Unable to get Twilio sms status callbacks when sending proactive message - twilio

I'm trying to track the sms delivery status of the messages I send using the bot framework. I'm using Twilio, and sending proactive messages. Right now I'm trying to do so with twilio status callbacks
This is similar to this question, I tried that approach but I couldn't get it to work. I've added my url on the TwiML app and it is not firing. I have double and triple checked, and I suspect this url is somehow ignored or not going through with my current set up. I don't get any callbacks on the proactive message nor on the replies the bot sends to the user. However the flow works fine and I can reply and get proper responses from the bot. Edit: calling this "approach 1"
approach 2: I've also tried this doing some light modifications on Twilio adapter, to be able to add my callback just before create message. (I changed it so it uses a customized client wrapper that adds my callback url when creating the twilio resource) This does work, partially: when I reply a message from my bot, I get the status callbacks. But as the proactive message is sent using the default adapter, I don't get a callback on the initial message.
approach 3: Finally, I also tried using the TwilioAdapter when sending the proactive message but for some reason as soon as I send an activity, the TurnContext is disposed, so I can't save the state or do any subsequent actions. This leads me to believe twilio adapter is not intended to be used this way (can't be used on proactive messages), but I'm willing to explore this path if necessary.
Here is the modified Twilio Adapter:
public class TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler : TwilioAdapter
private const string TwilioNumberKey = "TwilioNumber";
private const string TwilioAccountSidKey = "TwilioAccountSid";
private const string TwilioAuthTokenKey = "TwilioAuthToken";
private const string TwilioValidationUrlKey = "TwilioValidationUrl";
public TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<TwilioAdapter> logger, TwilioAdapterOptions adapterOptions = null)
: base(
new TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback(new TwilioClientWrapperOptions(configuration[TwilioNumberKey], configuration[TwilioAccountSidKey], configuration[TwilioAuthTokenKey], new Uri(configuration[TwilioValidationUrlKey]))), adapterOptions, logger)
OnTurnError = async (turnContext, exception) =>
// Log any leaked exception from the application.
logger.LogError(exception, $"[OnTurnError] unhandled error : {exception.Message}");
Task[] tasks = {
// Send a message to the user
turnContext.SendActivityAsync("We're sorry but this bot encountered an error when processing your answer."),
// Send a trace activity, which will be displayed in the Bot Framework Emulator
turnContext.TraceActivityAsync("OnTurnError Trace", exception.Message, "https://www.botframework.com/schemas/error", "TurnError")
Task all = Task.WhenAll(tasks); //task with the long running tasks
await Task.WhenAny(all, Task.Delay(5000)); //wait with a timeout
Modified client Wrapper:
public class TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback : TwilioClientWrapper
public TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback(TwilioClientWrapperOptions options) : base(options) { }
public async override Task<string> SendMessageAsync(TwilioMessageOptions messageOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var createMessageOptions = new CreateMessageOptions(messageOptions.To)
ApplicationSid = messageOptions.ApplicationSid,
MediaUrl = messageOptions.MediaUrl,
Body = messageOptions.Body,
From = messageOptions.From,
createMessageOptions.StatusCallback = new System.Uri("https://myApp.ngrok.io/api/TwilioSms/SmsStatusUpdated");
var messageResource = await MessageResource.CreateAsync(createMessageOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);
return messageResource.Sid;
Finally, here's my summarized code that sends the proactive message:
public async Task<IActionResult> StartConversation(long superBillId, int? campaignId)
ConversationReference conversationReference = this.GetConversationReference("+17545517768");
//Start a new conversation.
await ((BotAdapter)_adapter).ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (turnContext, token) =>
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("proactive message 1");
//this code was edited for brevity. Here I would start a new dialog that would cascade into another, but the end result is the same, as soon as a message is sent, the turn context is disposed.
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("proactive message 2"); //throws ObjectDisposedException
}, default(CancellationToken));
var result = new { status = "Initialized fine!" };
return new JsonResult(result);
private ConversationReference GetConversationReference(string targetNumber)
string fromNumber = "+18632704234";
return new ConversationReference
User = new ChannelAccount { Id = targetNumber, Role = "user" },
Bot = new ChannelAccount { Id = fromNumber, Role = "bot" },
Conversation = new ConversationAccount { Id = targetNumber },
//ChannelId = "sms",
ChannelId = "twilio-sms", //appparently when using twilio adapter we need to set this. if using TwiML app and not using Twilio Adapter, use the above. Otherwise the frameworks interprets answers from SMS as new conversations instead.
ServiceUrl = "https://sms.botframework.com/",
(I can see that I could just call create conversation reference and do two callbacks, one for each message, but in my actual code I'm creating a dialog that sends one message and then invokes another dialog that starts another message)
Edit 2:
Some clarifications:
On approach 2, I'm using two adapters, as suggested by code sample and documentation on using twilio adapter. The controller that starts the proactive message uses an instance of a default adapter (similar to this one), and TwilioController (the one that gets the twilio incoming messages) uses TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler.
On approach 3, I excluded the default adapter, and both controllers use TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler.
Edit 3:
Here's a small repo with the issue.

