Multilabel Classification of concatenated images - image-processing

I'm working on a side project based on multi-label classification. We consider images of 64x64 pixels made up of 4 thumbnails of 32x32 pixels that was randomly added together. The thumbnails are taken from the Cifar10 database, ending up with 40k train images, and 20k test images.
The initial goal of multi class classification becomes multilabel classification. Here is an example of the dataset.
The problem is that I tried a lot of things and the pure accuracy of the model doesn't exceed 1%, whereas the loss decreases.
Here is what I tried:
balancing the dataset ( same proportion of images regarding the class inside the image ).
Data augmentation up to 200k images in the train
Transfer Learning with dozens of models with/without fine tuning, and changed the last layer.
changing the multilabel problem to a multi class problem, I ended up with 385 classes that contains all the combinations ( I think ) of the images.
convolution 2D with a stride of 32 and a kernel size of 32x32.
Visio Transformer.
Trying dozens of optimizers, with different learning rate using a learning scheduler.
I'm pretty sure that the delimitation between the thumbnails is a problem for the convolution kernel because of the decor relation of the thumbnails in their corners.
I'm out of ideas that was I'm asking this question.


Reducing pixels in large data set (sklearn)

Im currently working on a classification project but I'm in doubt about how I should start off.
Accurately classifying pictures of size 80*80 (so 6400 pixels) in the correct class (binary).
5260 training samples, 600 test samples
As there are more pixels than samples, it seems logic to me to 'drop' most of the pixels and only look at the important ones before I even start working out a classification method (like SVM, KNN etc.).
Say the training data consists of X_train (predictors) and Y_train (outcomes). So far, I've tried looking at the SelectKBest() method from sklearn for feature extraction. But what would be the best way to use this method and to know how many k's I've actually got to select?
It could also be the case that I'm completely on the wrong track here, so correct me if I'm wrong or suggest an other approach to this if possible.
You are suggesting to reduce the dimension of your feature space. That is a method of regularization to reduce overfitting. You haven't mentioned overfitting is an issue so I would test that first. Here are some things I would try:
Use transfer learning. Take a pretrained network for image recognition tasks and fine tune it to your dataset. Search for transfer learning and you'll find many resources.
Train a convolutional neural network on your dataset. CNNs are the go-to method for machine learning on images. Check for overfitting.
If you want to reduce the dimensionality of your dataset, resize the image. Going from 80x80 => 40x40 will reduce the number of pixels by 4x, assuming your task doesn't depend on fine details of the image you should maintain classification performance.
There are other things you may want to consider but I would need to know more about your problem and its requirements.

Caffe accuracy increases too fast

I'm doing a AlexNet fine tuning for face detection following this: link
The only difference with the link is that I am using another dataset (facescrub and some images from imagenet as negative examples).
I noticed the accuracy increasing too fast, in 50 iterations it goes from 0.308 to 0.967 and when it is about 0.999 I stop the training and use the model using the same python script as the above link.
I use for testing an image from the dataset and the result is nowhere near good, test image result. As you can see the box in the faces is too big (and the dataset images are tightly cropped), not to mention the box not containing a face.
My solver and train_val files are exactly the same, only difference is batch sizes and max iter size.
The reason was that my dataset has way more face examples than non-face examples. I tried the same setup with the same number of positive and negative examples and now the accuracy increases slower.

How can I train a naivebayes classifier incrementally?

Using Accord.NET I've created a NaiveBayes classifier. It will classify a pixel based on 6 or so sets of image processing results. My images are 5MP, so a training set of 50 images creates a very large set of training data.
6 int array per pixel * 5 million pixels * 50 images.
Instead of trying to store all that data in memory, is there a way to incrementally train the NaiveBayes classifier? Calling Learn() multiple times overwrites the old data each time rather than adding to it.
Right now is not possible to train a Naive Bayes model incrementally using Accord.NET.
However, since all that Naive Bayes is going to do is to try to fit some distributions to your data, and since your data has very few dimensions, maybe you could try to learn your model on a subsample of your data rather than all of it at once.
When you go loading images to build your training set, you can try to randomly discard x% of the pixels in each image. You can also plot the classifier accuracy for different values of x to find the best balance between memory and accuracy for your model (hint: for such a small model and this large amount of training data, I expect that it wont make that much of a difference even if you dropped 50% of your data).

