Is it possible to open IOS simulator while developing React-Native APP on Windows 10? - ios

I am developing an application by using React-Native. My operating system is Windows 10. I want the application to be competible with both iOS and Android. I am using Expo for the development. In expo,
There are above choices, since I don't have an iOS simulator, the second choice gives an error. How can I install an iOS simulator to my computer?

As of now, you can not create a simulator inside windows but there are many browser-based iOS stimulations available you can use them.
one of them is here It is free for use but you have to upload your app manually. There are many other options available. read here.


Can I use my IOS device (Iphone) to test my IOS flutter (or react native) app in Windows?

I know you need a Mac in order to build and test IOS apps using cross-platform frameworks, but is there any way I can use an IOS device instead to test out my app while I build it.
The only resources I can find are about using virtual machines to emulate a Mac but sadly my PC isn't that powerful to run both OS smoothly
Short answer: No.
You need a macOS operating system to build/compile an iOS app. No matter whether it has been coded with flutter, react native, ionic or native swift.
You could rent a Mac online, so that you don't need physical access to one. But in the end, you will need macOS somewhere.
If you rent a Mac you will have difficulties running the app directly on your phone. You will need to create the IPA and distribute it via a different connection to your phone.

Can you build a react-native iOS app using WINDOWS?

Can you build for iOS with react-native on Windows?
Or does it require xcode?
If so, any work arounds?
I dont want to work on a mac... or a mac vm.
I think the app you create with react-native will work with iOS but you might just have to develop it without an iOS SDK. (essentially, you can't really see the app in a virtual iOS device whilst developing).
However, i think if you develop the app for android using android studio SDK with react native, the app should also work with iOS as well. It's just that you won't really be able to see the app in development on a virtual iOS device.
Another option is to use expo when using react native. Essentially, it displays your app on your iphone so you can technically do app development whilst viewing the app on an iOS device, but I don't think its that great as you can only see it on your phone, whilst I prefer to use a virtual device on my laptop.
You can view documentation for expo in the react native docs here:
I'd recommend you to just develop the app for android using the android SDK from Android studio. This also works with expo or react native CLI. Although you may have to develop the app in a virtual android device, I think the app also works with an iOS device (it may just look a little bit different e.g. a button in android will look different to a button on iOS)
Here's a tutorial that really helped me with learning React-Native:
Just follow the steps and make sure you install an android SDK. Then once you get to around "9:25", instead of starting up an iOS emulator from an iOS SDK, start up the android one from android SDK, then hit the button "a" to choose android and you're all set!
The short answer is NO. iOS apps need to build on a Mac. However, if you have a cheap old Mac, or even a Mac cloud account, you can effectively do the equivalent while (almost) never touching the Mac. Of course, this assumes that it has been setup up once, and builds via Xcode or Xcode command line. Once that is done, you can automate it so that you're working and testing only on the PC.
For example, I once took over a React Native project where the previous developer did something similar. Because it was a generic interface, he coded on his PC, then tested via the Android emulator without ever testing for iOS. At that point you can simply push code to GitHub (manually, or with something like Fastlane or a user script). Separately, you have a script on that old Mac or online Mac-as-a-service that checks periodically and builds when the code changes. There were some times when the Mac needed special attention, but for the most part, it worked solely on one machine.
Namely, you can not run IOS Simulator on windows. But you can access a virtual IOS machine and run Simulator from windows virtually as a solution..

iOS app development phonegap or xamarin on windows

I really dont get it. I see I can develop Iphone Apps with
xcode (objective-c / swing)
titanium appcelerator
But do I need a Mac even with phonegap etc. or is it possible to develop on windows with those Frameworks?
You can completely develop iOS in Mac using Xamarin with the help of Xamarin Live Player.
You can debug,develop and deploy without any help of mac but to sign and release the app you will still need a Apple system
You need an actual iOS device to fully develop and test all of the app's device features before submitting to the App Store. More here.

Developing in Qt for iOS on a Linux computer

I'm planning to develop an app for Android using Qt Quick Controls and an Android Emulator. The same set of components is said to work on iOS. Thus I'd like to build the app for iOS as well.
Unfortunately, Qt for iOS is only available for Mac.
I don't own any Apple or Android device. I'm using a computer running Linux.
What would then be the best way to be able to build the app for iOS (and test whether everything works as expected; most testing will take place in the Android emulator)?
If any more information is needed, feel free to ask in the comments.

I am trying use IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC a.Is it possible to install IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC

I am trying use IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC for Mobile application Test.Is it possible to install IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC
No you cannot do this legally but you can test your app on any platform by uploading your app on and just run it anywhere.
NO, You need Apple Device (iMac, Macbook, Mac Mini) to develop iOS Applications and iPhone/iPad for Testing on devices. Apple provides Xcode it's Integrated Development Environment Tool only for the MAC. Please use Apple Devices, register for Developer program and use their resources. click on for all the info.
Have you heard about the virtual box..?, It may fulfill your need. It will run the windows macintosh (hackintosh) on it. You can develop apps there and see your apps on simulator too. The main task is to download a working macintosh set up in a virtual box. You can get many tutorials for it on google. If you need any help, please revert to me, Thanks :)