I found a fix for this problem, around approach 3, by changing the overload I use for ContinueConversation. Replace this :
//Start a new conversation.
await ((BotAdapter)_adapter).ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (turnContext, token) =>
With this:
//Start a new conversation.
var twilioAdapter = (TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler)_adapter;
await twilioAdapter.ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (context, token) =>
This way, the context is not disposed, an I can use the twilio adapter for the proactive message and have status callbacks on all messages.


No errors are being raised when unsuccessfully writing to Azure service bus

When writing a message to the Azure Service Bus (using Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus standard library, not the .Net Framework version) it works fine. However, when switching networks to a network that blocks that traffic and running it again I would expect an error being raised by SendAsync yet no error is thrown, therefor the function considers the send successful even though it is not.
Am I missing some logic to make sure that errors do get raised and trapped, it seems to be inline with all the examples I have seen.
I have tried this possible solution ..
Trouble catching exception on Azure Service Bus SendAsync method
.ContinueWith(t =>
Console.WriteLine(t.Status + "," + t.IsFaulted + "," + t.Exception.InnerException);
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
.. and at no point does ContinueWith get hit.
public ActionResult<Boolean> Post(Contract<T> contract)
Task.Run(() => SendMessage(contract));
// Other stuff
private async Task<ActionResult<Boolean>> SendMessage(Contract<T> contract)
JObject json = JObject.FromObject(contract);
Message message = new Message();
message.MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
message.ContentType = ObjectType;
message.PartitionKey = ObjectType;
message.Body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contract));
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> route in DataRouting)
JToken jToken = json.SelectToken(route.Value);
if (jToken != null)
message.UserProperties[route.Key] = jToken.Value<String>();
String routeError = $"Could not find routing information in request for: {route.Key} in {route.Value}";
return new UnprocessableEntityObjectResult(routeError);
// Send the message
await topicClient.SendAsync(message);
catch(Exception ex)
return new UnprocessableEntityObjectResult($"'Could not transmit message to service bus - {ex.Message}'");
return new OkObjectResult(true);
I expect that the error trap would be hit if the SendAsync fails to send the message. However it essentially fire and forgets, the message send is blocked by the firewall but is never reported to the caller by throwing an error.
Ok, found the answer, but I will leave this out there in case anyone else does this to themselves. It was down to my general muppetry when putting the MVC Controller together. Set async on the Post action and configure the await on the send. Obvious really but I missed it.
public virtual async Task<ActionResult<Boolean>> Post(Contract<T> contract){}
// Send the message
await topicClient.SendAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new OkObjectResult(true); // Success if we got here
catch(Exception ex)
return new UnprocessableEntityObjectResult($"'Could not transmit message to service bus - {ex.Message}'");

