Mounting volumes between host (MacOs BigSur) and podman VM - docker

In my company we switched to Podman due to docker latest change in policies. My colleagues who use Windows with WSL2 switched seamlessly.
Me, who uses MacOs BigSur v.11.6.2 face the following issue:
$ podman machine init -v /Users:/mnt/Users
$ podman machine start
I get the following error
$ Starting machine "podman-machine-default"
$ INFO[0000] waiting for clients...
$ INFO[0000] new connection from to /var/folders/4z/9v__6yld4d7fzmbxm8trl1sh0000gn/T/podman/qemu_podman-machine-default.sock
$ Waiting for VM ...
$ qemu-system-x86_64: -virtfs local,path=/Users/Dimitrii_Meritsidi/Documents/spbh_exus/git/cdp_airflow_local_environment,mount_tag=vol0,security_model=mapped-xattr: There is no option group 'virtfs'
$ qemu-system-x86_64: -virtfs local,path=/Users/Dimitrii_Meritsidi/Documents/spbh_exus/git/cdp_airflow_local_environment,mount_tag=vol0,security_model=mapped-xattr: virtfs support is disabled
I have read that MacOs Bigsur doesn't support virtfs. What are the possible solutions here? I have found probable workaround with Vmware Fusion, however it is also on paid subscription.
The reason I need to use this mounting is because we use docker-compose.yml with volumes for launching local airflow.

podman machine init --volume /Users --volume /Volumes

To allow volume mounts on MacOS, podman machine needs to be created with access to the folder from which you are going to attempt to mount sub-folders, so it would have access to it.
Is likely that most MacOS users would only want to mount from within their home directory, so machine should be created like below:
podman machine init --now --cpus=4 --memory=4096 -v $HOME:$HOME
I wrote a guide for podman on macos at which you might find useful.


What's the relationship among "Docker Toolbox", "docker-machine" and "Docker Container"

I am totally new to docker and recently I follow "The Docker Book" from James to learn about docker by myself. The OS I am using is OSX. The tool I am using to run docker is Docker Desktop for Mac (BTW, Is that a docker-toolbox I am using?).
When I follow the book to run the following code:
$ sudo docker run --log-driver="syslog" --name daemon_dwayne -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"
The terminal returns:
docker: Error response from daemon: failed to initialize logging driver: Unix syslog delivery error.
So I tried to use docker-machine ssh to connect to the Docker Toolbox VM, but the terminal returns:
Error: No machine name(s) specified and no "default" machine exists
After that I downloaded the Boot2Docker iso file and successfully created a docker-machine named "dev".
So the first question is: **Is there already an internal
docker-machine before I created that "dev"?
If not, why can I run a ubuntu docker container before creating dev?
So I think clarify these concepts would be helpful:
"Docker Toolbox"
"Docker Container"
I thought the "Docker toolbox" is a software running on Mac/PC that contains a Linux VM. So that we can create "Docker containers" on that VM.
But what is "docker-machine"? And what's the relationship between a "docker-machine" and that "Linux VM" running on my OS?
Could anyone please help me with these concepts?
Docker Toolbox, (DT for short) is the Docker package (or "software") that is now superseded by Docker Desktop (DD) (for Win or Mac). You don't need (or probably shouldn't have at all, DT installed at the same time as DD. It may or may not cause conflicts, I'm not sure.).
DT creates upon installation a default VM via VirtualBox; if you didn't do a full install of DT that's why you don't have a 'default machine'. The Boot2docker.iso is also part of DT, but not DD.
docker container is just a command in docker to manage your containers. "docker" being the executable program itself, while "container" is on of it's arguments. Do a docker container --help for more details.
docker-machine is the executable program that is part of DT; but not part of DD. Once you remove the older DT you no longer need to use any docker-machine calls, as those are now all available via different commands in DD.
Regarding your error, have a look at :
You may also want to give docker exec a try in this case as well, if you're just wanting to fire off some simple commands:
I know it's a lot to absorb at first, and confusing; I'm about a year and a half in myself and remember the same confusion, but once you get the hang of it it's pretty easy, and very cool. =)

How to navigate to docker volumes folders on the host machine [duplicate]