Poor performance on digit recognition with CNN trained on MNIST dataset

I trained a CNN (on tensorflow) for digit recognition using MNIST dataset.
Accuracy on test set was close to 98%.
I wanted to predict the digits using data which I created myself and the results were bad.
What I did to the images written by me?
I segmented out each digit and converted to grayscale and resized the image into 28x28 and fed to the model.
How come that I get such low accuracy on my data set where as such high accuracy on test set?
Are there other modifications that i'm supposed to make to the images?
Here is the link to the images and some examples:
Excluding bugs and obvious errors, my guess would be that your problem is that you are capturing your hand written digits in a way that is too different from your training set.
When capturing your data you should try to mimic as much as possible the process used to create the MNIST dataset:
From the oficial MNIST dataset website:
The original black and white (bilevel) images from NIST were size
normalized to fit in a 20x20 pixel box while preserving their aspect
ratio. The resulting images contain grey levels as a result of the
anti-aliasing technique used by the normalization algorithm. the
images were centered in a 28x28 image by computing the center of mass
of the pixels, and translating the image so as to position this point
at the center of the 28x28 field.
If your data has a different processing in the training and test phases then your model is not able to generalize from the train data to the test data.
So I have two advices for you:
Try to capture and process your digit images so that they look as similar as possible to the MNIST dataset;
Add some of your examples to your training data to allow your model to train on images similar to the ones you are classifying;
For those still have a hard time with the poor quality of CNN based models for MNIST:
Normalization was the key.

Digit Recognition on CNN

I am testing printed digits (0-9) on a Convolutional Neural Network. It is giving 99+ % accuracy on the MNIST Dataset, but when I tried it using fonts installed on computer (Ariel, Calibri, Cambria, Cambria math, Times New Roman) and trained the images generated by fonts (104 images per font(Total 25 fonts - 4 images per font(little difference)) the training error rate does not go below 80%, i.e. 20% accuracy. Why?
Here is "2" number Images sample -
I resized every image 28 x 28.
Here is more detail :-
Training data size = 28 x 28 images.
Network parameters - As LeNet5
Architecture of Network -
Input Layer -28x28
| Convolutional Layer - (Relu Activation);
| Pooling Layer - (Tanh Activation)
| Convolutional Layer - (Relu Activation)
| Local Layer(120 neurons) - (Relu)
| Fully Connected (Softmax Activation, 10 outputs)
This works, giving 99+% accuracy on MNIST. Why is so bad with computer-generated fonts? A CNN can handle lot of variance in data.
I see two likely problems:
Preprocessing: MNIST is not only 28px x 28px, but also:
The original black and white (bilevel) images from NIST were size normalized to fit in a 20x20 pixel box while preserving their aspect ratio. The resulting images contain grey levels as a result of the anti-aliasing technique used by the normalization algorithm. the images were centered in a 28x28 image by computing the center of mass of the pixels, and translating the image so as to position this point at the center of the 28x28 field.
Source: MNIST website
MNIST has 60,000 training examples and 10,000 test examples. How many do you have?
Did you try dropout (see paper)?
Did you try dataset augmentation techniques? (e.g. slightly shifting the image, probably changing the aspect ratio a bit, you could also add noise - however, I don't think those will help)
Did you try smaller networks? (And how big are your filters / how many filters do you have?)
Interesting idea! Did you try simply applying the trained MNIST network on your data? What are the results?
It may be an overfitting problem. It could happen when your network is too complex for the problem to resolve.
Check this article:
It definitely looks like an issue of overfitting. I see that you have two convolution layers, two max pooling layers and two fully connected. But how many weights total? You only have 96 examples per class, which is certainly smaller than the number of weights you have in your CNN. Remember that you want at least 5 times more instances in your training set than weights in your CNN.
You have two solutions to improve your CNN:
Shake each instance in the training set. You each number about 1 pixel around. It will already multiply your training set by 9.
Use a transformer layer. It will add an elastic deformation to each number at each epoch. It will strengthen a lot the learning by artificially increase your training set. Moreover, it will make it much more effective to predict other fonts.