Azure notification hub installation c#

Can anyone help me with Azure notification hub, how to set up device installation form c# code. I have problem with the Installation object. How to set it to pass it as parameter to CreateOrUpdateInstallation method of hub client instance. It's not clear to me.
I have a hub on azure that works with device registration like charm in local, but uploaded on azure are not working. Now I wanna try with istalation.
update: after 4 days, I figured out, that you can't send notification to yourself. Azure somehow knows that you are sending notification to yours phone, and that's why my welcome message never delivered to my phone.
update: this is how now I install the device i my backend code:
public async Task<IActionResult> NotificationInstalationTest()
string connectionString = "{{my connection string}}";
string hubName = "{{my hub name}}";
string token = "{{tokne}}";
NotificationHubClient hubClient = NotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, hubName);
string notificationText = $"Test message for Azure delivery for Atila at: {DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}";
var alert = new JObject
new JProperty("aps", new JObject(new JProperty("alert", notificationText))),
new JProperty("inAppMessage", notificationText)
IList<string> tags = new List<string>();
IDictionary<string, string> pushVariables = new Dictionary<string, string>();
pushVariables.Add( "email", "atila#panonicit.com" );
Installation installation = new Installation();
installation.InstallationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
installation.Platform = NotificationPlatform.Apns;
installation.PushChannel = token;
installation.Tags = tags;
installation.PushVariables = pushVariables;
await hubClient.CreateOrUpdateInstallationAsync(installation);
NotificationOutcome result = await hubClient.SendAppleNativeNotificationAsync(alert);
return Ok("Success");
Now when I hit this endpoint with Postman it works, if the same endpoint call comes from iOS it not works!
How to set it to pass it as parameter to CreateOrUpdateInstallation method of hub client instance. It's not clear to me.
Based on my understanding, you are registering the notification hub from your backend using the installation model. For your WebAPI project, assuming your method for create/update an installation as follows:
//PUT api/installation
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Put(DeviceInstallation deviceUpdate)
Installation installation = new Installation();
installation.InstallationId = deviceUpdate.InstallationId;
await hub.CreateOrUpdateInstallationAsync(installation);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
For your mobile client, you could refer to the following method:
private async Task<HttpStatusCode> CreateOrUpdateInstallationAsync(DeviceInstallation deviceInstallation)
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
//TODO: set your authorization header
var putUri =$"{your-backend-endpoint}/api/installation";
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deviceInstallation);
var response = await httpClient.PutAsync(putUri, new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
return response.StatusCode;
Moreover, for more details you could refer to Registration management and here for building backend with the registration model to build your backend using the installation model.

