Is there a way I can pull unique links into a Data Studio report? - google-sheets

I'm self thought in data studio and am currently creating a database of all my companies customers. As a part of this database, I want our sales team to have access to all of the customers past and current information. This includes a unique link to a companies profile. We work off Google Sheets so I have a google sheets document with the customers information including the unique link. This would currently be fore 1,700 customers so I can't do them manually!
I want to make a nice button that would say "Customer profile" which would be created from this unique hyperlink. The only way I can figure out doing this is by using a one cell table and having the long hyperlink displayed. Is there a way I can use an image to create a unique button when the database is filtered? I.E if I filter the database to show company X's information a button will have their profile pulled from the sheet.
Additionally (a lesser question because it's more for ease instead of functionality), there is a form that our sales team can fill out during the call which I currently have embedded. Is there a way to embed a JotForm form through google sheets also? It means we would be able to pre-populate the form and the sales-person wouldn't have to waste time filling out a customer reference or company name etc.
Any help would be really appreciated! Please let me know if any more information is needed.

This is only an answer to your first question.
You can create a Calculated Field in your data source.
Let's say that you have "Company_Name" and "Website_URL" fields in your data source. Calculated Field will look like this:
Then you name this field for example "Company_Website_Link" and add this to your work.


data entry form in google sheet for multiple users not working when accessed simultaneously

I've created form in google sheet, so that multiple users can add data, modify & delete.
However, it is not working properly when multiple users are working on it simultaneously.
For an example, two people are working on the sheet. User A and User B. If user A is typing something user B is also able to see and user B will be able to enter the detail, but it will change the details which are being entered by user A. Technically same sheet is opened for both the users and details keeps on changing what users are changing.
Ideally, if user A is entering some details user B should not be able to see it and form should be blank or unique for user B, so that both the data won't clash. I want it to be like the way google form is there wherein form will be blank when any user is opening it. (I have tried google form for my work, but as there are too many drop downs google form takes time to load and work gets slow that the reason I am trying to find the option in google sheet).
google sheet link
Above is the google sheet which you can open and check the form and coding. Also, please test it with a different id to test for multiple users.
Let me know if there is any workaround for this. Also, let me know if you need any other details.
This just isn't possible. Sheets is meant to be a collaborative tool; what's edited by one person will always show up for others. You need to use a different tool, for example like a Google form for data entry, but having data not being edited in other open versions is just not workaroundable.

I want to check information contained in a Google sheet, as the respondent is completing a form

We are using forms to allow people (staff) to book equipment out of a store, self service. We record who took what, and when they book it back in. They are asked if the tool condition is good, and if not, are taken to another part of the form to select a fault category. I record this information in the linked sheet.
so my question is can I read the information in the "fault" column of the linked sheet for that item ID, and generate a message to the form user such as "This item has been reported as faulty - please do not use it!" etc etc
If I could script the form so that it scans the linked sheet in the relevant column / row for the item they are trying to scan out, and then warn them that is has an entry in the "Fault" column, that would be perfect. Ideally as they scan the barcode of the item they are taking, before submitting the form, but after submit would be fine too.
I have searched widely and not yet found a solution
Since the only triggers which are available for Forms are the onOpen, onInstall and onFormSubmit, this cannot be done directly.
Possible solutions
1. You can develop your own form
This can be done by using Apps Script & HTML & JavaScript and creating your own Sheets add-on which will interract with the sheet you have in order to check the status of the tool.
2. You can programmatically update either the question name or the form description in order to include the accepted values for the question regarding the tools.
This can be done by creating a script attached to the sheet and using the onEdit(). So whenever a change is made in the tools section for example, this new data can be gathered as a string and update the fields to contain the updated values for the tools.
Apps Script Simple Triggers;
Extending G Suite with Add-ons.

Google Sheets - Make a tab change not visible to other users

I am trying to work on a google sheet where one Tab will be an entry form and another will be a database. I need the form to be used by multiple users. Currently the Form tab displays all changes to other users so multiple users cannot use it at the same time.
Is there a way to allow 1 user to see their own entries and a 2nd user to see different entries. When they press my button it should record their individual entries on the database tab.
I cannot use Google Forms for this project due to the complexity of the form and the need for cascading drop-down lists and dynamically available information on the form.
After researching extensively, the answer to my question is that there does not seem to be a good way of doing this.
My final approach was to create a tab for each user with the calculations, cascading dropdowns, and buttons/scripts that affected their specific sheet and recorded data on the database tab based on their specific sheet.
Hopefully, this helps the next guy who is searching for this answer. If anyone has found a way to solve this, let me know so I can test and give you credit for solving what I could not.

Writing a Custom Script

Does anyone know how to write a script that will allow me to have a list become visible based on the text in a particular cell in my sheet?
Here is what I am trying to do: I am trying to create personalized book lists for my students based on the specific classes they are enrolled in. So, when I choose the class, I would like the book list to automatically populate so that I can create a list for each student without much time involved for each student. Also, some classes may involve multiple books, so these would need to be on separate lines in the spreadsheet. Is this even possible?
I hope this will help you just go your sheet Data -> Validation then you can create Dropdownbox so to achieve your requirement create two sheet in your working sheet then give validation finally do a connection with classes and books

How to dynamically populate Jira custom fields?

I'm new to the Jira admin side of things after having used it in a previous company as an end-user for several years. We are using the standard Jira workflow. The scenario I'm struggling with is the following. I'm attempting to match some of the functionality of our old-proprietary issue database. Right now I'm using many of the standard Jira fields, with only two new custom fields (both single Select Lists populated manually by me):
1) Customer = customer name who sent the new issue email to our support team
2) Customer Contact = the main customer contact, currently populated by the custom list
I created these two custom fields because we have external customers who call or email issues they have using our hosted software. Currently our system creates a simple new issue when a customer sends an email to our support email account. Our support team then goes in and cleans up the data and makes sure that all the required Jira fields have data, the comments are good, reproducible steps, etc. (Currently we do not strip out the customer domain name to auto-populate the Customer custom field, but I might try doing that soon.)
Our support team is asking that I add the following two new customer fields:
3) Customer phone number
4) Customer connection / login info
What I would like to implement is a system that goes something like this:
Customer name gets inputted (either automatically by grabbing domain name of customer email address or manually by our support team) into the Customer custom field. Customer name selected should be "pushed" into the Customer Contact Select List to help sub-select values for that particular customer.
The Customer Contact Select list should be "smart" or dynamic in that some pre-processing is done where the Customer name is grabbed so that it doesn't show ALL customers contacts for the tech support person to select, it just shows them the customer contacts for the customer that was selected.
Along with the filtered customer contacts, I would want to only see the Customer phone number for the contact that was populated in the Customer Contact select list.
And finally I would want to see the Customer connection information for the particular Customer that was selected.I've done this type of smart combo boxes in the past when I created Java / Database applications, so I have a feeling that this is possible in Jira. I'm just looking for the easiest way to implement this. It seems like there might be some external plugins that might help do this (ex. the values for the Custom fields are stored in a database table so they can be queried and the proper filtered result sets can be populated into the select lists.), or maybe using post functions (update issue), etc. But before I spent more effort investigating, I know this sort of thing has to be somewhere common and wanted to ask the Jira admin experts what the best practice would be for this type of functionality in custom fields. Please share your experience with how to solve this type of scenario. Thanks in advance!
Here is the way that tells how to import multiple options at once. Probably that would help u.
and here is the complete code to update another select list using new select list.
How to add new values to select list field in jira dynamically or using plug-in
