Youtube - ListChannels with Username(forUsername) is not working - youtube-api

I'm trying to get channels info with ChannelsList. This endpoint has a parameter the name is: forUsername but it does not work for this page:
This is my query and it returns empty data:
Somehow, I got this channelID in the page source and its: "channelId":"[UCnS--2e1yzQCm5r4ClrMJBg]".
When I try to query with this ID it's okay and returns with correct data.
and this is its payload:
How will I be able to reach this channel info using a username? I got a few links with usernames and I want to get their info with their username. I don't have any chance to get their channelID's for all.
Thanks for your help.

If I understood correctly, your problem is that you can't do anything from such a username with the Channels: list of the YouTube Data API v3. If you're just looking for the channel id linked to this username then because as YouTube Data API v3 doesn't work for this, I would recommend you to use my open-source YouTube operational API, indeed by requesting you'll receive a JSON with id equals to the channel id linked to the provided forUsername value.
If you have any question don't hesitate to comment or come to the Discord support.

Notice that the channel title and the channel customUrl might be different.
In your example - -, the channel title is Folkart, but its customUrl - which is the value you get when view on YouTube - is: folkarttr.
Note the difference in both case-sensitive and additional letters.
For these reasons, you should not based your channel search by name, but, rather, by its channel_id.
If you really need to search by userName, the answer from Benjamin Loison can solve your requirement.
See if you can find a ticket on Issue Tracker or post your issue there too. Then, you might get some official answer.


commentThreads with chennel-ID parameter returns 403 error that refers to Video Id

While calling the commentThreads API with a channelId is a parameter.
I'm getting commentsDisabled (403) error - which refers to "The video identified by the videoId parameter has disabled comments." However, as I indicated I'm using the channel ID.
I tested some other channels - that do have disabled videos - and I did not get that error.
I get it on a few specific channels.
Please advise.
TLDR: There isn't anymore any way to retrieve community tab comments.
Here are some channel ids in line with what you were stating:
Answer: 403 The video identified by the <code>videoId</code> parameter has disabled comments.
However there is a video with comments:
Answer: 403 The video identified by the <code>videoId</code> parameter has disabled comments.
Furthermore there isn't any public video with comments (checked by algorithm based on the "uploads" playlist)
channelId field isn't about videos so videos restriction shouldn't change visibility of the community tab (that's comments from this section that we retrieved with the channelId field)
The channelId parameter instructs the API to return comment threads containing comments about the specified channel. (The response will not include comments left on videos that the channel uploaded.)
On both channels above, they have their community tab disabled.
However after tests on "normal" channels like officialpsy there isn't any error in the answer however there isn't any comment either.
If you are looking for community tab comments I would recommend you to use allThreadsRelatedToChannelId which works but will also return you comments left on videos.
However even allThreadsRelatedToChannelId doesn't seem to work anymore for community tab comments

List channel subscriptions returns only my channel

So, I have a request that should list my subscribers who do not have the private subscriptions option enable. My request is:
response = youtube.subscriptions().list(
However, in items resource, every channel returned is my own channel. My channel name, ID and profile images. Is this the problem with the API or am I making a wrong request?
I also tried using the Try this API option on the documentation, but it also returns the same result.
Thank you for any help you can give
According to the official docs you already quoted, you should have passed to your API call the parameter part as:
The subscriberSnippet part gives you the needed info:
subscriberSnippet (object)
The subscriberSnippet object contains basic details about the subscriber.
For what concerns the snippet part, the official doc is indeed a bit ambiguous:
snippet (object)
The snippet object contains basic details about the subscription, including its title and the channel that the user subscribed to.
Nevertheless, the info you get from part="snippet" only is correct.

YouTube API v3 Channels: list method doesn't work for some channels names

For some reason I can't get any information for some channels via API. For example this channel: and API request
gives me empty response. Why? You can try here with part=id and forUsername=vithorvascovv.
Even if I use search method like this:
I have empty response but in same time channel can be found by using regular search on Youtube.
One more channel name with the same problem: Nsamurail
It looks like the user "vithorvascovv" merged with another channel. I'm not exactly sure why the username lookup no longer works, but I see that redirects to Using part=id and id=UCsLprVocGZ9mUl6SGBZ91Ng, I was able to return the proper results from the API.
For your second question, it looks like user "Nsamurail" changed their username to "xRidan" ( redirects to Using part=id and forUsername=xRidan, I was able to return the channel information from the API.
Question : How Can Fetch Playlists From Any Youtube Channel Name/User By Using YOUTUBE DATA API ?
Answer : When You Try To Do This We Always Face A Problem to apply "FILTER" in order to fetch Playlists , here you can use two different filters (forUsername,Id) in two different Youtube channel urls such as :
Here channel name is : flashbuilding
Required Filter For API is: forUsername
Code Structure :
Here Chanel Name is not clear in this case:-
Required filter for API is : Id
Code Structure :
Note : use Id in API Filter section instead of API part Section

Searching the youTube V3 API via channel name not username?

Youtube allows a username and channel name. They can be different from each other. The youtube API allows me to search via username but I can't see where or how to search by channel name. It is the channel name that is displayed under the videos.
Anyone shed some light onto how I can search via channel name/title and not username?
If the channel search API didn't return a result I call the search API<# potential channel name #>)
So it runs a standard search for entered value "potential channel name". Google docs say the first returned result will be a channel so we only need 1 result which is why we set maxResults=1.
If that returns nothing then I assume channel does not exists and display error to user
This works with me, just change the key with your api-key
r = requests.get((url1))
It returns all channels with names that contain the word Inna
Hope this can help you

youtube analyticsService Report parameters

I am authenticating with google to try and get youtube analytics my problem is that i don't know how to filled you the parameters when quering youtube
here i am making a new service: and then try to query it
I am not sure what to put in the "ids" parameter or where to find it?
What do I put there?
_analyticService = new YoutubeAnalyticsService(_authenticator = CreateAuthenticator());
_analyticService.Reports.Query("ids", "2013-01-01", "2013-02-02", "views").Fetch();
The ids parameter is the an expression with the id of your channel. If you go to and click on the title with your own channel name, you get a link like The last part is the id of your channel. You have to use this as the ids parameter in an expression like "channel==UCYHMS8hN8s49F93iJuEgG6w". This is to query in the context of your own channel. This is needed as you might have access to several channels.
I can query views for one of my videos by:{YOUR_API_KEY}
Try to use the API explorer at the bottom of this page, there are some text explaining the different parameters there as well.
Hope it goes well!
