How to set proxy inside docker container using powershell - docker

I am working on microsoft translator and api is not working inside container.
I am trying to set proxy server inside my docker container but it is not working I tried to run on PowerShell it works
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY", "", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY", "", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
But when I tried to run same commands inside docker container it is not executing, it gave me error .
docker container exec -it microsofttranslator /bin/sh
/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

The error is because in your start script of docker container, your syntax cannot be executed by plain sh, you should use bash instead.
I have re-produced with a simple example.
if [[ ( $winner == "bash_or_sh" ) ]]
echo " bash is winner"
echo "sh is looser"
$ sh 2: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
$ bash
bash is winner
So, try docker container exec -it microsofttranslator /bin/bash
Should you need to pass proxy env variables , please read

There could be various reasons for it, Considering there is not much detail, I will point some of the common issues that might be there.
If you are using any script in Dockerfile. Although your script can be run by sh however it might require bash. In such cases you might need to add/install bash in your dockerfile.
Also there could be some syntax error. e.g. Some extra spaces done by editor.
Ensure your editor is making sure that files that have been edited and uploaded from a Windows machine to a Linux machine work. If not please use some command like dos2unix on your files. If you are using windows, You can go through Notepad++, and ensure that Encoding is UTF-8 not UTF-8 BOM
And to run the docker container with proxy inside them. You can go through this solution.
How to configure docker container proxy?
This is one of the common issue which might be causing this, otherwise there could be many other reasons.

If you have a dockerfile, could you add these lines and give it a try
#Adding proxy
ENV NO_PROXY "" #if needed

you can easily set up a proxy for your specific container or for all containers just by using these two environmental variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY
1. For spcific container
Proxy For specific container using Dockerfile:
#Add these env vars to your dockerfile
Proxy for specific container without defining them in Dockerfile:
docker run -d -e HTTP_PROXY="" -e HTTPS_PROXY="" image:tag
2. For all containers
You to execute bellow mentioned commands:
mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
vim /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
Paste bellow mentioned content into the file and save it
# reload the systemd daemon
systemctl daemon-reload
# restart docker
systemctl restart docker
# Verify that the configuration has been loaded
systemctl show docker --property Environment


Docker run uses host PATH when chaining commands

I have written an image that bundles utils to run commands using several CLIs. I want to run this as an executable as follows:
docker run my_image cli command
Where CLI is my custom CLI and command is a command to that CLI.
When I build my image I have the following instruction in the Dockerfile:
ENV PATH="/cli/scripts:${PATH}"
The above works if I do not chain commands to the container. If I chain commands it stops working:
docker run my_image cli command && cli anothercommand
Command 'cli' not found, but can be installed with...
Where the first command works and the other fails.
So the logical conclusion is that cli is missing from path. I tried to verify that with:
docker run my_image printenv PATH
This actually outputs the containers PATH, and everything looks alright. So I tried to chain this command too:
docker run my_image printenv PATH && printenv PATH
And sure enough, this outputs first the containers PATH and then the PATH of my system.
What is the reason for this? How do I work around it?
When you type a command into your shell, your local shell processes it first before any command gets run. It sees (reformatted)
docker run my_image cli command \
&& \
cli anothercommand
That is, your host's shell picks up the &&, so the host first runs docker run and then runs cli anothercommand (if the container exited successfully).
You can tell the container to run a shell, and then the container shell will handle things like command chaining, redirections, and environment variables
docker run my_image sh -c 'cli command && cli anothercommand'
If this is more than occasional use, also consider writing this into a shell script
set -e
cli command
cli another command
COPY the script into your Docker image, and then you can docker run my_image or some such.

Can Docker environment variables be used as an dynamic entrypoint runtime arg?

I'm trying to parameterize my Dockerfile running nodeJS so I can have my entrypoint command's args be customizable on docker run so I can maintain one container artifact that can be deployed repeatedly with variations to some runtime args.
I've tried a few different ways, the most basic being
ENV CONFIG_FILE=default.config.js
ENTRYPOINT node ... --config ${CONFIG_FILE}
What I'm finding is that whatever value is defaulted remains in my docker run command even if I'm using -e to pass in new values. Such as
docker run -e CONFIG_FILE=desired.config.js
Another Dockerfile form I've tried is this:
ENTRYPOINT node ... --config ${CONFIG_FILE:-default.config.js}
Not specifying the environment variable with an ENV directive, but using bash expansion to specify a default value if nonexistent or null is found. This gives me the same behavior though.
Lastly, the last thing I tried was to create a bash script file that contains the same entrypoint command, then ADD it to the docker context and invoke it in my ENTRYPOINT. And this also seems to give the same behavior.
Is what I'm attempting even possible?
Here is a minimal dockerfile that reproduces this behavior for me:
FROM alpine
Here is the build command:
docker build -f test.Dockerfile -t test .
Here is the run command, which echoes no despite the -e arg:
docker run -t test -e CONFIG=yes
Some additional details,
I'm running OSX sierra with a Docker version of 18.09.2, build 6247962

