How to transform PagingData<T> into model in collectLatest() in UI - android-livedata

I am having a situation, where once I get pagingData <T: UIModel>, I need to get additional data from a different API. The second Api requires arguments that are there in first API response. Currently I am collecting in UI Layer in lifecyclescope as,
loadResults().collectLatest {
PagingResultAdapter.submitData(lifecycle, it)
// Extracting the data inside PagingData and setting in viewmodel. { uiModel ->
Timber.e("Getting data inside map function..")
But the problem is, the map{} function on pagingData won't run during data fetching. List is populated, ui is showing the items in recyclerview. But the map function not running..(I am not able see the log)
The UI layer loadResults() function in-turn calls the viewmodel.loadResults() with UI level variables. In terms of paging everything is working fine, but I cannot transform the pagingdata into UIModel in any layer.
Official site suggests to use map{} function only.
But I am not getting at which layer I should apply map{} and also before collecting or after collecting..Any help is good.. is a lazy transformation that runs during collection when you call .submitData(pagingData). Since you are only submitting the original un-transformed PagingData your .map transform will never run.
You should apply the .map to the PagingData you will actually end up submitting in order to have it run. Usually this is done from the ViewModel, so that the results are also cached in case you end up in a config change or cached scenario like when navigating between fragments.
You didn't share your ViewModel / place you are creating your Pager, but assuming this happens at a different layer you would have something like:
fun loadResults() = Pager(...) { ... }
.map {
Timber.e("Getting data inside map function..")
viewModel.loadResults().collectLatest {
NOTE: You should use the suspending version of .submitData since you are using Flow / Coroutines, because it is able to propagate cancellation direction instead of relying on launched job + eager cancellation via the non-suspending version. There shouldn't be any visible impact, but it is more performant.

Try with:
import { item -> { it.yourTransformation() }


Jetpack Compose - Processing after completion of composition [duplicate]

I'm currently studying Jetpack Compose in an attempt to build a feature-rich application using modern Android architecture components. Traditionally, each screen (or navigation unit) in my application would be either an activity or a fragment, each with its own lifecycle bindings, but with Jetpack Compose and the Compose Navigation library, I would do something like this:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
val navController = rememberNavController()
NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "main") {
composable("main") { MainScreen(navController) }
// More composable calls
Where MainScreen is just a composable. My questions are:
What is the equivalent here of a "lifecycle" for this composable? Say I want to perform some action when the screen is loaded, when it is destroyed etc. This is perhaps more relevant to the case where I have more screens and navigation between them
Is there some way to integrate between Compose and standard activities? That is, define activities for screens as you would, with each activity being a ComponentActivity and defining its own composable layout? Is this discouraged for some reason?
The Compose application is designed to be used in a single-activity architecture with no fragments.
You can still have multiple activities or fragments and use setContent in each of them, but in this case the transfer of data between activities falls on your shoulders. Use this approach if you're adding new Compose screens to an existing application built the old way.
But with Compose, it's much easier to do all the navigation within a single activity using Compose Navigation. Much less code, better performance due to no unnecessary code layers, easy to transfer data, etc.
To work with the view lifecycle, check out compose side-effects:
LaunchedEffect can be used to execute an action when the view appears. It also runs on a coroutine context that is bound to the current composable: you can easily run suspend functions, and when the view disappears from view hierarchy - the coroutine will be canceled.
DisposableEffect can be used to subscribe to/unsubscribe from callbacks.
When you rotate the screen, all effects will restart no matter which key you passed.
fun MainScreen(navController: NavController) {
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
println("LaunchedEffect: entered main")
var i = 0
// Just an example of coroutines usage
// don't use this way to track screen disappearance
// DisposableEffect is better for this
try {
while (true) {
println("LaunchedEffect: ${i++} sec passed")
} catch (cancel: CancellationException) {
println("LaunchedEffect: job cancelled")
DisposableEffect(Unit) {
println("DisposableEffect: entered main")
onDispose {
println("DisposableEffect: exited main")
Also note that in both cases, and in many other cases in compose, you pass key to these functions. This helps compose understand when the value should be recomputed. In my example it is Unit, which means that it won't change until the view is gone. But if you create a remember value, use another dynamic value from the view model, or pass another argument to composable, you can pass it as a key, this will cancel the current LaunchedEffect job and call onDispose for DisposableEffect, and your job will be restarted with the updated key value. You can pass as many keys as you want.
Read more about the state in Compose in documentation.

