Accessing the name of a smarty variables - foreach

Hello i need some help with a basic question. This is my code:
{foreach $sArticle.attributes.core->toArray() as $attribute}
<tr class="product--properties-row">
<td class="product--properties-label is--bold">{$}{$sArticle.attributesName}</td>
<td class="product--properties-label is--bold">{$attribute}</td>
1.Question: How do I enter the attributes name? I mean the column name from the attribute in the database?
2.Question: I only want to loop with the foreach through columns with name="artikelattr_" any idea how this can be done?

I adjusted my answer here:
How to get the name of the attribute.
To consider only certain attributes that starts with a specific string, just add an if in the loop:
{foreach $sArticle.attributes.core->toArray() as $attributeName => $attribute}
{if $attributeName|strpos:"artikelattr_" === 0}
You can simply use nearly all PHP functions in Smarty.


Last Element in List in Thymeleaf

I have a list in Thymeleaf and I want to use th:with in a div to grab the last element in a list. I've tried:
<div th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(licence.registrations)}"
th:with="lastRegistation=${licence.registrations[__(#lists.size(licence.registrations) - 1)__]}">
<td><span th:text="${}"/></td>
However this gives me the error:
org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Could not parse as expression: "(#lists.size(licence.registrations) - 1)" (template: "admin/viewLicence.html" - line 103, col 10)
Does anyone know a way I can get the last item in a list with Thymeleaf?
If you're using preprocessing, you need to surround the expression with ${...}. Like this:
th:with="lastRegistration=${licence.registrations[__${#lists.size(licence.registrations) - 1}__]}"
That being said, there is no reason to use preprocessing in this case. (And I would remove the extra unused tags as well.) This will work:
<tr th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(licence.registrations)}"
th:with="lastRegistration=${licence.registrations[#lists.size(licence.registrations) - 1]}">
<td th:text="${}" />
You can also get fancy with collection selection & projection, but I'm not sure this is an appropriate use. Still, it seems to work:
<tr th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(licence.registrations)}">
<td th:text="${licence.registrations.![name].$[true]}" />

Convert thymeleaf to freemarker

Please help, i cann't find in freemarker guide how to convert from thymeleaf this:
lists.isEmpty and for each
<th:block th:if="${#lists.isEmpty(employees)}">
<h3>No employee</h3>
<th:block th:unless="${#lists.isEmpty(employees)}">
<tr th:each="contact,iterStat : ${employees}">
<td th:text="${iterStat.count}"></td>
<td th:text="${}"></td>
<td th:text="${}"></td>
Maybe Something like this? (sketch, not tested)
<#list employees as contact>
<h3>No employee</h3>
<#list> Will generate a <tr> element for each item in the employees sequence, containing <td>'s for each field.
If the employees sequence is empty it will generate the <h3> element.
See List Directive Doc
It gets the zero based index of the item using the build-in function
?index. See built-ins and loop variables in the help. Freemarker built-ins Doc. If you want one based, you can add one to it.
It's works
<#list employees as contact>
<h3>No employee</h3>

parsing the id value by giving a known td?

With the help of firePath, I got this:
Parot of My HTML looks like this:
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<tr id="#table-row-51535240d7037e70b9000062"> #this is the id that i want to get
<td> 54 </td> #this is the td that i know
What i really want to do here is, by giving the td value (54), I want to be able to get the id (parse the id), any hints how can i achieve that?
Thanks in advance.
PS: sorry for my English, and for my lack of knowledge :)
First of all your HTML is invalid (because it contains nested <tr> nodes). Nokogiri may be able to parse it, but if you can you should fix it before that.
You can fetch that id by the following ruby code:
doc.at_xpath("//td[contains(text(), '54')]/..")['id']
//td[contains(text(), '54')] will grab all the <td> nodes which contain 54, /.. will go to their parents.
Document#at_xpath will fetch only the first matching item
['id'] will get the attribute of the matching node.
Using jquery
// (i dont know if you have id for that td or not, it will be more easy if u do have id for that td)
console.log($('table tbody tr td:first').closest('tr').attr('id')); // you can remove :first if you want to.
Oops, I misread your question, and one more thing, there is a problem in your tr tag.

Hpple XPath query issue on IOS

I have the following HTML snippet:
<divv id="items">
What I want is to create a XPath query so I can retrieve only the Cars.
Currently I am using this: //div[#id='items']/tr/td. But with this I get also the Plane items. I do not know how to test for the 'p' tag.
Anyone can help me ?
The last predicate tests the existence of a <p> child element with Cars text content and thus filters out the <td> with <p>Planes</p>.
If picking the first group is enough, then you can use:

Grails: GSP variable substitution in g:each tag

I have a loop inside a loop and want to substitute the value of first var into second. Below is the code snippet.
<g:each in="${tables}" status="i" var="table">
<div class="tabletitle">
<g:each in="${${}DisplayColumns}" status="k" var="displayColumn">
${} substitution in second g:each tag is not working. Any idea to make it work?
Try this:
<g:each in="${evaluate('DisplayColumns')}" status="k" var="displayColumn">
Interesting, I've never used evaluate inside a gsp, as Kelly suggests. But may I suggest a less optimal approach?
You can store ${} inside a variable with <g:set> ( )
Do you know that you can pass any object to a GSP? Even maps (you're trying to emulate maps, I don't know why), and use it like:
<g:each in="${displayColumns[]}">
where displayColumns is a Map that contains columns for each table.
Btw, more clean way, is to use special object, that includes this data. Something like TableDetails that have List<String> getColumns() method. So you can use
<g:each in="${tables}" var="table">
<g:each in="${table.columns}" var="column">
