Quickfixj 2.3 - OutOfOrder exception while parsing the raw FIX mssage - quickfixj

we are using quickfixJ 2.3.
To parse and validate used DD, messageFactory .
MessageUtil.parse(msgFactory, dd, rawfixmsg,false).
This gives me OutOFOrderExceprion.
However if I understand correctly, major tags are 8 followed by 9 in start of message ,and the end tag is 10.
Remaining tags could be anywhere ..after 9 tag and before 10 tag in message.
How could to achieve this ?


G1ANT Studio Advance Course Lesson 8 Error

Error Image occuring in advance course Lesson 8:
Code used is
program mtsc
♥rdc = /ui[#name='Remote Desktop Connection']
waitfor.ui ‴♥rdc/ui[#id='5017']/ui[#name='Show Options ']‴
ui.click ‴♥rdc/ui[#id='5017']/ui[#name='Show Options ']‴
ui.settext ‴♥rdc/ui[#typeid='50003']/ui[#typeid='50004']‴ text test.domain.com
delay 1
ui.settext ‴♥rdc/ui[#id='13064']‴ text admin
When I am executing program their is error occuring at 4th line of code i.e. "
Exception of type FlaUI.Core.Exceptions.ElementNotAvailableException'
was thrown" kindly give solution on this error.
Use the wpath address of the combox and paste it in the code instead of "rdc/ui[#typeid='50003']/ui[#typeid='50004".
And don't use rdc in front of that wpath, it will run the code.
You can refer my assignment video. I have shown in that how can we remove this error.

Inserting a TextBox causes 1004 error on iOS while works on Windows 10

I use a VBA macro for Excel (Office 365) that creates dynamically a text box. It works perfectly on Windows 10 but fails on iOS (Office 365 too).
Below I isolated the sample code where function ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add fails on iOS with the following error message: execution error 1004. Cannot insert object
Any hint is welcome
Sub AddTextBox()
Dim oTB, obj As Object
Set oTB = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.TextBox.1")
End Sub

VBA Run Time error in Excel 2013 that works well in Excel 2010

I have a macro that we were using for years and worked well in Excel 2010. However, now that we upgraded to Excel 2013, it gives a run time error 9.
The following code part is highlighted after debugging it:
Sheets(1).Copy after:=Workbooks(mfname).Sheets(3)
I know already that this error has to do something with the availability of the range. The question is if there is any easy fix to this? The relevant code-snippet:
mfname= ActiveWorkbook.Name
Workbooks.Open template
template_name = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Sheets(1).Copy after:=Workbooks(mfname).Sheets(3)
lapok = Sheets.Count
Thank you for the help!
I'm no expert in VBA, but little google searching says error 9 is subscript out of range error.
This likely is from Sheets(3). I also remember excel had 3 sheets open by default in those versions. Maybe that is not the case now, and causing the problem.

Joomla - DateTime::__construct() [datetime.--construct]: Failed to parse time string

Since I develop under J3.2, I've got a recurrent error with the Joomla "calendar" field.
Once the field value is recorded in BDD with the sql format : "Y-m-d H:i:s", I've got an error 500 when I open the form for edit my content.
DateTime::__construct() [datetime.--construct]: Failed to parse time string (2014-10-17 10-28-58) at position 11 (1): Unexpected character
The component K2 and all these associated extension are disabled.
It appear that the parser have a problem with the empty string between the date and the time.
Is anybody can give me a solution ??
Thankz by advance for your help !
I found my mistake : the format string of my calendar field was bad.
I used "Y-m-d H-i-s" instead of "Y-m-d H:i:s"

BreezeSharp client and the TimeSpan issue

We're unable to re-hydrate the Breeze# client object which has TimeSpan? properties and if prop value is not null
BreezeServer returns the TimeSpan in the ISO 8601 format (eq. "PT8H") but as TimeSpan.Parse() expects different format [ws][-]{ d | [d.]hh:mm[:ss[.ff]] }[ws] a System.FormatException is thrown ("String was not recognized as a valid TimeSpan") in the Breeze.Sharp.JsonEntityConverter while parsing objects.
Is this a known issue? IS there any workaround for it?
Ok, this was a bug and has been fixed in the lastest version on the breeze.sharp GitHub repo, it will also go out in the next release, probably sometime next week. Please confirm whether or not it corrects your issue.