I´m looking for the folder /var/lib/docker on my Mac after installing docker for Mac.
With docker info I get
Containers: 5
Server Version: 1.12.0-rc4
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Dirs: 339
Dirperm1 Supported: true
Name: moby
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
But I don´t have a directory /var/lib/docker on my host.
I have checked /Users/myuser/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/ but couldn´t find anything there. Any idea where it is located?
As mentioned in the above answers, you will find it in:
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/tty
Once you get the tty running you can navigate to /var/lib/docker
As of 2021 is the dance going, Mac Users get easily to the VM with the documented methods, and hence to the volumes.
There's a way Rocky Chen found to get inside the VM in Mac. With this you can actually inspect the famous /var/lib/docker/volumes.
docker run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh
Let examine the method:
-it goes for Keep STDIN open even if not attached + Allocate pseudo-TTY
--privileged "gives all capabilities to the container. Allows special cases like running docker" .
--pid defines to use the host VM namespace.
debian the actual image to use.
nsenter a debian's tool to run programs in different namespaces
-t is the target PID
-m mount the provided PID namespace.
-u enter the Unix Time Sharing (UTS) namespace.
-n enter the provided PID network namespace.
-i enter the provided PID IPC namespace.
Once run, go to /var/lib/docker/volumes/and you'll find your volumes.
The next question to address for me is:
How to take those volumes and back them up in the host?
I appreciate ideas in the comments!
If you downloaded the Official Docker extension, sun will shine for you.
Just inspect the volumes in Visual Studio Code. Right-click the files you want to have in your local, and download them. That easy!
As of July 2021, Docker Desktop for Mac is announcing we will be able to access volumes directly from the GUI, but only for Pro and Team accounts.
The other answers here are outdated if you're using Docker for Mac.
Here's how I was able to get into the VM. Run the command:
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/tty
This is the default path, but you may need to first do:
cd ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms
and then ls to see which directory your VM is in and replace the "0" accordingly.
When you're in, you might just see a blank screen. Hit your "Enter" key.
This page explains that to exit from the VM you need to "Ctrl-a" then "d"
See this answer
When using Docker for Mac Application, it appears that the containers are stored within the VM located at:
Just as #Dmitriy said:
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/tty
and can use ctrl a + d to detach the screen
and use screen -dr to re-attach the screen again(since if you simply attach screen again, the terminal text will be garbled.)
or if you want to exit, use ctrl + a + k,then choose y to kill the screen.
some what of a zombie thread but as I just found it here is another solution that doesn't need screen nor messes up shell etc.
The path listed from a docker volume inspect <vol_name>
returns the path for the container, something like:
"Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/coap_service_db_data/_data"
the _data component being the last component of the path you setup in the volumes: section of the service using a given volume eg:
- db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data , obvs your mileage will vary.
To get there on the mac the easiest method I have found is to actually start a small container running and mount the root of the host to the /docker directory in the image, this gives you access to the volumes used on the host.
docker run --rm -it -v /:/docker alpine:edge
from this point you can cd to the volume
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/coap_service_db_data/_data
I think the new version of docker (my version is 20.10.5) uses socket instead of TTY to communicate with the virtual machine so you can use the nc command instead of the screen command.
nc -U ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/debug-shell.sock
Looks like the new version of docker for Mac has moved this to a UI element which you can see here. Clicking on that button which says CLI will launch a terminal which you can use to browse the docker file system.
docker run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -a bash
ls /var/lib/docker
For MacOS I use the following steps:
login into docker virtual-machine (on MacOS docker can be run only inside virtual machine, in my case I have VirtualBox tool with docker VM): docker-machine ssh
as soon as I logged-in I need to switch to super user from docker user: sudo -i
now I'm able to check /var/lib/docker directory
I would say that the file:
Is actually at:
If you run this, it should prove it, as long as your running VirtualBox 5.2.8 or later and the share for /Volumes is setup to be auto-mounted and permanent AND you generated the default docker-machine while on that version of Virtualbox:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 9000:9000 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock portainer/portainer \
Then, access Portainer at: or localhost:9000
This path comes from Docker Host (not from MacOS)
before "Docker for Mac Application" times, where there was a VirtualBox VM "default" and inside this VM, the mentioned path exists (for sure), now in "Docker for Mac Application" times there is a Docker.qcow2 image, which is qemu base vm.
To jump inside this VM #mik-jagger way is ok (but there are few more)
Docker logs are not in /var/lib/docker on MacOS.
MacOs users can find the docker logs on this path;
job_name: docker
job: dockerlogs
path: (Please put the path)
docker: {}

How to access the VM created by docker's HyperKit?