RxJava2 order of sequence called with compleatable andThen operator

I am trying to migrate from RxJava1 to RxJava2. I am replacing all code parts where I previously had Observable<Void> to Compleatable. However I ran into one problem with order of stream calls. When I previously was dealing with Observables and using maps and flatMaps the code worked 'as expected'. However the andthen() operator seems to work a little bit differently. Here is a sample code to simplify the problem itself.
public Single<String> getString() {
Log.d("Starting flow..")
return getCompletable().andThen(getSingle());
public Completable getCompletable() {
Log.d("calling getCompletable");
return Completable.create(e -> {
Log.d("doing actuall completable work");
public Single<String> getSingle() {
Log.d("calling getSingle");
if(conditionBasedOnActualCompletableWork) {
return getSingleA();
return getSingleB();
What I see in the logs in the end is :
1-> Log.d("Starting flow..")
2-> Log.d("calling getCompletable");
3-> Log.d("calling getSingle");
4-> Log.d("doing actuall completable work");
And as you can probably figure out I would expect line 4 to be called before line 3 (afterwards the name of andthen() operator suggest that the code would be called 'after' Completable finishes it's job). Previously I was creating the Observable<Void> using the Async.toAsync() operator and the method which is now called getSingle was in flatMap stream - it worked like I expected it to, so Log 4 would appear before 3. Now I tried changing the way the Compleatable is created - like using fromAction or fromCallable but it behaves the same. I also couldn't find any other operator to replace andthen(). To underline - the method must be a Completable since it doesn't have any thing meaning full to return - it changes the app preferences and other settings (and is used like that globally mostly working 'as expected') and those changes are needed later in the stream. I also tried to wrap getSingle() method to somehow create a Single and move the if statement inside the create block but I don't know how to use getSingleA/B() methods inside there. And I need to use them as they have their complexity of their own and it doesn't make sense to duplicate the code. Any one have any idea how to modify this in RxJava2 so it behaves the same? There are multiple places where I rely on a Compleatable job to finish before moving forward with the stream (like refreshing session token, updating db, preferences etc. - no problem in RxJava1 using flatMap).
You can use defer:
getCompletable().andThen(Single.defer(() -> getSingle()))
That way, you don't execute the contents of getSingle() immediately but only when the Completablecompletes and andThen switches to the Single.

Caching streams in Functional Reactive Programming

I have an application which is written entirely using the FRP paradigm and I think I am having performance issues due to the way that I am creating the streams. It is written in Haxe but the problem is not language specific.
For example, I have this function which returns a stream that resolves every time a config file is updated for that specific section like the following:
function getConfigSection(section:String) : Stream<Map<String, String>> {
return configFileUpdated()
In the reactive programming library I am using called promhx each step of the chain should remember its last resolved value but I think every time I call this function I am recreating the stream and reprocessing each step. This is a problem with the way I am using it rather than the library.
Since this function is called everywhere parsing the YAML every time it is needed is killing the performance and is taking up over 50% of the CPU time according to profiling.
As a fix I have done something like the following using a Map stored as an instance variable that caches the streams:
function getConfigSection(section:String) : Stream<Map<String, String>> {
var cachedStream = this._streamCache.get(section);
if (cachedStream != null) {
return cachedStream;
var stream = configFileUpdated()
this._streamCache.set(section, stream);
return stream;
This might be a good solution to the problem but it doesn't feel right to me. I am wondering if anyone can think of a cleaner solution that maybe uses a more functional approach (closures etc.) or even an extension I can add to the stream like a cache function.
Another way I could do it is to create the streams before hand and store them in fields that can be accessed by consumers. I don't like this approach because I don't want to make a field for every config section, I like being able to call a function with a specific section and get a stream back.
I'd love any ideas that could give me a fresh perspective!
Well, I think one answer is to just abstract away the caching like so:
class Test {
static function main() {
var sideeffects = 0;
var cached = memoize(function (x) return x + sideeffects++);
#:generic static function memoize<In, Out>(f:In->Out):In->Out {
var m = new Map<In, Out>();
function (input:In)
return switch m[input] {
case null: m[input] = f(input);
case output: output;
You may be able to find a more "functional" implementation for memoize down the road. But the important thing is that it is a separate thing now and you can use it at will.
You may choose to memoize(parseYaml) so that toggling two states in the file actually becomes very cheap after both have been parsed once. You can also tweak memoize to manage the cache size according to whatever strategy proves the most valuable.