Send notification from web to android device using Firebase

I am trying for a while now to implement this flow: When user adds some files on server app, notification should trigger and send from server to FCM and that from there to pass message saying something like: 'New file has been added'.
Basically I want to inform mobile device user that something on server has been changed.
I have tried many things, but nothing seems to work as I would expect, at least.
On the mobile side I have set up Firebase inside my Xamarin.Android project, and when I am sending notifications directly from Firebase console, I get notifications, and everything is good.
But I don't want to send notifications via Firebase console, I would rather send notification from server (which is ASP.NET MVC project) to Firebase console and then pass it from there to android device.
My first question would be: Has anybody got an idea how can I inform web app about device_id? Is there some way that android device send this information on server? And maybe from there I can store that data and update it occasionally, since it is basically a refresh token.
My second problem is this: Even when I hard code current device_id of an active android device and try to send a message from server whit this code:
public class FirebaseService : IFirebaseService
public void SendMessageToClientApplication(string message, string serverApiKey, string senderId, string deviceId)
AndroidFCMPushNotificationStatus result = new AndroidFCMPushNotificationStatus();
result.Successful = false;
result.Error = null;
deviceId = "eMk6mD8P8Dc:APA91bG5Lmqn4Hwb4RZJ1Mkdl8Rf_uYQsQCEfDJK334tzSvIGzdao7o2X6VmtcTEp_Li0mG8iUoUT7-_RnZxQKocHosZwx6ITWdpmQyCwUv60IIIy0vxNlEaccT6RqK6c-cE1C6I3FTT";
var value = message;
WebRequest tRequest = WebRequest.Create("https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send");
tRequest.Method = "post";
tRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8";
tRequest.Headers.Add(string.Format("Authorization: key={0}", serverApiKey));
tRequest.Headers.Add(string.Format("Sender: id={0}", senderId));
string postData = "collapse_key=score_update&time_to_live=108&delay_while_idle=1&data.message="
+ value + "&data.time=" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "&registration_id=" + deviceId + "";
Byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
tRequest.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
using (Stream dataStream = tRequest.GetRequestStream())
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
using (WebResponse tResponse = tRequest.GetResponse())
using (Stream dataStreamResponse = tResponse.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader tReader = new StreamReader(dataStreamResponse))
String sResponseFromServer = tReader.ReadToEnd();
result.Response = sResponseFromServer;
catch (Exception ex)
result.Successful = false;
result.Response = null;
result.Error = ex;
I get nothing both in Firebase console and of course nothing on device as well.
I have tried to implement Firebase web as javascript on my server app like this:
var config = {
apiKey: "mykey",
authDomain: "myauthdomain",
databaseURL: "mydatabaseurl",
projectId: "myprojectid",
storageBucket: "mystoragebucket",
messagingSenderId: "mysenderid"
window.onload = function () {
const messaging = firebase.messaging();
.then(function () {
console.log('Notification permission granted.');
return messaging.getToken()
.then(function (token) {
.catch(function (err) {
console.log('Unable to get permission to notify.', err);
messaging.onMessage(function (payload) {
console.log('onMessage: ', payload);
But this code gets some kind of a different device_id(aka token), probably one generated for that server machine.
Does anybody has experience with sending device_id to server app and from there sending notification message to Firebase console? I would appreciate some code examples, tutorials or anything that can help, since I was unable to find something useful during my google search.
My first question would be: Has anybody got an idea how can I inform web app about device_id?
The most common approach is to store the list of device tokens (each device that uses FCM has such a token) in a database, such as the Firebase Database. There is an example of this in the Cloud Functions for Firebase documentation. In this example the devices receiving the messages are web pages, but the approach is the same for iOS and Android.
I also recommend reading Sending notifications between Android devices with Firebase Database and Cloud Messaging. In this article, instead of sending to a device token, each user subscribes to a topic. That prevents having to manage the device tokens in your code.

Azure function: send notification to specific users

i've written an Azure function and connected the output to a notification-hub to send push notifications using APNS. It works fine as long as i send the notification to all registered devices, but i don't know how to use tags in order to address a specific user. If i try to use a tag, i get an error message saying "Exception while executing function: Functions.SendSinglePushNotification. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Error while handling parameter notification after function returned:. Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs: notification.Tag property should be null."
Here's my code so far:
#r "Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs"
#r "Newtonsoft.Json"
using System;
using Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs;
using Newtonsoft.Json;using
public static void Run(HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log,Binder
binder, out AppleNotification notification)
string user = "Test";
string tagExpression = "Test";
string userTag = req.GetQueryNameValuePairs()
.FirstOrDefault(q => string.Compare(q.Key, "userid", true) == 0)
string apnsNotificationPayload = "{\"aps\": {\"alert\": \"Test: (" + user + ")\" }}";
notification = new AppleNotification(apnsNotificationPayload);
I was trying to use notification = new
but that does not work. How can i achieve that?
Thanks a lot and best regards
I had similar issue. Eventually, what worked for me was constructing Notification client manually. I am developing functions in Visual Studio, so my code is slightly different from yours.
public static async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("queuename", AccessRights.Listen, Connection =
"<connection-settings-name>")] string myQueueItem, TraceWriter log)
log.Info($"C# Queue trigger function processed: {myQueueItem}");
var notificationHubSas = "<DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature from Azure portal>";
var notificationHubName = "myhub";
var nhClient = NotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString(notificationHubSas, notificationHubName);
var tags = "";
await nhClient.SendTemplateNotificationAsync(<notification payload>, tags);