Docker for Mac uses a Linux VM created by HyperKit for storing and running containers on Mac.
With Docker Toolbox, I can just open VirtualBox and access the docker-machine VM. But with Docker for Mac, how do I access the VM created by HyperKit?
Update 2019-01-31, thanks to ru10's update, now there is a better way:
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/tty
Original Answer:
After a while, I found following way to get a shell of the VM that was created by HyperKit:
Run from terminal:
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
You will see an empty screen, then type enter, you will get a login prompt. Login as root and hit enter, you will get a shell (no password), you will gett the shell:
To exit the session, type Ctrl-A k (then y to confirm).
It is a little bit hacky, but it seems to work for now (Sep 2016) (Sep 2017).
Mac OS High Sierra Docker version 18.06.0-ce-mac70 (26399)
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/tty
instead of
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
According to this GitHub issue comment by a Docker maintainer, the recommended way to access the VM is through a privileged docker container.
Try logging into the VM: (I recommend this instead of using screen on the TTY)
$ docker run -it --privileged --pid=host justincormack/nsenter1
In fact, the answer from augurar is the only working as of 2021 as smammy says, the other options are deprecated.
$ docker run -it --privileged --pid=host justincormack/nsenter1
was the right answer and worked for me in MacOS Big Sur as of July 2021.
I'm using docker desktop 4.7.1 on Mac. As mentioned, some of the good solutions proposed above does not work on newer docker desktop (tty link is gone).
I preferred the solution of Smammy which does not involve using image from unverified publisher (image: justincormack/nsenter1, though the image comes from a docker maintainer and the repository has a lot of stars), especially when it needs to run the docker with '--privileged' flag which grant the docker full access to the host machine.
This worked for me (using busybox image, which contains nsenter utility):
docker run -it --rm --privileged --pid=host busybox nsenter -t1 -m -u -i -n
you can find explanation of the command at (and similar suggestion, using debian image instead of busybox)
another solution proposed there (but less convenient, as it does not have auto-completion) is to use netcat
nc -U ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/debug-shell.sock

Error in Docker: bad address to executables

I'm trying to something with Docker.
Steps I'm doing:
- Launch Docker Quickstart Terminal
- run docker run hello-world
Then I get error like:
bash: /c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox/docker: Bad address
I have to say that I was able to run hello-world image, but now I'm not. I don't know what happend.
I don't know if it matters however I had some problems at instalation step.
Since I have git installed in non standard location. However it seems git bash.exe working correctly for Docker.
My environment:
Windows 10
Git 2.5.0 (installed before Docker)
Docker Toolbox 1.9.1a
I have the same issue with bash: /c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox/docker: Bad address
I thought the problems is "bash doesn't support docker.exe".
SO I fix this problem by use powershell ,not the bash.
and if you use powershell maybe face this
An error occurred trying to connect: Get http://localhost:2375/v1.21/containers/json: dial tcp ConnectExenter code here
tcp: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
You can export variable from bash use export and import to powershell by this below
$env:DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH="C:\\Program Files\\Docker Toolbox"
that's all
ps:I found this problem fixed by update git from 2.5.0 to 2.6.3.
Not entirely sure what the issue is, report it to the project on github. I find the docker mac and windows tools a bit flakey from time to time as they are still maturing. If you don't mind seeing what's underneath, you can try running docker-machine directly or set up your own host pretty quickly with Vagrant.
Docker Machine
Run a command or bash prompt to see what machines you have.
docker-machine ls
Create a machine if you don't have one listed
docker-machine create -d "virtualbox" default-docker
Then connect to the listed machine (or default-docker)
docker-machine ssh default-docker
If that doesn't work you can always use vagrant to manage VM's
Install VirtualBox (Which you probably have already if you installed the toolbox)
Reinstall Git, make sure you select the option for adding ALL the tools to your system PATH (for vagrant ssh)
Install Vagrant
Run a command or bash prompt
mkdir docker
cd docker
vagrant init debian/jessie64
vagrant up --provider virtualbox
Then to connect to your docker host you can run (from the same docker directory you created above)
vagrant ssh
Now your on the docker host, Install the latest docker the first time
curl | sudo sh
Now you have either a vagrant or docker-machine host up, you can docker away after that.
sudo docker run -ti busybox bash
You could also use PuTTY to connect to vagrant machines instead of installing git/ssh and running vagrant ssh. It provides a nicer shell experience but it requires some manual setup of the ssh connections.