BreezeJS editing data not working

I was able to follow the instruction on adding data, that part was easy and understandable. But when I tried to follow instructions for editing data, I'm completely lost.
I am following the todo sample, which works quite well, but when I tried to add to my own project using the same principle, nothing works.
in my controller, I have the following:
function listenForPropertyChanged() {
// Listen for property change of ANY entity so we can (optionally) save
var token = dataservice.addPropertyChangeHandler(propertyChanged);
// Arrange to remove the handler when the controller is destroyed
// which won't happen in this app but would in a multi-page app
$scope.$on("$destroy", function () {
function propertyChanged(changeArgs) {
// propertyChanged triggers save attempt UNLESS the property is the 'Id'
// because THEN the change is actually the post-save Id-fixup
// rather than user data entry so there is actually nothing to save.
if (changeArgs.args.propertyName !== 'Id') { save(); }
The problem is that any time I change a control on the view, the propertyChanged callback function never gets called.
Here's the code from the service:
function addPropertyChangeHandler(handler) {
// Actually adds any 'entityChanged' event handler
// call handler when an entity property of any entity changes
return manager.entityChanged.subscribe(function (changeArgs) {
var action = changeArgs.entityAction;
if (action === breeze.EntityAction.PropertyChange) {
If I put a break point on the line:
var action = changeArgs.entityAction;
In my project, it never reaches there; in the todo sample, it does! It completely skips the whole thing and just loads the view afterwards. So none of my callback functions work at all; so really, nothing is subscribed.
Because of this, when I try to save changes, the manager.hasChanges() is always false and nothing happens in the database.
I've been trying for at least 3 days getting this to work, and I'm completely dumbfounded by how complicated this whole issue has been for me.
Note: I'm using JohnPapa's HotTowel template. I tried to follow the Todo editing functionality to a Tee.. and nothing is working the way I'd like it to.
Help would be appreciated.
The whole time I thought the problem was in the javascript client side end of things. Turned out that editing doesn't work when you created projected DTOs.
So in my server side, I created a query:
public IQueryable<PersonDTO> getPerson(){
return (from _person in ContextProvider.Context.Queries
select new PersonDTO
Id = _person.Id,
FirstName = _person.FirstName,
LastName = _person.LastName
Which just projected a DTO to send off to the client. This did work with my app in fetching data and populating things. So this is NOT wrong. Using this, I was able to add items and fetch items, but there's no information that allowed the entitymanager to know about the item. When I created an item, the entitymanager has a "createEntity" which allowed me to tell the entitymanager which item to use.. in my case:
manager.createEntity(person, initializeValues);
Maybe if there was a "manager.getEntity" maybe that would help?
Anyways, I changed the above query to get it straight from the source:
public IQueryable<Person> getPeople(){
return ContextProvider.Context.People;
Note ContextProvider is:
readonly EFContextProvider<PeopleEntities> ContextProvider =
new EFContextProvider<PeopleEntities>();
So the subscribe method in the javascript checks out the info that's retrieved straight from the contextual object.. interesting. Just wish I didn't spend 4 days on this.

Magento Varien_Data_Collection returns wrong size after removing items

I'm running on Magento 1.4, but also have verified the problem in 1.7.
Working with an instance of Varien_Data_Collection provides the use of Varien_Data_Collection::removeItemByKey. In my case, I'm removing items from the collection, and later trying to get the updated size of that collection, like so:
echo $body->getHeight(); // Outputs 25
echo $body->getHeight(); // Still outputs 25
My_Model_Body_Class extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract {
/* #var $_rows Varien_Data_Collection */
protected $_rows;
public function deleteRow($index) {
return $this;
public function getHeight() {
return $this->_rows->getSize();
Code limited for brevity.
So if you call my deleteRow method, the item will in fact be removed from the collection, but subsequent calls to get the size of that collection will always return the original count. Therefore, if I have 25 items in the collection, and remove 1, then a call to getSize on the collection returns 25.
I traced this back to the parent class, in Varien_Data_Collection::getSize:
* Retrieve collection all items count
* #return int
public function getSize()
if (is_null($this->_totalRecords)) {
$this->_totalRecords = count($this->getItems());
return intval($this->_totalRecords);
We see that the count hinges on the NULL status of the _totalRecords property. So it looks like a bug in core code. Am I reading this correctly? Should I just rely on a call to count on the items?
We see that the count hinges on the NULL status of the _totalRecords
property. So it looks like a bug in core code. Am I reading this
Whether to interpret said behaviour as bug or feature, lies in the eyes of the beholder.
This behaviour is not 1.4 specific, btw; it works the same way up to the current CE version (1.8.1).
public function getSize()
if (is_null($this->_totalRecords)) {
$this->_totalRecords = count($this->getItems());
return intval($this->_totalRecords);
Most people for sure expect a method named getSize() to always return the current size, so they may call it a bug, perhaps.
But if you take a closer look at the Varien_Data_Collection class, you'll notice, that getSize() is not the only method that looks somewhat.. "weird".
Take the addItem() and removeItemByKey() methods, for example.
Why don't they increment/decrement the _totalRecords property, when getSize() uses it?
Lazy Loading
The reason for these "weird" behaviours is, that Varien_Data_Collection basically is designed for the usage of the Lazy Loading pattern. That means, it allows to delay loading of the collection, until the data is really needed.
To accomplish this, Varien_Data_Collection implements the IteratorAggregate and Countable interfaces. Their implementation points are the getIterator() and count() methods:
public function getIterator()
return new ArrayIterator($this->_items);
public function count()
return count($this->_items);
As you can see, both of these methods call load() first.
The result of this is, that whenever you use foreach or the PHP function count() on the collection, the load() method automatically will be called first.
Now, for a default Varien_Data_Collection nothing special will happen, when load() is called, because load() only calls loadData() and loadData() only returns $this.
But when it comes to its heavily used child class Varien_Data_Collection_Db, then the call to load() will result in loading the collection and setting _totalRecords to the SQL count of loaded records.
For performance reasons the collection usually will be loaded once only (if it hasn't been loaded yet).
So you see, depending on which context you use Varien_Data_Collection in, it perfectly makes sense, why getSize() behaves this way.
Should I just rely on a call to count on the items?
If your collection is not bound to complex or slow I/O, I'd say: yes.
You can simply use:
$n = count($this->_rows->getItems());
Or even this way:
$n = count($this->_rows->getIterator());
