortest way to declare valid 0-indexed keys and the count of the amount of entries through an enumeration's static values member.
Swift enumerations and protocols allow for static members. C# has constraints for enumeration types. C++ generics dwarf everything. Is there a simple way to achieve this in Dart?
I realize that I can declare my own class instead of an enumeration, but then I lose the implicitly generated members (having to manually assign a value to each constant in the class (bad for maintenance)) and I still can't provide access to a static member from the generic context.
See here for examples of how unmaintainable this is:
abstract class Enum {
final int rawValue;
const Enum(this.rawValue) : assert(rawValue >= 0);
// don't bother with a static 'values' member
class E extends Enum {
const E(int rawValue) : super(rawValue);
static const first = E(0);
static const second = E(1);
static const third = E(1); // repeated values
static const List<E> values = <E>[first, second]; // missed one
You cannot access static members through type variables.
Dart static members are really just declared in the namespace of the corresponding class/mixin/extension declaration, they are not part of the type. Type variables hold types, not declarations.
There is no idiomatic workaround.
You have to figure out which operations you need your class to support, then you can introduce a strategy object representing the class, and pass that to the function instead of (or alongside) the type argument.
In this case, you probably want the EnumKeyList constructor to take the list of values as an argument, so:
EnumKeyList(List<T> values) : _values = List.unmodifiable(values);
The workaround, in general, is to pass the values you'd want to read from a static member directly to the function needing them, along with the type.
You can't access them using the type alone.
The "cannot access index" problem could be fixed by the language adding an interface to all enums, like abstract class Enum { int get index; } and make all enum classes implement that interface.
There is no easy way to allow access to the values knowing only the type.
It might be possible to do something magical in the compiler and platform libraries, but it won't extend to user-written enums like this, and no viable way to emulate it.
What is wrong with my code?
widget.woList is this datatype List<HashMap<int, ABC>>()
for (var i in widget.woList) {
By printing above code, I get
{5838: ABC(pid: 84201,userId: 545)}
But when I want to get only key ( print(i.key.toString());), I get below error:
Class '_HashMap<int, ABC>' has no instance getter 'key'.
Receiver: Instance of '_HashMap<int, ABC>'
Tried calling: key
I think you need to loop through the HashMap as well:
for (HashMap<int, ABC> i in list) {
i.forEach((key, value) {
Make sure you typo the "i" variable in the for with HashMap<int, ABC> to get autocompletes from your IDE.
The analyzer should give an error in your case since a Map does not contain any property with the name key. Instead the name is keys which return a Iterable of keys in the map:
A map can contain multiple keys but if you know there are only one key in the map you can do something like: i.keys.first.toString(). But if there are multiple keys you need to loop through them.
I will recommend you use auto completion in your IDE when programming in Dart and make use of the analyzer. By using the tools the SDK provides, it is much easier to browse what properties and methods there are in each class together with the documentation. And since Dart can figure out the type of lots of variables automatically, you can use the IDE to also identify the type of each variable without even running the program.
I'm using tolua++ to automatically expose C++ types to Lua. It seems that when I expose some type, e.g.
struct TestComponent
float foo;
string bar;
What tolua does (at least this is what it seems like to me) is add a new metatable to the lua environment (in this case it would just be called TestComponent) with some regular metamethods such as __add, __lt, as well as __index, __newindex, etc. It also has some custom functions (called .set and .get) which seem to be used when you get or set certain members of the struct/class. The type of TestComponent here seems to be just "table".
However, what it seems to lack, for simple structure definitions like above, are functions/methods to create a new instance of the type TestComponent, e.g.
a = TestComponent:new()
The question, then, is, how do I create a new instance of this type and assign it to a variable? For example, to hand it to a function that expects an argument of type TestComponent.
It's been a few years since I used tolua++, but based on the docs it appears that if your struct had a constructor, then you could create the object with a = TestComponent() or a = TestComponent:new() (both should work, unless you have an older version of tolua++). Without a constructor in the C++ struct, the docs don't say, but based on what you state, it seems like the TestComponent becomes a regular table object with the given fields and associated values, in which case it does not make sense to have a constructor (the table is the object, you can't create multiple instances of it).
So if you can edit the C++ header of the struct to add a constructor to it, it'll probably work. If you can't do that, then you could define a constructor yourself (note: not tested):
function TestComponent:new()
local obj = {}
for k,v in pairs(self) do
obj[k] = v
setmetatable(obj, self)
return obj
You might have to filter the keys so you only get values (not functions, for example), or replace the loop with explicit assignments such as:
function TestComponent:new()
local obj = {} = =
setmetatable(obj, self)
return obj