How to use --volume option with Docker Toolbox on Windows?

How can I share a folder between my Windows files and a docker container, by mounting a volume with simple --volume command using Docker Toolbox on?
I'm using "Docker Quickstart Terminal" and when I try this:
winpty docker run -it --rm --volume /C/Users/myuser:/myuser ubuntu
I have this error:
Invalid value "C:\\Users\\myuser\\:\\myuser" for flag --volume: bad mount mode specified : \myuser
See 'docker run --help'.
Following this, I also tried
winpty docker run -it --rm --volume "//C/Users/myuser:/myuser" ubuntu
and got
Invalid value "\\\\C:\\Users\\myuser\\:\\myuser" for flag --volume: \myuser is not an absolute path
See 'docker run --help'.
This is an improvement of the selected answer because that answer is limited to c:\Users folder. If you want to create a volume using a directory outside of c:\Users this is an extension.
In windows 7, I used docker toolbox. It used Virtual Box.
Open virtual box
Select the machine (in my case default).
Right clicked and select settings option
Go to Shared Folders
Include a new machine folder.
For example, in my case I have included:
**Name**: c:\dev
**Path**: c/dev
Click and close
Open "Docker Quickstart Terminal" and restart the docker machine.
Use this command:
$ docker-machine restart
To verify that it worked, following these steps:
SSH to the docker machine.
Using this command:
$ docker-machine ssh
Go to the folder that you have shared/mounted.
In my case, I use this command
$ cd /c/dev
Check the user owner of the folder. You could use "ls -all" and verify that the owner will be "docker"
You will see something like this:
docker#default:/c/dev$ ls -all
total 92
drwxrwxrwx 1 docker staff 4096 Feb 23 14:16 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 80 Feb 24 09:01 ../
drwxrwxrwx 1 docker staff 4096 Jan 16 09:28 my_folder/
In that case, you will be able to create a volume for that folder.
You can use these commands:
docker create -v /c/dev/:/app/dev --name dev image
docker run -d -it --volumes-from dev image
docker run -d -it -v /c/dev/:/app/dev image
Both commands work for me. I hope this will be useful.
This is actually an issue of the project and there are 2 working workarounds:
Creating a data volume:
docker create -v //c/Users/myuser:/myuser --name data hello-world
winpty docker run -it --rm --volumes-from data ubuntu
SSHing directly in the docker host:
docker-machine ssh default
And from there doing a classic:
docker run -it --rm --volume /c/Users/myuser:/myuser ubuntu
If you are looking for the solution that will resolve all the Windows issues and make it work on the Windows OS in the same way as on Linux, then see below. I tested this and it works in all cases. I’m showing also how I get it (the steps and thinking process). I've also wrote an article about using Docker and dealing with with docker issues here.
Solution 1: Use VirtualBox (if you think it's not good idea see Solution 2 below)
Open VirtualBox (you have it already installed along with the docker tools)
Create virtual machine
(This is optional, you can skip it and forward ports from the VM) Create second ethernet card - bridged, this way it will receive IP address from your network (it will have IP like docker machine)
Install Ubuntu LTS which is older than 1 year
Install docker
Add shared directories to the virtual machine and automount your project directories (this way you have access to the project directory from Ubuntu) but still can work in Windows
Everything is working the same way as on Linux
Pause/Unpause the dockerized environment whenever you want
Solution 2: Use VirtualBox (this is very similar to the solution 1 but it shows also the thinking process, which might be usefull when solving similar issues)
Read that somebody move the folders to /C/Users/Public and that works
Try it, realize that it doesn’t have much sense in your case.
Read entire page here and try all solutions listed on page
Find this page (the one you are reading now) and try all the solutions from other comments
Find somewhere information that setting COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1 environment variable might solve the issue.
Stop looking for the solution for few months
Go back and check the same links again
Cry deeply
Feel the enlightenment moment
Open VirtualBox (you have it already installed along with the docker tools)
Create virtual machine with second ethernet card - bridged, this way it will receive IP address from your network (it will have IP like docker machine)
Install Ubuntu LTS which is very recent (not older than few months)