set environment variable in running docker contianer

I need to set environment variable in a running docker container. I am already aware of the way of setting environment variable while creating a container. As far I found there is no available straight forward way to do this with docker and docker is planning to add something with new version 1.13.
But I found that some people able to manage it which is not working for me now. I tried following ways but did not work for me-
docker exec -it -u=root test /bin/bash -c "export port=8090"
echo "export port=8090" to /etc/bash.bashrc using a script and then source it
docker exec -it test /bin/bash -c "source /etc/bash.bashrc"
configuring the whole thing in a script and run it from host also did not work. While running script from host all the other command successfully executes except "export port=8090" or "source /etc/bash.bashrc" or "source /root/.bashrc".
Can anyone explain why sourcing file from host does not work in docker container even when I set user("-u=root")? Can anyone help me to solve this? When I source the file from inside the container it works perfectly. But in my case I have to do it from host machine
NOTE:, I am using docker 1.12 and tried the above in ubuntu:16.04 and ubuntu:14.04
If you have a running process in the docker and you are attempting to change the environment variable in the docker so the running process will dynamically change - this will not work. The environment variables of a process are set when it starts. You can see here ways to overcome that, but I don't think that is the right way to go.
I would instead, have a configuration file that the file reads (or listens to) periodically. And when you want to change the configuration change the file.
If this isn't your scenario, please describe your scenario so we can better assist you.
I find a way to provide environment variable to a running container. Fist upgrade your docker-engine. I am using V1.12.5.
create a script with environment variables-
echo "export VAR1=VAL1
export VAR2=VAL2" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
source /etc/bash.bashrc
Now start a container. Here, 'test' is the container name:
docker run -idt --name=test ubuntu
Copy your script to container:
docker cp test:/
Run the script :
docker exec -it test /bin/bash -c "/"
Restart your container:
docker restart test
Go to container shell
docker exec -it test /bin/bash
Check the variable
echo $VAR1

How to set default docker environment variables

I'd like to set the env variable SERVICE_CHECK_TTL for all containers by default. Can I somehow use the docker deamon for that like this broken example of setting a default env variable for all containers:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon --env SERVICE_CHECK_TTL=30s -H fd://
The failing example is part of the docker.service file. The env variable SERVICE_CHECK_TTL is used by the Registrator that registers containers in Consul.
I don't want to set this env variable in a Dockerfile or a docker-compose file if there is another way of setting env variables that are the same for all containers (default). The reason is that I'd like to avoid changing every single Dockerfiles and every single docker-compose file.
The ENV directive in a Dockerfile is designed for that, have a look at the docker docs, they are very good.
So let's suppose all your containers use debian Jessie, you could put in a Dockerfile FROM debian
ENV xxx yyy, then build your specific debian docker build -t mydebian . and then, when you build your containers, your Dockerfile always starts with FROM mydebian
You now have your specific ENV value for all your containers
Of course, you may replace debian by ubuntu, centos or any other
Use this command (remember to change the Docker Host) :
docker exec -i CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash -c "export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:port"
echo 'export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:port' >> ~/.bashrc

Workaround to docker run "--env-file" supplied file not being evaluated as expected

My current setup for running a docker container is on the lines of this:
I've got a main.env file:
# Main
export PRIVATE_IP=\`echo localhost\`
export MONGODB_URL="mongodb://$MONGODB_HOST:27017/development"
In my service file (upstart), I source this file . /path/to/main.env
I then call docker run with multiple -e for each of the environment variables I want inside of the container. In this case I would call something like: docker run -e MONGODB_URL=$MONGODB_URL ubuntu bash
I would then expect MONGODB_URL inside of the container to equal mongodb://localhost:27017/development. Notice that in reality echo localhost is replaced by a curl to amazon's api for an actual PRIVATE_IP.
This becomes a bit unwieldy when you start having more and more environment variables you need to give your container. There is a fine point to see here which is that the environment variables need to be resolved at run time, such as with a call to curl or by referring to other env variables.
The solution I was hoping to use is:
calling docker run with an --env-file parameter such as this:
# Main
PRIVATE_IP=\`echo localhost\`
Then my docker run command would be significantly shortened to docker run --env-file=/path/to/main.env ubuntu bash (keep in mind usually I've got around 12-15 environment variables.
This is where I hit my problem which is that inside the container none of the variables resolve as expected. Instead I end up with:
PRIVATE_IP=`echo localhost`
I could circumvent this by doing the following:
Sourcing the main.env file.
Creating a file containing just the names of the variables I want (meaning docker would search for them in the environment).
Then calling docker run with this file as an argument to --env-file. This would work but would mean I would need to maintain two files instead of one, and really wouldn't be that big of an improvement of the current situation.
What I would prefer is to have the variables resolve as expected.
The closest question to mine that I could find is:
12factor config approach with Docker
Ceate a .env file
example: test=123 val=Guru
Execute command
docker run -it --env-file=.env bash
Inside the bash verify using
echo $test (should print 123)
Both --env and --env-file setup variables as is and do not replace nested variables.
Solomon Hykes talks about configuring containers at run time and the the various approaches. The one that should work for you is to volume mounting the main.env from host into the container and sourcing it.
So I just faced this issue as well, what solved it for me was I specified the --env-file or -e KEY=VAL before the name of the container image. For example
docker run my-image --env-file .env
docker run --env-file .env my-image
creating an ENV file that is nothing more than key/value pairs can be processed in normal shell commands and appended to the environment. Look at the bash -a pragma.
What you can do is create a startup script that can be run when the container starts. So if your current docker file looks something like this
From ...
CMD command
Change it to
From ...
CMD [""]
In your script do the following:
export PRIVATE_IP=\`echo localhost\`
export MONGODB_URL="mongodb://$MONGODB_HOST:27017/development"
I had a very similar problem to this. If I passed the contents of the env file to docker as separate -e directives then everything ran fine however if I passed the file using --env-file the container failed to run properly.
Turns out there were some spurious line endings in the file (I had copied from windows and ran docker in Ubuntu). When I removed them the container ran the same with --env or --env-file.
I had this issue when using docker run in a separate run script file, since I wanted the credentials ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_PASSWORD to be accessible in the container, but not show up in the command.
Following the other answers and passing a separate environment file with --env or --env-file didn't work for my image (though it worked for the Bash image). What worked was creating a separate env file...
# env.list
...and sourcing it in the run script when launching the container:
source env.list
docker run -d \
