PHPickerViewController not showing Photo Stream - ios

We use PHPickerViewController to allow the user to pick photos to import into our app. Recently a user said they do not see their Photo Stream in the picker.
Is there a way to get the Photo Stream album to show in a PHPickerViewController?

We had 2 customers reporting the same problem and I personally faced the problem on my device.
It wasn't limited to a single app. Even if I created a new app, the PHPickerViewController didn't work for it.
There were no errors in the debug console. The only message appeared after presenting PHPickerViewController was "Successfully load keyboard extensions".
PHPickerViewController appeared after a 3-4 seconds delay with only "Cancel" button and "Loading..." label present.
Device restart solved the problem on my device.


iOS Request permission dialog not showing on screen recording or quicktime video

Does anyone know when the App Store started requiring the app previews to be on a physical device and show this pop-up?
Even when I mirror my iPhone Xs to my Mac, the pop-up does not show. If no pop-up on video, app store rejects app preview.
Anyone know of a better way to get around this issue?
Another image that shows issue:
This pop-up NEVER shows on screen recording or mirroring....
We have same problem. You have two options:
You can record the screen from another mobile or camera
You can use a previous iOS. We have checked that permission dialog can be screen recorded with iOS12
What was your solution?
Yes,  has been steadily, over the past 3'ish years or so, working on removing certain system sensitive controls from being displayed in that feed. My guess it's for $SEKURITY reasons, though it doesn't completely make sense, to me, what would be the attack vector that it attempts to prevent.
The location dialog is not the only case I know that it hides. It originally started with them hiding even *** in the password text fields, and hiding the keyboard in such input, as well. Apparently it now expanded to location, and likely other system dialogs. 🤷‍♂️
Surprisingly few people seem to be discussing this.
I published an app last year (2021 / June) on 14.? which required the popup and it was accepted. Did this again with another app just after 15.? and I cannot get it past the apple store. Once they allowed me to post a video recording and I got it through, but since then ... no chance.
How are people getting their app through - I assume apple use the screen capture system to do their testing.
I had the same problem but my app was accepted.
Surely screen recording does not work, but screen capture does. I have embedded a screenshot of the permission dialog into a video and submitted it for app review.

Detect screenshots taken ON ANY APP within my iOS app

Is it possible to detect when the user takes a screenshot in any app while my app is in the background ? And how would I do that ?
If not, can I background check regularly for screenshots (not pictures from the camera) in the photo library ? Like every minute or hour ?
One way to get your app to detect Screenshots is:
Register with the Photo Library's PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver
When your app receives a notification that a photo has been added,
check its PHAssetMediaSubtype
If the Subtype is PHAssetMediaSubtypePhotoScreenshot, you know a new
Screenshot has been taken.
The PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver protocol notifies you of changes that
occur in the Photos library, regardless of whether those changes are
made by your app, by a user in the Photos app, or by another app that
uses the Photos framework.

Itunes Connect App Preview Disappearing

My app preview keeps disappearing after i tap save, or leave and come back again after a while. The app preview uploads without issues using safari, than it displays that it is processing after choosing the poster frame, i tap save sometimes its gone other times i have to check back later and than it is gone.
I thought this was just an issue with iTunes connect but my app got approved and still not video.
I've tried uploading
Prores format and H.264, though i doubt this is the issue as it would display 'unable to load file'.
I am uploading it for the 5.5 inch and using that for the other devices.
Has anybody else ran into this issue? I searched around and got nothing.
This stopped happening after a while, must have been a bug.
Make sure you're using Safari. Wait for the entire preview to finish processing. Click Save. Edit Poster Frame. Click Save.
I've had the same issue and saving before it finishes processing, or trying to set the Poster Frame before it finishes processing will cause issues.
Also, make sure you're inline with the App Preview Properties.

UIImagePickerController selects the wrong picture (or crashes) in iOS7 after deleting image

I have an app that uses a UIImagePickerController to allow a user to select a profile picture. I've noticed a bug in iOS7 where it selects the incorrect image if you delete an image from your photo stream while the UIImagePickerController is active.
To observe this bug in action you can use the Facebook app or any app which uses a UIImagePickerController such as the Twitter app.
Open Facebook iOS app --> tap profile pic --> tap "choose existing" --> minimize Facebook app --> open the Photos app --> delete some photos from the start of the photo stream --> go back to Facebook iOS app --> try selecting a photo --> the selected photo is NOT the photo that was tapped (or, if you tap the last image, the app crashes, presumably due to an array index out of bounds error).
It seems as though in iOS7 the UIImagePickerController doesn't refresh the photo stream when the app comes into the foreground. Obviously this bug could cause some serious user experience problems.
Hopefully Apple puts through a fix to this bug ASAP, but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone has any workarounds to this bug? The last thing I want is someone using my app to accidentally upload a photo that they would never want seen on the Internet.

iOS UIActionsheet and flickr sdk conflict

We are using flickr ios sdk in order get photos. And app should start to download
images when user clicks to uiactionsheet item. After clicking item the current controller pops from navigation stack. And after that the app crashes and I see only [LFHTTPRequest(PrivateMethods) readStreamHasBytesAvailable] message.
When we use some view instead of actions sheet all work very well.
I read that this is a flickr's bug but I haven't found any solution for this.