Notice that the automounting is not really working and the integration is broken (like clipboard sharing etc.)
Delete virtual machine
Go out and have a drink
Rent expensive car and go with high speed on highway
Destroy the car and die
Respawn in front of your PC
Install Ubuntu LTS which is older than 1 year
Try to run docker
Notice it’s not installed
Install docker by apt-get install docker
Install suggested
Try to run docker-compose
Notice it’s not installed
apt get install docker-compose
Try to run your project with docker-compose
Notice that it’s old version
Check your power level (it should be over 9000)
Search how to install latest version of docker and find the official guide
Uninstall the current docker-compose and
Install docker using the official guide
Add shared directories to the virtual machine and automount your project directories (this way you have access to the project directory from Ubuntu, so you can run any docker command)
As of August 2016 Docker for windows now uses hyper-v directly instead of virtualbox, so I think it is a little different. First share the drive in settings then use the C: drive letter format, but use forward slashes. For instance I created an H:\t\REDIS directory and was able to see it mounted on /data in the container with this command:
docker run -it --rm -v h:/t/REDIS:/data redis sh
The same format, using drive letter and a colon then forward slashes for the path separator worked both from windows command prompt and from git bash.
I found this question googling to find an answer, but I couldn't find anything that worked. Things would seem to work with no errors being thrown, but I just couldn't see the data on the host (or vice-versa). Finally I checked out the settings closely and tried the format they show:
So first, you have to share the whole drive to the docker vm in settings here, I think that gives the 'docker-machine' vm running in hyper-v access to that drive. Then you have to use the format shown there, which seems to only exist in this one image and in no documentation or questions I could find on the web:
docker run --rm -v c:/Users:/data alpine ls /data
Simply using double leading slashes worked for me on Windows 7:
docker run --rm -v //c/Users:/data alpine ls /data/
Taken from here:
Try this:
Open Docker Quickstart Terminal. If it is already open, run $ cd ~ to make sure you are in Windows user directory.
$ docker run -it -v /$(pwd)/ubuntu:/windows ubuntu
It will work if the error is due to typo. You will get an empty folder named ubuntu in your user directory. You will see this folder with the name windows in your ubuntu container.
For those using Virtual Box who prefer command-line approach
1) Make sure the docker-machine is not running
Docker Quickstart Terminal:
docker-machine stop
2) Create the sharing Windows <-> docker-machine
Windows command prompt:
(Modify following to fit your scenario. I feed my Apache httpd container from directory synced via Dropbox.)
set VBOX=D:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe
set VM_NAME=default
set NAME=c/htdocs
"%VBOX%" sharedfolder add "%VM_NAME%" --name "%NAME%" --hostpath "%HOSTPATH%" --automount
3) Start the docker-machine and mount the volume in a new container
Docker Quickstart Terminal:
(Again, I am starting an Apache httpd container, hence that port exposing.)
docker-machine start
docker run -d --name my-apache-container-0 -p 80:80 -v /c/htdocs:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs my-apache-image:1.0
share folders virtualBox toolbox and windows 7 and nodejs image container
Docker Quickstart Terminal [QST]
Windows Explorer [WE]
lets start...
[QST] open Docker Quickstart Terminal
[QST] stop virtual-machine
$ docker-machine stop
[WE] open a windows explorer
[WE] go to the virtualBox installation dir
[WE] open a cmd and execute...
C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage sharedfolder add "default" --name
"/d/SVN_FOLDERS/X2R2_WP6/nodejs" --hostpath "\?\d:\SVN_FOLDERS\X2R2_WP6\nodejs" --automount
check in the oracle virtual machine, that the new shared folder has appeared
[QST] start virtual-machine
$ docker-machine start
[QST] run container nodejs
docker stop nodejs
docker rm nodejs
docker run -d -it --rm --name nodejs -v /d/SVN_FOLDERS/X2R2_WP6/nodejs:/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node2
[QST] open bash to the container
docker exec -i -t nodejs /bin/bash
[QST] execute dir and you will see the shared files
I solved it!
Add a volume:
docker run -d -v my-named-volume:C:\MyNamedVolume testimage:latest
Mount a host directory:
docker run -d -v C:\Temp\123:C:\My\Shared\Dir testimage:latest