Delphi Send Device to Device message using firebase [duplicate]

Is there any way to send Upstream notification message through FCM from one android device to another devices connected with Firebase database.
I know that XMPP server can then receive the upstream messages and send the notifications to the other devices.To receive messages sent with the upstream API i need to implement an XMPP server but there is any other way???
Is there any way to send Upstream notification message through FCM
from one android device to another devices connected with Firebase
Currently it's NOT possible to send messages directly from one device to another.
(or at least it's not possible without introducing a HUGE security vulnerability: more details below)
Full details:
Sending messages to a user device is a pretty serious action!
based on the payload a message can result in spam, phishing, execution of internal methods.
You want this operation to be allowed only be trusted entities, this is why the FCM send API requires the SERVER-API-KEY in the authentication header.
Adding the SERVER-API-KEY in your app code (or communicating it to the app in some other way) IS NOT SAFE. This because apk can be extracted, decompiled, inspected, executed on emulators, executed under debugging and so on.
The best way to implement this today: is to have some sort of server between the two devices:
[DeviceA] -- please send message to B --> [SERVER] -- fcmSendAPI --> [DeviceB]
The server can be as simple as a PHP page, or a more complex XMPP implementation.
An example in Node.js can be found here:
Sending notifications between devices with Firebase Database and Cloud Messaging
Finally, after 2 months of trying to maintain reliable server script myself, I suddenly found OneSignal. It's completely free, supports device-to-device push messages on iOS, Android, WP and browsers.
Hope, I won't get flag for promotion spam, but it's currently the only (and easiest) way to be completely "backendless".
Also, it's completely secure way. Nobody can send push unless he knows special OS user id, which you can store in Firebase Database protected by rules.
UPD: It's not a replacement for Firebase. It has only push service and nothing else
UPD2: Firebase now has Functions, and examples of it usage has sending FCM. You now don't need any other server or service. Read more in official samples https://github.com/firebase/functions-samples
After lots of try finally i got one solution and its work perfectly
Step 1 :Include two library.
compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.4.1'
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:9.2.0'
Step 2 : In your MainActivity or from where you want to send notifications.
OkHttpClient mClient = new OkHttpClient();
String refreshedToken = "";//add your user refresh tokens who are logged in with firebase.
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
Step 3: Create one async task which sends notifications to all devices.
public void sendMessage(final JSONArray recipients, final String title, final String body, final String icon, final String message) {
new AsyncTask<String, String, String>() {
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
try {
JSONObject root = new JSONObject();
JSONObject notification = new JSONObject();
notification.put("body", body);
notification.put("title", title);
notification.put("icon", icon);
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.put("message", message);
root.put("notification", notification);
root.put("data", data);
root.put("registration_ids", recipients);
String result = postToFCM(root.toString());
Log.d("Main Activity", "Result: " + result);
return result;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
try {
JSONObject resultJson = new JSONObject(result);
int success, failure;
success = resultJson.getInt("success");
failure = resultJson.getInt("failure");
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Message Success: " + success + "Message Failed: " + failure, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} catch (JSONException e) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Message Failed, Unknown error occurred.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
String postToFCM(String bodyString) throws IOException {
public static final String FCM_MESSAGE_URL = "https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send";
final MediaType JSON
= MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, bodyString);
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "key=" + "your server key")
Response response = mClient.newCall(request).execute();
return response.body().string();
Step 4 : Call in onclick of your button
btnSend.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
sendMessage(jsonArray,"Hello","How r u","Http:\\google.com","My Name is Vishal");
