iOS app development phonegap or xamarin on windows - ios

I really dont get it. I see I can develop Iphone Apps with
xcode (objective-c / swing)
titanium appcelerator
But do I need a Mac even with phonegap etc. or is it possible to develop on windows with those Frameworks?

You can completely develop iOS in Mac using Xamarin with the help of Xamarin Live Player.
You can debug,develop and deploy without any help of mac but to sign and release the app you will still need a Apple system

You need an actual iOS device to fully develop and test all of the app's device features before submitting to the App Store. More here.


Is it possible to open IOS simulator while developing React-Native APP on Windows 10?

I am developing an application by using React-Native. My operating system is Windows 10. I want the application to be competible with both iOS and Android. I am using Expo for the development. In expo,
There are above choices, since I don't have an iOS simulator, the second choice gives an error. How can I install an iOS simulator to my computer?
As of now, you can not create a simulator inside windows but there are many browser-based iOS stimulations available you can use them.
one of them is here It is free for use but you have to upload your app manually. There are many other options available. read here.

iOS Development on iPad or Web App for iPhone

I need to begin evelopment for iOS, can I use iPad Pro for that? Does it support xcode and Swift?
If not, how can I create a web app that runs on iOS and is developed on a PC?
The budget is rather tight and Mac is ecxpensive.
You cannot develop an iOS app on an iPad. You need a Mac.

I am trying use IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC a.Is it possible to install IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC

I am trying use IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC for Mobile application Test.Is it possible to install IOS Simulator/Emulator or iOS SDK in windows PC
No you cannot do this legally but you can test your app on any platform by uploading your app on and just run it anywhere.
NO, You need Apple Device (iMac, Macbook, Mac Mini) to develop iOS Applications and iPhone/iPad for Testing on devices. Apple provides Xcode it's Integrated Development Environment Tool only for the MAC. Please use Apple Devices, register for Developer program and use their resources. click on for all the info.
Have you heard about the virtual box..?, It may fulfill your need. It will run the windows macintosh (hackintosh) on it. You can develop apps there and see your apps on simulator too. The main task is to download a working macintosh set up in a virtual box. You can get many tutorials for it on google. If you need any help, please revert to me, Thanks :)

Adobe AIR and iOS

Is it possible to create an app using Flash and Adobe AIR that runs on iOS? I thought Apple had eliminated the possibility of using Flash- does AIR have a solution? What kind of problems are there?
Yes. You can create AIR applications for iOS. (What Apple doesn't allow is running Flash in a browser/web view.)
You can use Adobe Air cross platform for iOS and Android and also you can upload final product on app store.
With adobe air you can compile and debug ios and android applications faster than other tools like xamarin,appcelerator etc.
Another benefit is that you are using same codes for both platforms
with Flashdevelop free ide you are just choosing platform when compiling apk or ipa.
Also you can develop ios applications on windows machine without xcode sdk.
You just need mac when uploading to applestore.
To install ipa to devices via usb you don't need mac or xcode.

How i can use PhoneGap to create ios app in windows os?

hi I am beginner in IOS mobile I know that i must have Apple device to work on it to create IOS app . my project is that i am preparing to work on it is HTML5 and Javascript and css when i searched i found that PhoneGap can do it without more codes .so how i can work on phonegap in windows os if i dont have apple device?. I hope you will help me on this issue.
You will have to use cloud building tools like Phonegap build or Intel XDK to develop iOS app without a Mac.
With Phonegap build, you will have to create a config.xml, zip this along with the app written in HTML5/CSS/JS and upload it to Phonegap build and it will give back a .ipa iOS app file to download, which can be installed on iOS device for testing. But to do the build, you will need to upload a exported developer certificate (.p12 file) from a Mac and upload to phonegap build before you can build the app. You just need the certificate exported from a Mac, you can get this certificate and use Window PC to upload the certificate and start building iOS apps from windows PC
With Intel XDK, you can develop app using HTML5/CSS/JS, simulate app on various devices and build app in cloud just like with phonegap build. But you dont need a Mac for exporting certificates and stuff, Intel XDK generates a Certificate Signing Request(CSR), which you will have to upload to apple developer site to get a certificate. You you do not need a Mac at all to start building iOS apps.
But in both cases you will require a Mac when you want to submit the app to Apple AppStore, you will have to use the XCode -> Application Loader to upload the iOS app binary to submit to AppStore.
Here you can found the Developer Platform Guide for your question
PhoneGap Developer Guide
Your App in fact is a HTML5 With Javascript and you can convert for all Devices support this architecture, in the link you see all list for different platform.
Hope this help you.
Phonegap requires native environment to wrap your html,css,javascript and produce a native build.
iOS native environment requires Mac OSX.
AFIK, you cannot do iOS development in windows OS.
On work around you can consider doing is using Phonegap's online build service
The only possible way building for iOS without touching a Mac would be Phonegap's cloud building service.
Phonegap Build FAQ
You would still need both of:
some device for testing purposes
an Apple Developer account
